/hhh/ — Hoppe General: "BLT Sandwiches" Edition

Let's celebrate Hans-Hermann Hoppe, private property rights and physical removal.


>Hoppe says not to confuse the "GLBTs" with BLT sandwiches:



>The Economics and Ethics of Private Property (1993; 2006 edition)
mises.org/system/tdf/Economics and Ethics of Private Property Studies in Political Economy and Philosophy_3.pdf?file=1&type=document

>A Short History of Man: Progress and Decline (2015)
mises.org/system/tdf/A Short History of Man — Progress and Decline.pdf?file=1&type=document

>Democracy—The God That Failed (2001)

>A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism (1988; 2010 edition)
mises.org/system/tdf/Theory of Socialism and Capitalism, A_4.pdf?file=1&type=document

>From Aristocracy, to Monarchy, to Democracy (2014)
mises.org/system/tdf/From Aristocracy to Monarchy to Democracy_Hoppe_Text 2014.pdf?file=1&type=document

>The Myth of National Defense: Essays on the Theory and History of Security Production (2003)
mises.org/system/tdf/Myth of National Defense, The Essays on the Theory and History of Security Production_3.pdf?file=1&type=document

>The Private Production of Defense (1998; 2006 edition)
mises.org/system/tdf/The Private Production of Defense_3.pdf?file=1&type=document

>Economic Science and the Austrian Method (1995)
mises.org/system/tdf/Economic Science and the Austrian Method_3.pdf?file=1&type=document

>What Must Be Done (2009)
mises.org/system/tdf/What Must Be Done_7.pdf?file=1&type=document

Other urls found in this thread:


>Who is Hans-Hermann Hoppe?
Hoppe is an anarcho-capitalist philosopher and Austrian School economist. He is known for having "discovered" the a priori link between democracy and de-civilization, arguing that the transition from monarchy to democracy after WWI was in fact an enormous mistake. He is also the "Physical Removal Man" and argues that anarcho-capitalism (the logical end of libertarianism) would invariably decrease the degeneracy and "abnormal behavior" in society.

>Austrian School, eh? So he's one of the (((chosen)))?
Nope. His writings have drawn from St. Thomas Aquinas, the Scholastics, and he himself praises Christianity for the role it had in establishing somewhat successful universal ethics under monarchy and throughout Western Civilization in general.

>Is he the "libertarian fascist" I keep reading about?
Hoppe is not a fascist. Fascism implies statism and statism implies economic/cultural control. Hoppe simply argues that a stateless society would end up culturally conservative because families and traditional ways of life are as a matter of fact better suited for human advancement, the protection of private property, and for lowering time preferences and crime rates.

>How does he reconcile anarcho-capitalism with cultural conservatism?
Anarcho-capitalism implies there won't be a state to subsidize degenerates. This implies that degenerates will either have to pay the full price of their degeneracy or try to socialize it by imposing the costs on society. However, this society operates under a profit-and-loss structure, and the more degenerates there are, the harder it is for healthy social behavior to prosper and for economic activity to exist peacefully. Hence, degenerates (alcoholics, drug addicts, single parents, beggars, vagrants, criminals, etc.) would be literally forced to choose: "either change your ways or be thrown off the property whose value you are diminishing."

>And what to do about the rich homosexual, or the celebrity alcoholic, or the left-wing real estate developer?
Under anarcho-capitalism, all property is private. This implies that several property owners could form alliances and merge properties ("covenants"), in which the path to admission would be as loose or as restricted as they saw fit. There would be exclusively-white covenants, exclusively-black covenants, exclusively-Hindu covenants, you get the whole picture. There are 7 billion people on Earth; the chances you wouldn't find a relatively large group of similar-minded people with which to live peacefully is almost zero.

>When do we get to physically remove democrats and communists?
When they try to forcefully impose their ways of life onto you or your tenants. Other than that, the physical removal of everyday street criminals from civilized society and onto "open frontiers" would be almost-daily events, until criminality itself dwindled.


I'm a big fan. Hoppean communities is what American "white nationalism" will come down to: People successfully asserting the right to freely associate (and dis-associate).

Hoppe is pretty much a white nationalist in everything but name (and probably strategy on how to get there). He admits that the white, heterosexual, patriarchal European societies are (were) the apex of civilization.


What stops companies from bringing in mexicans for cheap labor?

