France school shooting

So the school shooter in France this morning turned out to be white. The question thus arises, why are white people so violent, Sup Forums ? Is it genetics or just their culture ?

More info:


>Killcount 0



L'elliot Rodger

He was an incompetent 17 year old edgelord, what do you expect. He did manage to injure 10 people though, 2 of them badly.

user, he's french

he probably pulled out a gun, shot a few bullets in the air, then started to wave his white flag so he could surrender.

>believing fake news

Right now on TV they are talking about 10 injureds, 4 by pellets (as he used airsoft toys and there was no real gun involved), obviously those are extremely light wounds that don't even require any medical attention and the 6 others injured themselves while running away.

tl;dr ; absolutely fucking nothing happened

fake news

Why are they even bothering with gun control if you can buy grenades illegally like hotcakes?

> →
L'Elliot Roger

Because everything seems to go just fine until a nigger or faggot gets involved. White people aren't violence hungry warmongers

Oh Germany you peaceful nation.

Source on that he was using airsoft?

I want it for the inevitable liberal chest-beating about noguns.

fake news always inflate the numbers of casualties/mix the infos to clickbait. For example during the 2014 assautlt in front of the brussel train station the msm were reporting '200 injuried peoples'.
What they don't precise is that belgianroaches are so dumb they run everywhere like headless chicken when there is a happening, so the mob eventually trampled over 198 ppl, the terrorist only hit 2 normies.

Looks like half-mudslime from here.
That's why you shouldn't race-mix, these poor kids get identification crisis and have to hyper-compensate their imperfection with radicalizing one way or another.

ho, and the 'injuries' were most of the time minor sprains and psychological traumas lel

The kid looks very normal for a school shooter.

also where the fuck does a french child get grenades?

you don't know about the guns used
there is one 0.22 wound, that's the Principal
one pump shotgun was found
no other infos about what kind of guns were in possession of the shooter were given

training grenades are not that hard to find if you're close to far right movements or have friends in the army

not if you are a minor. It's almost impossible unless you steal them from your MP's daddy.

N-N-Not all white people
B-But muh muddsllums
Whiteys btfo

>Why are they even bothering with gun control if you can buy grenades illegally like hotcakes?

Why are they even bothering with making murder illegal if you can just kill someone?

It's always the same to be fair. In Germany there was a ""bombing"" at a bar in Ansbach. If you go to Wikipedia it says 15 were injured but if you actually read the details 11 of them were just treated for "shock" and didn't have any actual physical injuries, and that's how they were counted among the "injured".


I think that will be one of the main lead in that inquirery

Seeing non-whites post in this board with a German flag makes me feel fucking sick.

doenst matter. this is the same categorie as all the crimes commited in the muslim world/africa among themselves. its just much rarer in white countries

*** FAKE NEWS ***

There are no guns in France.

>That's why you shouldn't race-mix
White people are literally just lighter-skinned Arabs and Indians.

It's not about your skin. Culture matters.

>Not all white people

Not all white people, you fucking racist. Eßen sie Scheße Hänz!

His ass will get so soar in jail.

We can't send that poor kid to jail. Look at that soft skin. Imagine his soft butt. We just can't send that poor kid to jail!

He will get passed around like a peacepipe until everyones had a blow in him.

t. achmed

Genetic disposition for cleaning up trash.