What makes Japan love nazis so much?
What makes Japan love nazis so much?
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high iq
Are you....seriously asking this question? Did you not learn about WW2?
The symbolism and esthetics are pleasing to the eye. It's not a population that spends any time looking for things to get outraged about on behalf of other people. They're not corrupted by their own stupidity or racist views about how the darkies are too stupid to stand up for themselves and need privilege whites to do it for them..
no jewish propaganda and, they tend to kill marxists.
They were their allies and did pretty much the same things nazis did.
Good taste in anime, of course
Everyone loves Nazis.
why do they have such ugly faces
muh hugo boss
japanese are idolworshipers. so are nazis, both are dying out due to low birthrates.
WW2 my ching chong
Mixed with americans
very true even we do
Because jap girls want mixed halfwhite kids.
They literally love BWC
Is it hard to learn Russian?
Maybe they hate Jewish people? I don't know.
Because you're gay.
This would be it. Hitler was an inkarnation of Krshna
Because they miss them.
Translation: you're trying to save russians from hachs & jews @ and they're shooting at you
It depends on who's your teacher. I would teach you easily, but why would you need it anyway.
Asia in general didn't have the same post-WW2 education as Europe and the West in general.
Japan is addicted to aesthetics.
And the third Reich had very aesthetic clothes and apparel, because most of it was designed to be awesome and cool looking.
I want to breed all the Japs.
>Russia will conquer Europe
May as well get a head start on the language
They're aesthetic, clean, and organized.
high iq
the real question is: is it hard to native russian speaker to learn english? seems like eastern people are oftern behind the average european and rarely can speak two languages
aw shit. i missed this. fpbp
Japan is pretty much what Germany would be today if the nazis stay in power for stopping the commies
Because Japan culturally shares a ton in common with what the NSDAP wanted to achieve.
I [ay] in russian Я [ya]
We in russian Mы [mi:] (as me)
You (U) in russian Bы [vi:] (V)
He in russian oH (on)
if you want to make she, you add a "a" at the end: oнa (ona)
if you want to make plural, add a "ы" or "и": oни (oni) oni da!
There's also тe (te) which is similar to english the, those. it's the same th:
that = тoт (tot) in female: ta, in plural te, as I said.
this = этoт (э is probably related to jewish ה which is the same english "the")
Then come cases, and that's the most fucked-up part, so you should relax, we don't have intention to rule your world. At least not in russian, it would be rude.
Ta Ty (tatu) is that very "she" but in different cases as if "she her" see, you also have a couple of cases, so it would be easy for you.
Rudolph Heiss had a teacher on college who was a massive weeaboo and allegedely Heiss based the SS on the bushido
It's because everything goes dubbed here. just as in France (my comment used to be more detailed, but Sup Forums thought it was a spam)
The only things they learn in history class are
>America won independence war
>America won civil war
>Hitler was an evil person who wanted to kill all Jews and dead Jews were used for making lampshades and soap
>Israel is America's greatest ally
If the teacher is good they might also be told there were two world wars and the Pearl Harbor shoah but that likely isn't part of the curriculum.
the axis = mindless orderly conformists R-us
The bomb ended all relations with Japan and they were left alone while Germany's stratetic location required extensive de-nazification programs to fall in line against communism.
unlike other white people they are loyal
Pic related very true since WW2, the UK is just a glorified military base for the USA now.
They loved gas chinks.
they were allied , gawd do you even history idiot.
> privatization
Please tell me you're not some slimy little communist shit twinkle-toed cocksucker.
In the internet aeon telveision is for fools only.