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heat up the oven guys
Google is dogshit, I'm glad I don't use it for anything other than searching for stock images and youtube videos.
what do you use now, friendo?
When working on biology research or non-threatening work I use google, but I find myself doing duckduckgo when I seek real news.
Just flag all leftist search results and sites as offensive
I use DDG too, I'm sure there are better search engines but I'm too lazy to find em.
>The review teams — comprised of contractors known as "quality raters" — already comb through websites and other content to flag questionable items such as pornography. Google added "upsetting-offensive" in its latest guidelines for quality raters.
Google employees are the ones doing the flagging and rating, it's just censorship by omission at this point.
If this happens there's no reason to use google anymore. Might as well use yahoo or something else.
*enhanced by google
that's the point. You get Google results except the tracking.
Refining searches with quality (((review teams)))
Time to bring back the googles and skypes meme.
Which doesn't do shit if you want to avoid google's censoring "offensive" content.
>I'm sure there are better search engines
There isn't
Christ. How the hell did it get to the point that the "left" democrats and their supporting companies have been implementing increasingly authoritarian measures.
I find a lot of shit trump supporters come out with pretty brazen and aggravating, but I wouldn't consider that grounds to stop them from having the capacity to say it.
Fuck this world.
God damn he looks gorgeous with a beard
Considering this and the latest trend to idiot-proof satire and unsubstantiated news makes me wonder just how far they'll go to ensure the rhetoric supports them completely.
In school I learnt how to think critically and evaluate media on a factual basis before accepting it's conclusions as valid. Why the fuck is this not a thing?
>Why the fuck is this not a thing?
For the people who agree with/are pushing the agenda, it's Alinskyist tactics of criticizing everything your opponent does but never holding yourself up to the same standard.
As for normies who are consuming the news, I think a lot of it has to do with the destruction of education in this country coupled with social media where people feel compelled to conform for fear of being ostracized. People see a news story, give the Verified Correct™ opinion, and wait for likes and retweets, and thanks to twitter and facebook bots it's easy to control the narrative.
it's time for the rest of you to take the bingpill
I've come to realize how creepy google has become. They don't just go right up to the creepy line anymore, they blatantly cross it.
Welp, time to get an Iphone.
I have a feeling filter man's story of Google trying to make a future-predicting AI that rules over humanity isn't that far from the truth.