Give me one solution to the increasing global overpopulation without resorting to "Dude sterilise all the brown people...

Give me one solution to the increasing global overpopulation without resorting to "Dude sterilise all the brown people deus vult race war" LARPing.

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Stop feeding Africans and/or colonization.

Tell the Chinese and Indians to stop reproducing.


It's a fucking Jewish myth.

Oy vey goyim, stop having children while you all pay us to fuck like rabbits!

nuclear war

One of the biggest redpill is knowing some people have to die, just a matter of who and which group the technocratic elite decices


China's population growth is more stable than you would expect.

India and Nigeria are your problems.



give as much contraception to africa as possible


you realize that you will eventually die and dont care

overpopulation eventually fixes itself, in bad ways.


What is the problem with the population?

Let China take over Africa and force them to have their one child policy.


One billion lives sparred.

>African fertility doesn't decline until the timeline moves into the future

>Doesn't even include Africa

Haitian intellectuals tackle overpopulation

Stop sending aid to third world countries (African countries specifically), and stop taking immigrants from these countries. The problem will sort itself out.

These Satanic degenerates are practically the only ones on earth having a population boom, the whole world pays them to have children.

Fertility rates are universally going down for the entire rest of the world.

Drop bombs on cities with greatest population density.

It is a solution that both eliminates people cost-effectively, but it will also confine deaths to degenerates as per "mouse paradise"


>their one child policy
China doesn't have it anymore

asteroid slams into earth killing all life

problem solved

2 billions by 2050, 4 billions by 2100.

We will live to see the worse crisis mankind ever had.

The solution already taking place by the elites is:
-get women into workforce
-break up the family
-turn men gay
-turn men into women/trans
-turn women gay
-turn women into men/trans
-promote single lifestyle
-push global warming idea so people have less kids
-westernize muslims and africans so they have less children
-promote contraception
-promote abortion
-sexualize society so it has less children and families

New crusade

I am pretty sure they will have it again when shit will start again.

Sterilizing brown is a good plan tho

Overpop isnt a problem outside of third world shitholes like entirety of africa, china, and india
Just leave them alone and it'll solve itself.

Literally, stop feeding niggers. Every other human population naturalizes their growth to match the available resources.

There is no such thing as "overpopulation" except with parasites and vermin.

stop sending food to africa, teach them how to grow crops instead.

Well yeah it's fucking stable it always grows.

Meanwhile our countries actually reduce their population.

>>African fertility doesn't decline until the timeline moves into the future

>Frankfurt school educated jew slave can't extrapolate.

Yes, they are experiencing a drop as we speak, it started in fucking 1990.

Take some adderal and look at the graph again.

It only means that the Jew got to them later than they got to you.

overpopulation is a retarded myth

Actual agriculture require an IQ of at least 80 to be done properly.

stop feeding brown people

>Find biggest halal food producers in the world
>Put substance inside production line which is deadly after persistent intake. (Still want my döner every now and then)
>Solve 2 biggest problems in a couple of months

the free market

stop subsidizing third world shitholes and they will be forced to get their act together and behave like civilized countries.

Ultra orthodox kike baby boom in USA.

"High ultra-Orthodox birth rates are often visible in news media anecdotes For instance, when Israeli ultra-Orthodox rabbinical leader Yosef Sholom Elyashiv died in July 2012, he was said to have more than 1,000 living descendants.

Pew puts data to those anecdotes. The study’s numbers suggest that the Orthodox birthrate in the United States is far higher than that of most other religious groups. Pew found that Orthodox Jews averaged 4.1 children per adult, while America’s. general public averages 2.2 children.

Read more:

Goodbye Tokyo.

>but muh..muh anime

Where's that from?

>Nu-pol has no problem with paying the Jew to reproduce at an astronomical rate that is only going up.

How did all those niggers, mestizos and Mohammedans get into Europe and the USA in the first place?