What stops porn companies from continuing as they are?

What stops jews from peddling drugs?

why do smart people generally have thick eyebrows?

>What stops companies from bringing in mexicans for cheap labor?
Private property owners who might not want shitskins on their property. Hoppe says factory towns would probably have a comeback, since companies would have to pay up for each immigrant workers' stay.

>What stops porn companies from continuing as they are?
Again, people who own private property covenants and have strong morals, so they just block off porn websites on their tenants' homes.

>What stops jews from peddling drugs?
Productive people.

>Private property owners who might not want shitskins on their property. Hoppe says factory towns would probably have a comeback, since companies would have to pay up for each immigrant workers' stay.

The problem is private property end at your property. You have no control who moves into your neighborhood.

>Again, people who own private property covenants and have strong morals, so they just block off porn websites on their tenants' homes.

so in other words porn will continue to wreck havoc on society.

>>What stops jews from peddling drugs?
>Productive people.

And those who are productive to start a literal drug store?

This is exactly why I choose national socialism. Because lolbertarianism does nothing

>The problem is private property end at your property. You have no control who moves into your neighborhood.
>What is covenant communities and privatized cities inhabited by X type of persons?

>so in other words porn will continue to wreck havoc on society.
there will be no "society" to speak of since the world will be composed of tens of thousands of micro states and free territories. You could simply join the one that most reflected your views. You and your Nazi friends would have a country just for you! I mean, that's if you could homestead/buy the land. But you guys are smart as hell, so that should be no problem! :^)

Uma pergunta, onde é que arranjas armas para defender o teu terreno em Portugal?

Não arranjas. Portugal é um estado. E como todos os estados, tem nos seus interesses o desarmamento total dos cidadãos.

Os Estados Unidos são um estado e têm armas, o mesmo aplica-se a Suiça

Duas excepções num mar de desastres. E bem sabes que até eles têm por lá os seus gun-grabbers. O que nos vale é as milícias e aqueles "right wing extremists" Oath Keepers, etc.

Mesmo assim acho que cá em Portugal tens acesso a armas de 6,5mm

Tens que ter licenças e mais outras cenas. E mesmo assim não há open carry ou concealed carry. Não há nenhum "gun love" cá, infelizmente. Mas onde é que queres chegar?

Só queria saber se sabias sobre isso, eu gostava de ter umas espingardas para defender os meus terrenos no Alentejo.

Hoppe thread=best thread

Thanks senpai!

No, unfortunately I'm not acquainted with gun laws in this country, except that they're hard as fuck to follow. I thought you were trying to be a smart ass when you asked me how would I defend my property in this country. Good luck with your terrains, my man.

Thanks, i got them for a good price, i'm probably going to grow some olives. Wanted some rifles because gypsies usually try to steal them from you.

Thanks for doing those threads. Much appreciated.

Have some Hoppewave:


Yeah, I know. I go there regularly and see the gypsies all the time. Also, what the fuck is with all the Asians and Middle-easterners over there? It's like they're multiplying at an exponential rate. They were all over the orange fields last time I went there.

Cheap workers

Kek thank you. Are you the same German who posts here a lot with me? I made that video, if you aren't. One of you based krauts uploaded it to YouTube.

Wasn't me.

Guess the first wave of physical removal will be soon -- with Turkey promoting religious war in Europe. We need to seize the opportunity.

I was getting tired of seeing so many pleb ideologies on other boards and IRL.

Hoppe is the only philosopher I like these days.

I'm an economist and I wholeheartedly want to agree with kind of everything Hoppe says.
But does any of his ideas stand a chance of being realized?

Kek, indeed they seem to be picking a fight with us. We'll beat the everlasting shit out of them. Can't wait to curbstomp some Islamists.

You'll also like Rothbard, Lew Rockwell, Tom Woods, von Mises, maybe Pat Buchanan.

I downloaded your video 2 weeks ago and have it as mp3 looping often enough. Love the helicopter sound.

>Guess the first wave of physical removal will be soon -- with Turkey promoting religious war in Europe.
Hoppe won't be taking part in that though, living in Turkey and having a Turkish wife and all.

Not all Turks are on Erdogan's side. Don't impose a collective identity to them. That's what the collectivists try to do.

He lives in Turkey but he has not renounced his German citizenship. He says he still has a strong affinity to the country even though it is completely morally bankrupt.