>Two young men who hold a banner with the phrase "BURN IN HELL" while the Gay Pride was passing by have been found innocent of the accusation of death threat.
>The judge stated that "burn in hell" can not be considered a death threat since "if you are in hell, you are already dead".


Other urls found in this thread:


flawless logic

>The judge stated that "burn in hell" can not be considered a death threat since "if you are in hell, you are already dead".

>The judge stated that "burn in hell" can not be considered a death threat since "if you are in hell, you are already dead".

France bringing the bants

Hahaha, remind me if that gay barber who has been insulted of "faggot", he got to court, and the judge said something like "But you're a faggot"

Frankly, the logic is sound.

My sides

>The judge stated that "burn in hell" can not be considered a death threat since "if you are in hell, you are already dead"
Oh man French banter is pretty good


well, now we know "in hell" in a suffix that removes the weight of death threats.

Make good use of it.

Fucking based


Based judge.

>if you are in hell, you are already dead

this is deep


thats what the fuck im talking about

That's why next time you throw them off the bridge.

>The judge stated that "burn in hell" can not be considered a death threat since "if you are in hell, you are already dead".

>>The judge stated that "burn in hell" can not be considered a death threat since "if you are in hell, you are already dead".
Faggots BTFO.

But it says "go burn in hell"

>if you are in hell, you are already dead



Another Sup Forumstard from Lorraine...?

What exactly is this sign? What does it represent?

Where are you from?
I'm from Metz.

i hope this is real

>"if you are in hell, you are already dead".

based judge
if only our judges were like this.

it's like a target, you put it on a sign or banner and hold it head level so people can shoot at you for fun

Celtic cross.
Used as a nationalist symbol by some activist groups.

>french trap music
>the only thing you see are rapping monkeys

Just to clarify the story says it was the defence lawyer who said the "already dead in hell" bit not a judge.

Still based though

Reminds me of a friend of mine was in NYC and told this one begging pushy nigger get the fuck away for me or I will kill you right in front of a cop.
Nigger says to cop he just threatened to kill me.
Cop replies no he gave you a way out of being killed so take it and get the fuck away from him.

I'm from Nancy, nice to meat you

From Lux, but born in Nancy.

France has chavs?

>if you are in hell, you are already dead

>irl shitposting

>try to go for a completely unreasonable charge
>it gets thrown out
No one could have seen that one coming. Those darn fascists must have infiltrated the court!

Faggot immigrant using our hospitals.

return of Lotharingia when?

hah, nice

You nancy pants faggot can burn in hell.

>Attacks gays
>Won't attack the muzzies blowing and shooting you up

It´s a Celtic cross, originally meant to represent Irish Christianity. Now it´s synonymous with white nationalism because it´s been more or less been adopted by such groups

>mfw i live in metz

no, its a ringed cross

hah, nice

Baby steps my friend


Basically, the court stated that "calling someone a faggot is not a homophobic slur, since it is well established that hair salons do indeed employ a lot of homosexual workers, without it being the cause of any trouble".

The female manager got confused and sent a text message to the very guy she wanted to fire, saying "he's a faggot, and fags do always try to fuck with us".

While the judges logic is retarded, lets be real, when you tell someone to burn in hell, 99.9% of the time you're not actually threatening to kill them, you're just expressing anger or distaste for what they're doing

What's the difference between Gay Pride and Gay Parade?

>The judge stated that "burn in hell" can not be considered a death threat since "if you are in hell, you are already dead".
Fucking kek

You can't run over Gay Pride with a truck.

As queers pranced,
We danced
To the bantz
of France.
It is Kek that Grants
Us all Romance,
And out of my pants
A stirring advance
When we danced
To the bantz of France.




Of course the charge was completely retarded. It's like an "I hope you die", it doesn't include an actual threat.
But the statement from the judge definitely makes it a lot funnier

Funny as shit.