Stop being anti-semitic


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I wanna fuck this jew



Stop looking inbred.

girls are so stupid. hundreds or thousands of pictures to look at, yet offended when people actually look at them


is she jewish too? i would fuck her

Ashley notice me senpai

i would genocide the fuck out of 'her' pussy


i have a kike fetisch

me too

Post more of this Semitic semen demon


some jews look quite white. will this be the future of Europeans? Breed with those kind of jews?


Nein, zis vun vont go into zee gas chamber

>no one knows who communismkills is

she looks good in some pictures. some.
>them jewish milkbags

She looks like an elf here. A kike elf.

But speaking about CK, why hasn't she of all people blown up lately?

It seems to me that the time is right. She could easily surpass other bimbos like Southern desu

She isnt semitic, retard

She is germanic

Fucking stupid people
Do those people look semitic to you?

Stop genociding whites

And here we have another idiot

Go get an education, jew is not a race

>do those people look semitic to you

Yes, it's fucking obvious

Ashley a qt, A QT!!!

>Cuck Kween Ashley Ray Goldberg

She fucks every beta male orbiter she can get her hands on.

Also her dad is a plumber.


fuck off rubix cube

Apparently she can't decide whether she's a tomboy, a skank or a butch (see: shoes).

>jew is not a race

I am not.


Kind of looks like Sineade

wtf I love jews now wow. I guess you can go ahead and shut off y0ur computer and go start a family user

She looks like a dude with the hat on

Not with that fucked up face I'm not, fuck off wiredo



No, I need to be edgy on the internet.


i love how she has to take a frontal view pick because if she didn't you would see her long ass nose

> Do those people look semitic to you?
Yes, fucking obviously, it isn't like we're posting women who barely look Jewish at all like Alison Brie or anything.

stop behaving like a filthy kike, and maybe we can talk about it



So I was in New York last summer visiting family and went with my cousin to a beach get together. Ended up talking with a drunk Jewish girl there and for some reason, within 10 minutes or so, the subject of the holocaust came up. It was a literal remember the 6 gorillion moment I was experiencing. Where I live Jews are pretty much non-existent so is this really normal subject matter for them when they're just chit chatting?

Israelis and jews in US are genetically Europeans who converted during middle ages to judaism

Khazaria is Asian.

Why do Jewish women have large boobs?

Is it to seduce goyim like me?

She is...the femenine version of a friend of mine


>flowergirl will never return
>I wasn't able to save her

Stop trying to undermine white nations with degeneracy and immigration.

Why are it's eyes so close together

She could sniff out a Sup Forumsack a mile away. You thought the nose was for nothing?

Double heresy.

good posts

Jews are all race mixing whores. Every time you see a slut getting blacked it's a kike, they crave nigger dick.

Jews who look mostly white are barely 20% semitic. So they can be considered white.

Would make a decent wife tbqh fi-famma-jamma. Shit as a whole but solid as the individual. Their culture is really good (for Jews), for goy no so much.

Hello fellow /new/s master race.


The final posts from him was exposing his true identity as a man.

>That face
>Them khazar milkers

''White'' doesn't exist.

Stop being anti-white. We'd be cool with kikes if they weren't trying to stab us in the back. We could be oppressing shitskins together and ruling the world, but no, you want to fuck us over, too.

delete this

t-that was a cracked tripcode

Don't let genes be memes

of course they are you dumb shill

Of course they do. Are you blind?

The first one is like 15% semitic and the second one around 25%


Pig face

dont tell me what to do



I don't obey Sup Forums

Sup Forums is just a confirmation of my beliefs.

The strange face turns me on. I think it's because it makes her obtainable.

How about u people realize that any attempt of shilling for the Jews on tze Sup Forums will result in us reassuring the Jew red pill.
U are actualy too stupid apparently to realize that this shit backfires 100% of the time.


but I only hate satanist jews

>lamenting the fat neckbear flowergirl
>not remembering Space Elevator

I will if you let me breed you.

She's the girl from /r9k/ who used to give her TA blow jobs and would get abused by him because her private parts didn't work properly to accommodate male biology in a normal fashion. Thus she was abused for head and was made fun of by the TA's actual girlfriend.

This was back in 2010. She later became a Sup Forums personality lol.

She's a card.

Stop treating us like cattle.
>You can't.
So no.

how does that even work?

Gal Gadot AKA wonder woman: Israeli, jewish

The fuck if I know. I just remember her complaining for about a week straight one time about 7 years ago. Trust me, I'd never forget those eyebrows.

People from /r9k/ who managed to communicate with people irl always tended to corrupt normal human interaction to somehow debase themselves in a creative and novel fashion.

This desu. If I could have a qt Jewess, I swear, I'll never complain about them again.

>her privateparts didn't work properly

You wut
I believe you, but proof? Pics?

And where/how can I find a Sup Forums qt to abuse at my pleasure?

I thought she was mostly on tumblr

My fav part about jew girls are their thicc eye brows!

So hot.

>even reduced her arm fat by an order of magnitude
>still fat

Aug is a jew?

almost got them digits

My dream is to date a jewish girl and roleplay during sex. I dress up as hitler and she dresses up as Ann Frank.
>It would start with me walking into the room with her hiding in the closet playing with herself
>I would start getting undressed and and hear a moan from the closet
>Open it up and say wassse machen zie juden?
And then we would have hard dirty sex

>implying that turk is a semites

Gas yourself JIDF rat

wtf I love aramaic now

haha you crazy kiwi

Most people (except 3rd world Islamist barbarians) don't want to hate Jews, they just hate getting constantly subverted and exploited

Literally this, Israel is based af

What is Israel's opinion of diaspora anti-Israel Jews

They are an Asiatic race.

Stop being satanic globalists, kikes.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:




I cant, unless i will completely forget history of my country and whole world somehow.

suce on anime girl

>Israel is based af

I found the Jew. Lol, give up kike, it's over. The h'wyte man awakens.