>1 post by this ID

you guys are dumber than niggers and deserve to stew in this purgatory of a thread for newfags and shills for eternity

Overpopulation does not exist. The only issue is poverty. If you solve the issue of poverty you solve the issue of overpopulation.

stop subsidizing shitholes in africa with food, dude all the brown ppl with starve


Jaffe Memo

Birth rates tend to decrease with increasing living standards and decreasing infant mortality (the latter is one of the best predictors of birth rates). Cutting food aid (which is as much a domestic market tool as anything, at least for the US) but helping out with medicine could stabilize their population if you don't want to let them die or build death camps.

If you want to be cheeky you could just have the first-world annex everyone else; they seem to want to immigrate here, immigrant birth rates tend to drop to native levels, everybody wins!

Im thinking wall here

China has a lower birth rate than the USA.

They're not dying from starvation or disease anymore thanks to aid from whites.

They have a law to make less childrens.

And it's still almost the same.

>Stop food aid to other countries with the exception of very short term natural disasters.

>Medical aid okay, but should be minimized and focused only on preventing epidemics.

>offer free abortions and free sterilization to anyone who requests.

>offer a small financial reward to anyone who voluntarily sterilizes AND have no children

There, done and it was all voluntary. Africa grows its own food, builds its own economy and stabilizes population.

>there exist idiots who will sterilize themselves

India's rate will be close to Europe and the USA soon.

It takes time for a nation to age and die.

2.1 children per women is the minimum to maintain a population, below that will result in decline.

"Replacement fertility is a term commonly used by demographers when referring to levels of childbearing and yet is rarely explained. It is normally presented as being around 2.1 children per woman. "

Nice fucking digits, m8. But seriously, sending aid to Africa is possibly the most morally abhorrent thing you can do in this age. Ignore the fact that it's inherently going to destroy western civilisation because the kikes and cucks in charge of our countries will import them in large swathes, but it's exactly as your image implies. It's completely unnatural, if you want to help them then stop feeding them. If you want the problem to be bigger, messier and have a literal continent of corpses, then keep going the way things are.

But my solution would be Biological/Chemical warfare from Turkey to Africa. Some of the infrastructure there is useful and we don't want to irradiate the natural resources, so we have to keep that safe. If China even looks at me funny, they get the same fucking treatment. At least they're industrious, but fucking hell they're inhuman.

That means that within 30 years they are going to be just as full of decrepit old people as the USA and Europe, with no one to take care of them.


Within 30 years, a massive portion of American whites will be dead, with no replacement due to ultra low birth rate among whites.

>Give me one solution to the increasing global overpopulation without resorting to "Dude sterilise all the brown people deus vult race war" LARPing.

Feminism, college, and women's rights

Resulting in pic related.

Dude sterilize all the brown people deus vult race war!

Product of ultra low white birth rate far below replacement of 2.1 children per woman.

Help develop the less developed world as quickly as possible so that their birthrates come down naturally

You irrigate the large patches of dry soil, and thereby drastically alter common ideas of what population size constitutes ``overpopulation.''

>You will reincarnate as a low IQ nonwhite
>Your children will be killed as white minority just like in Haiti and South Africa


false flag ourselves again killing a few thousand americans, then draft a few million mostly non-white peasants to go kill a few tens of millions of sand niggers.

use genetically engineered mosquitos to sterilize Africa

Russia is effectively the only nation trying and succeeding in reversing white genocide.

White families here in the DR average 4 children per family as well, the white population is the fastest growing group in the nation.

Stop giving welfare to ahmed you dipshit.

need a sauce on this

Posted here.

Forced selective breeding for EVERYONE. White or brown if you have undesirable qualities you will not be allowed to breed. Either through castration, vasectomys, birth control or forced abortions. Modern dogs all share the wolf as their ancestor. Yet if you look today there are many different breeds that all have been bred for specific desirable qualities and purposes. Who's to say we couldn't achieve similar results with humans through selective breeding? Population would go down to manageable levels after a few generations.

Have a national Purge Day every year

what's the worst that can happen?