Have you been to a gay bar, Sup Forums?

Have you been to a gay bar, Sup Forums?

>Stronger drinks
>Better music
>Health and fitness emphasized, promoting strong bodies
>Races typically segregate, men are very only to saying 'No Blacks, No Fats, No Fems, No Asians."
>Rejects the vaginal jew, promoting brotherhood among men.

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take me to the rat bar

hahahha cool

Sorry, it's funnier when you catch a girl and put your dick in her vagina.

Lol btfo

Homosexuality must be kept a sweet pleasure only to be experienced by a select few.
Most guys here need to keep dueling with the vaginal jew so they can keep the population afloat.

Enjoy your alimony!

I went to a few of them, some gay parties to. An old girlfriend of mine had a few gay friends so we partied with them.

I never payed for a drink once at any one of these "gay events" I went to and the fags would make my gf super angry by saying shit like "You can do better than her" when she was right next to me.

It was good because she was a psycho jealous bitch.

Gays are cool but they are complete hedonistic degenerates who dont think past their own nose.

The gay bar is awesome but if you look to vulnerable the predators will strike.
One of my only gay friends introduce himself by grabbing my crotch and saying "I will suck your dick"

But at the end of the day it's great, not only are women's guards way down but they also get rowdy as fuck. Women have birthdays there all the time , I swear something in the homo B O effects their brains

Forgot to mention the HIV.

Yes, I used to go there to get free drinks. They all want to 'pop your cherry'. It got me redpilled on what it must feel like to be a woman going out.

Yeah, but I hate gay bars because always hit on me

>It got me redpilled on what it must feel like to be a woman going out.
>free drinks and people hitting on you
It must be great being a woman

>just now realizing that becoming gay is the final redpill
>just now realizing that the SA was lead by a gay man
>just now realizing that the gays will save us from the degeneracy they helped usher in
>just now realizing OP is a fag

*because faggots always hit on me.
actually this, you're constantly having to reject ugos

Do bottoms buy you drinks or only tops? Also, are there any transgender people there?

its not a big deal compared to some drunk cuck trying to fight you

I've been to a few as two of my mates are gay that and my gf enjoys going with her gay friends so i tag along as well sometimes.

One night they have at my local gay bar called "Pounded" is great as all drinks are £1.

Look right and down of the center.

Is that Millenial Woes?

is this where all that chads secretly hang out for some quality bro time?

Poor ratto

I just take it as a compliment and move on.

Ended up in one in Camden years ago because nowhere else was open. Was almost disappointed, just a load of blokes in polo shirts standing around chatting. Went in the toilet didn't even get bummed.

Yep. That's where I go to bang MILFS.

Women love the idea of lots of cocks, a bunch of men fucking each other that don't have any interest in fucking them.

delete this

Got dragged to one by a fag hag bitch from work, there was a drag show. Traps in real life don't look like in my animu.


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If you're a good looking straight guy, it seems like a great spot. Also if you're a good looking male bartender you can make a lot of cash in tips. And yes a lot of straight women go to gay bars because they want to enjoy a night out with friends without random guys coming up to her every 5 mins making small talk.

Right? The more you seem to deny them, the more they crave it. But they seem like generally nice people though. And genuine. I've met some nice women there too. People who don't fit, generally. Most gays tend to get smashed past a certain hour. The other half is looking to take young boys to their home.

I agree with that, I hate getting in fights with brain dead drunk idiots just because I don't want to drink alone.

It's even flattering sometimes, but it can still get annoying.

>No Fems
>No Asians
what the fuck is the point? I'd rather fuck some qt Asian boipuccie instead of some burly bear

Nah, 'sgay.




The only time a gay bar is bad is if it's a 100% gay sausage fest, or there's no dance floor. There's one near me and it's like going into a nightclub, only you don't need a collared shirt, and is smaller.

>Guys buy you drinks
>People compliment you
>Lesbians get second thoughts, bisexual women are easy
>Everyone's willing to give you a smoke or a light
>MILS everywhere
>Can look edgy as I want, get away with it, because they find it interesting and fun, and the girls out for a smoke are EASY as hell.

If I'm not in the mood to spend too much money and drive all the way out to SF for a rave, I'll go to this one bar and dance my ass off and make out with milfs and nerdy girls outside on the bench. These places are a good confidence booster, so if you feel like you'd look like a dork dancing on the floor, and are too afraid, don't. Gays will find it cute, and girls will find it ballsy. Shit, there were a few times where nobody was dancing, and I went out in the middle by myself, and it got everyone else to join in.

Women do go to gay bars often, believe it or not.

No transgender people there. I've met some trannies. Quite intruiging. Hollywood does portray it corectly though, they're always smoking. Always.

I think what he was trying to say is that gay men know they have certain types, and are explicit and open about it. so if you made a grinder profile or whatever saying 'looking for some qt Asian boipuccie' it'd be fine

image the fucking smell

I let my gay friend suck my dick a few times. It was degenerate but it also felt like nice bonding time. Having someone willing to sit there and suck your dick for an hour while you just chill, very relaxing.

There's a gay cowboy bar near where I live and I can promise you the only thing that's coming in there is HIV