Crime Statistics Germany

Crime Rates in Germany didn't increase at all.

The only thing that has increased are politically motivated crimes.
Right-Wing Crime is a HUGE problem in Germany and accounts 80% of politically motivated crimes due to the increase of refugees.

When will Nazis stop driving up the crime statistics in Germany? What the fuck is going on in this country?!

>no response from Sup Forumstards

Oh .. i wonder why

source BMI ??

this is probably not true.
Don't trust shit from your government about your country.

>trust the government when it says something i agree with
>don't trust the government when it says something i don't agree with


>Minister of Brandenburg (a german state) openly admits that if they don't know the reason for an attack they assume its a right-wing attack
>believing this shit

Considering your Minister of Justice's son is in the Antifa, an organization which openly rejects the democratic process and the constitution, should I be suprised? Fuck off

muslims killing people with trucks went up

its good germans died to save refugees in turkey from living in turkey like 80M turks already do

>Check list of terrorist attacks in Germany
>5 since September 2015
>all islamist

Surely a coincidence Torben

And thats the shitty wiki list that doesn't even count all those deranged muzzy fucks killing and murdering left and right but being declared psychological deranged

>random graph
>no sources

Almost as good as us Canucks and Aussies.

erhäng dich du dumme schwuchtel

hoffentlich wird muhammad deine kehle mit nem rostigen messer durchschneiden während du zusiehst wie deine mama vergewaltigt wird

Why would they politicize crimes like that?

So called "Right Wing Crimes" are mostly Propaganda or saying on Facebook that i dont want Children to be gangraped by Refugees. And in Brandenburg and other far left States Refugee Infighting with Victims is marked as right wing.

Not to mention that Refugee Crime is like 10x that and more. even though they are a minority.

Left Wing is either physical attacks on everyone with a wrong opinion, like fascists. Or they burn down entire Parking lots like the Shitskins in France or Sweden.

Not to mention that the entire German System is layered with Prejudice, something that prevents fair Trials.

Germany, if it wasnt controlled by the chosen people, would be a good Case for human rights violations

calm down kiddo

This is what happens when saying something mean on Facebook is a crime. I bet you can't even find one incident that a sane person would label a politically motivated crime committed by a rightwinger.

Sorry Mohammed I can't read it. I don't speak arabic

>"ich bin so intellektuell und tolerant und viel schlauer als die ganzen nazis!"

ne kleine volksverrätersiche schwuchtel biste die in mama's keller von hartzIV lebt

German Justice Minister is controlled by World Jewry
>pic related
That is proof that the entire System will do everything to cover up Refugee Crimes etc and punish germans for Social Media Posts while Refugees can rape Children and get probation or nothing at all


you sound like some crazy right winger who commits right wing crimes because hes such a poor fag

"politisch motivierte straftaten"
"crime with a political background"

this is not crime statistics you shill

how exactly do you define if the crime was motivated by the right or the left?

Leafs were never good.

was ist los du kleines muttersöhnchen?
tun die gefühle wa-wa? :(

ich habs nicht nötig kriminell zu sein, nur unterschichtige fotzenknechte wie du bringen mein blut zum kochen

>Reminder that rightwing crime statistics get diluted because Hate speech and using Nazi symbols only count in right wing crime
>reminder that leftwing crime is higher than rightwing crime (at least in germany)

In Brandenburg it is serioulsy this:
If they can't prove it was NOT a right wing motivated crime, it will get counted AS a right wing motivated crime.

>don't trust the government when it says something i agree with
>don't trust the government when it says something i don't agree with


I've lived in Germany my whole life and I've never felt safer. I live in a majority-migrant village, and it is the most beautiful, tight-knit community I've ever been apart of. As a trans woman, I've only ever been assaulted or harassed by native German men.



It's only a matter of time until we Brits borrow American planes and bombs and drop them on you Heinz!

Does this include non reported crimes as wel.... Oh wait a second

>crazy right winger who commits right wing crimes
Yeah i pay Ali (who fucks your Mum) and Pajeet 10€ so they beat each other and our commie Government can add it to right wing crimes



You do realise that goverments manipulate statistics to fit their regime and agendas.

prove it

Hitler 1945 "Trust me Volksgenossen, we are winning the War, our statistics say so"

The German Government also fakes unemployment Stats. And now their Goal is to replace you and your Family with IQ70 Shitskins and Facts are getting in their Way. Same goes with the "paying our Pensions" Meme. But Now they will all be in Hartz 4 for life