Patriotic Sauce

Does anyone else feel very patriotic eating brown sauce? I feel it is a good symbol for Britain, it's tangy and has good ingredients from the empire days.
>Inb4 it's brown
Does anyone else think this? Do any of your countries have a sauce that you feel patriotic eating?

Reminder: HP is only true brown sauce.


>eating paki shit

Do you get extra horsepower with this sauce?

>When your country's cuisine is just shit and Doritos.

Extra houses of parliament

Makes sense. Carry on and don't forgot to mind the gap.

Also I forgot to add that it's approved by the Queen which gives it extra Anglo power.

Will do burger ;)

looks and -after reading about it- sounds disgusting, but who knows. honestly, i'm just distrustful of any smooth consistency slop i see. how the fuck does this shit come out of the ingredients it's supposed to be made of? i also hate bbq sauce and gravy, so maybe it's just me

btw was talking about brown sauce

my thing is clearly made from tomatoes and peppers

I honestly don't know why it tastes good but it does and it's a patriotic sauce so therefore good.

I got a breddy good recipe for it and i just can it and store it in mason jars.

God save the queen

Shit looks like a can of brown soap.

yeah, i buy it. it's jut a comfy patriotic taste. people here drink this disgusting thing called boza that is literally fermented wheat porridge, water and sugar and everybody seems to love it. disgusting shit.

I put HP sauce on my 14 cm before my girlfriend sucks it.

Its amazing. I still cant fathom how anyone other than a turk or foreigner would dislike it.

I hope you realize it's being produced in The Netherlands for ages now.

Did they have to make the packaging so unappealing? Seriously looks like a bottle of Draino or some other bathroom cleaner at first glance; definitely not something that belongs in the kitchen.

How do you get that out of a sauce? Maybe if they donated to the returning troops or something along those lines. But man, the closest thing to United Statian cuisine there is just poutine and tacos, and that's just by affiliation.

nice thread about politics and current events.

it's literally a turk drink

And chinese food, considering it is entirely different in mainland USA than in China. They even put in veggies that don't have taste just to feed your confirmation bias

>tfw proud Burger but more than willing to proclaim the glory of HP Sauce

It's delicious enough that I'd be willing to go colonize a bunch of brown people in the name of Her Majesty if it would help you guys make/export more of it.

Luckily my local grocery store has a small British section on the "Ethnic Food" aisle.

And somehow it makes Banitsa taste even better. T*rks are shit but they have decent food.

>implying ayran isn't the patrician bantisa drink

HP Sauce is the choice of patriots.

Well done sir.

All sauces are patriotic for us as long as it contains hfcs and no less than 80% saturated fats

sadly, all that gets exported seems to be average or shit stuff

I live in Canada and Heinz tries to convince us they shit on our shelves is HP Sauce - hint: it's not. Heinz bottles A-1 steak sauce as HP in Canada and it tastes like absolute Libertarian shit.

So we have to import HP in the glass bottles from the UK to get our tangy, tangy goodness.

it's produced in the Netherlands

>And chinese food, considering it is entirely different in mainland USA than in China. They even put in veggies that don't have taste just to feed your confirmation bias
Food in mainland China varies from province to province anyways, southern shit tends to be the weird spicy vegetables with fish whereas northern is just meat and potatoes like you'd see from any western country.

American Chinese food is just MSG.

I wish we could get Heinz style beans in America without having to pay import prices

they're just fucking white beans in tomato sauce. how fucking hard is that? all I can seem to find are baked beans with sugar and shit added.