Is Dick Matterson Sup Forums in Human Form?

Is he dare I say our guy?

>Not afraid to Redpill in public
>Redpilled as fuck
>Cool as fuck
>Goes on Doctor Phil a redpilled show

Dick Matterson is literally Sup Forums in human form, I bet he browses here. Does anyone else agree?

Other urls found in this thread:

who calls his son Dick?
let's call him penis and laugh at him now


old, over posted, saged

Sup Forums is not MGTOW - he's close, takes/drops redpills aplenty but nobody I would ever advocate as a personification of this forum.

No, Ali G is Sup Forums in human form.

He's a dingdong sometimes but not retarded enough to be Sup Forums's guy

It's a classic Western name.

No, he's a beta lashing out. That's not what you should strive to be.

breddy gud

looks like a manlet

That's a blast from the past. What's he up to nowadays?

Ali G is a liberal

We are MGTOW

He's an ALPHA

no one trying to maintain a social life in LA can be /ourguy/
also didn't he just have Lowtax from SA on his show?

He posted on here not too long ago so yes he is one of /ourguy/s


Dick masterson is a character played by a satire artist.

>Sup Forums is not MGTOW
Sup Forums is definitely MGTOW

Wait really? What post?

Ye but he's a retard just like the majority here

Alphas don't talk about being better, they just are.

What he's saying is true, but being a showoff is a form of weakness.

Good lord, what a fucking asshole.

>Dick Masterson first became noticed for his satirical work, Men Are Better Than Women. Dick became famous from his appearances on the Dr. Phil show. The producers were unaware of the satirical nature of his website and booked him on a series about chauvinism, where Dick was able to lampoon and insult their efforts to "correct" him.[3]

He makes 20k a month on patreon and does a weekly podcast.

>Drunk and/or high all the time
>Lives downtown LA
I mean don't get me wrong I love listening to his podcast but he's degenerate af

Except Sup Forums is very intelligent

I'm the biggest beta ever, in fact you could say im OMEGA and im far from that. I'm the opposite of a showoff.

Wait, it's satire? I based my whole life now a days off his work.

WTF, how the fuck is Abstinence being a slut.

Gotta be kinda smart to troll your way into fame and 20 grand a month.

>Sup Forums is very intelligent

Most of Sup Forums users are Americans.
Ever argued with an American?
It's like playing chess with a pigeon... whatever move you make, he just flaps around and shits on the board.

Not intelligent.

Isn't that Edward Norton?

You sound like Varg Vikernes. Anyway no the average American has a high IQ.

Dick Chauvinist

Why does he look like he's part of the reno 911 squad?

I don't think MGTOW means what you think it means.

>Wait, it's satire?
it could be.

that's the whole point

say things literally hitler would say
claim you're just being ironic and it's a joke
continue saying literally hitler things, redpilling in mass, no one can stop you.

it's like those comedy news shows. they're all liberal circle jerks and biased as hell.
but it's just a joke bro so it's okay calm down I'm not really swaying public opinion it's just a joke haha

Well I'm MGTOW and won't even touch my dick

His real name is Dax Herrera. Dick Masterson is just his stage name.

(((Ali G)))

I like Dick Masterson a lot but most of what you said is wrong. He's mildly red pilled and Dr Phil sucks ass

We need to demand a follow up interview

>I didn't h-hear you cuz im sure it was something STUPID


hes /ourguy/
he strongly advocated donnie and redpilled a shitton of normies with his comedy. all without limiting the guests to right wing cuckservatives.

MGTOW, from what I have heard, do not promote abstinence but using women for sex. I am fairly certain they are the ones who study the "how to lie to get sex" books and articles. The point is to keep women's claws off of you, not to live as a monk.

>shittalking hitler

mgtow gets made fun of more than any other group here. fuck off, virgins.

this. He's pretty funny but a lot of what he does is satire.

Also sadly he doesnt look like that anymore

Yeah, it gets "made fun of" by a vocal minority of tradcons who don't like people pointing out that men who get married these days are retarded and putting themselves in immense risk for no fucking benefit. Them and just trolls who want (You)'s.

Well personally i am MGTOW and don't even jerk off i don't look at my dick or do anything

Fuck off degenerate

stfu retard

>I bet he browses here

You think?

Dick has a girlfriend and isn't a virgin, so he's not MGTOW.

There are two kinds of "satire." "I'm pretending to be a strawman version of the people I disagree with to ridicule them" satire ala Steven Colbert, and "I'm saying things I pretty much really believe but exaggerating them so it's funny" "satire" which is what Dick does.

you guys know dick comes on here regularly, right? he's brought it up several times on his podcast

Fuck i hate that beady eyed little Jewish faggot and his pathetic little whingey girly voice.

You have a girly voice.

How is this not the same guy?

I still don't know why people found that episode controversial or hated it.

I don't know what he was before that episode but it seemed average.


Sorry, senpai. I'm half Mexican.

And that's the half that's FUCKING WHITE WOMEN! YEAHHHHH!!!

The denial here is so strong. No one wants to join your lonely virgin club.

You really dick matterson? I'm your biggest fan

Everyone is wantsto join but too bad you are a degenerate who probably had sex before lol

Yeah man! I'm your biggest fan.

How did your head get so big?

My dad was cucked by The Great Pumpkin.

If you really are Dick, can you tell the story of what's up with the "Women" problem in episode 100 of TBPITU where you just kind of deadpan delivered some cheap woman gags while Maddox barely said anything? Was there some Maddox fuckery behind the scenes with that?

The shitty gags were the joke, but yeah, beforehand Maddox went on an autistic screeching fit about how I'm costing him his female fans--complete with stats!

"This has never happened to me in my career, Dick. And it's because of how you flirt with female guests."

It wasn't the first time.

For some reason, Maddox has a sick need to get approval from women and pander to them like they're retarded. Maybe it's because his own mother is a dysfunctional gambling addict who openly treats him and his dad like garbage, but what am I a psychologist??

Hello, my name is puybsandkrebs, this is classic name in country, very good.

>complete with stats!

i can totally buy that

I read Maddox's articles when I was a teenager and enjoyed them. I always assumed he was putting on a character. Then when I saw him on camera and also later listening to TBPINU, I realised he wasn't a character but still assumed he was playing it up for his audience. After all the shit that went down between you guys it's evident that he really is just a sad, petty, socially unaware manchild.

You realize he's an actor to plays that character as a joke right?

He's still based but I was shocked how many people actually believed he was for real back when he first showed up.

lmao, sure buddy. I'm sure you'll really show those ladies when they're never thinking about you as they get blacked.

This is why the west is falling. Our men aren't men and won't put our women back in their place, but instead pussy out of what's required of a man.

Don't like that it's required of you? Tough shit. Being a man isn't easy. Your ancestors didn't have the luxury of complaining, and neither do you unless you want to flush away everything that was forged for you.

this video is a fucking classic


ikr. they even call chicken cock! amerifats cant into names

his face is way too small for his head