Rebel Media absolutely destroys Sup Forums
Nice try kike..I ain't giving you clicks
Gavin's a faggot with a fedora wife. Sage
isnt he in the beach boys band
>rebel media
Garbage. They just want to capitalize on the right-wing surge. Nothing but a bunch of beta losers following along.
Rabbi Media going neocon once again
After their anti white rhetoric kicked into overdrive, I've unsubscribed.
Why would I listen to more jewish propaganda? There's enough negativity in the world without (((the rebel media)))
Very disappointed with them, they had such an opportunity to unify people, but instead they laud Israel and yet again decry white nationalism. All media can't be trusted. A time is coming where new media will rise. Can't wait for the day anons! No more of pic related!
Anyone notice how even trump supporters can't handle his bullshit anymore? Maybe we should meme him out of the White house that shit would be epic.
>Rabbi Media
kek, glad Lauren left these cucks
Owned by (((Ezra Levant)))
In the garbage it goes.
>implying I will click that and give you views
>the tea party
Didn't they counter-signal Trump on everything?
Despite her being jewish, I would wife her. Pol is autistic when someone says one thing that they disagree with. Just gotta slowly help her see the truth about the holahoax, and she's perfect.
But seriously! What's with the massive increase of their Israel shilling and anti white slander? Shlomo executing phase two of his plan?
It's run by Jews, what do you expect? People on here have been saying so for fucking years but you naïve pricks wouldn't listen.
Is Gavin really that butt hurt that no one wants their news from an obnoxious ex-crust punk junkie who literally pisses in his own cornflakes and has a propensity for shoving dildos up his own ass?
Did you faggots even watch the damn video?
not even clicking this shit, I realy don't feel comfortable giving money to (((ezra levant)))
>I would make jewlets with this jewess
Now that Trump is being a pussy neocons are saying it was their idea all along. Had he accomplished anything by now they would be bitching like the liberals.
I will if you download it and re-upload it to a different account or make it into a webm
>Implying it wasn't Kek and digits that got Trump elected
No one is perfect. You sound like some unlaid loser. Putting cunt on a pedestal is a mistake.
Fuck off outta here kike, not giving that greasy filth, nor you, a dime.
Enough of your shilling. It's silly.
I legit feel bad for it, she's the only one who'd tempt me to race mix.
It's bad though I know. But hey, you're a fucking leaf so 90% chance you're a chink, so you're not exactly one to talk about racial purity. Or being racially good in any way..
>the Tea Party got Trump into office
>even though they all disavowed him
>no, it's just a coincidence that the Tea Party are Jew Schlong sucking cuckolds
JIDF can fuck off.
>No one is perfect. You sound like some unlaid loser. Putting cunt on a pedestal is a mistake.
And a fedora tip to you to my friend.
I was exaggerating clearly. You Americans really don't read between the lines much do you.
Of course people aren't perfect ya bloody drongo, take you for example.
Fuck off Ezra LaKIKE..
Just gotta roast em a little to get to that gooey soft centre. You may even have to use special gasses to extract the goodness.
I'm a beady-eyed anglo probably the same as you, m8. There are a lot of chinks though just like in your country. You call it "The Hong Kong Mattress" if you were to fuck one of them, I believe.
>Rebel Media
Nobody wants you here grasshopper.
I've not heard that term before.
I'm actually not beady Anglo, managed to have decent ancestors from Scandinavia who bailed out before it got bad.
But yeah, there's so many bloody chunks in my country. I'm in the Australia equivalent of Vancouver, Melbourne. People exaggerate how bad it is, but it's still bad.
Save us.
Man rebel really took a steep turn into kikery, proven co-op attempt.