Is he new SJW icon?

Is he new SJW icon?

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he was ruthlessly btfo by ape guy

>Is a person who is not SJW, a SJW icon?

No he holds too many wrong opinions to be a SJW icon. He would be a Social Justice fellow traveler really.

Saw this earlier.

Why would you even ever get into a conversation with your child about incest? The whole example Destiny gave sounded like he was projecting while reading an "example" from Literotica.

I mean.. it's pretty easy. "Because your kids will be retarded"

He is really cute. Anyone have nudes?

>Come in bragging about how you're takin' down the alt-reich
>Get REKT so hard that you have to ragequit your own stream
>Get humiliated within days with no way to strike back

Blown the absolute fuck out. Glad to hear this pedo's going to be a pariah.

Hes a bigger icon on Sup Forums because this place is filled with niggers safe space Trumpfags

No no, I know the reasons why incest is a bad idea, I just couldn't imagine it ever coming up in conversations with my children. When I was a boy, I never once asked a single family member about such a thing and really was prudish about sexual things in general. Do other families have an "incest talk"?

>"Mexicans are the hardest working members of the labor force"

>"Black slaves are the hardest working members of the labor force"|

If Mexico has such a great work ethic why is it a such an awful country to live in ?

>30 year old man from the neck up
>10 year old boy from the neck down
nu-males were a mistake

Hes not an sjw though?

>He plays Starcraft

>I am root

His dickpics are still around. Google them.


>communism is just an economic theory
>drugs aren't bad for you
>I'm an intellectual

He's a crybaby bitch if nothing else.

>lose debate on your stream
>get so rectally devastated after the debate that you have to draw a graph for your viewers to show how you actually "won" the debate

I honestly can't believe he's still relevant after SC2. He's notoriously average at videogames, and he comes off as so smug on his stream that I just can't stand him anymore.

if you want to see a crybaby bitch just look at all the people replying to him on his twitter.
People on the alt right are the biggest crybabies out there

why do you keep posting here defending yourself, Steven?

> "win" debate on another persons stream
> make 20 min ad hominem video after debate to show how much you "won" xD

Oh hey i can do it too

Who is the alt right? And someone creating content around their identity has more accountability than random twitter accounts.

Not really.

He was defending the word nigger and faggot voraciously just 2 years ago and somehow got onto New York Times when he was attacking Stoya when she was making rape claims on twitter.

mexicans are a large part of labor force, go to cali, arizona, florida, they do more than just the fields man I worked electric, warehouses, and the fields dude they are everywhere and they are good

shhh, you're not fitting in with the "destiny is an sjw" narrative

Reminder that he has a small dick with phimosis that even Mia Rose a former porn actor said she was scared to pull his dick back

stop shilling this dwarfs stream you fucking retards desu

This is why I support abortion, spares millions of boys being born and having to get jewed by this, like I did


Sometimes an overwhelming agreement isn't a narrative, Steven.

What do I google? Destiny dick?

dawg. dawg. dawg. dawg. dawg. dawg. dawg. dawg. dawg. dawg. dawg. dawg. dawg. dawg.

God, I fucking hate this guy. He's so full of affectation and bullshit.

Autistic children ask questions like that.

Overwhelming agreement? Not even close

Is this for real? What is it with leftist internet celebs wanting to get nudes leaked of them shoving bananas up there ass pouring oil on their dicks and all other sense of degeneracy.

Sup Forums- autistic children

Fairly accurate description

They're probably the ones most likely to develop an incest fetish anyway, so I'm writing off Destiny with that lot.

Ad hominem is an argument by insult. Naked Ape already won the argument by stomping your pathetic manlet's teeth in on his own stream.

Then he produces a video additionally showing (with the preface that it was NOT an argument) that your pedo midget is, in fact, also a pathetic creepy sexually deviant small-dicked mentally ill psychopath. This was not an argument, it was humiliation, and it was clearly successful because Desticuck's pitiful fans are just SCREAMING in rage, I can see them everywhere.

I haven't seen anyone deciding you dropping a call to play video games as "winning".

Does he have a disease or something? His arms looks so weak.

yeh just look up destiny sc2 nudes on google

fuck off monkeycock fag shits

destiny is mentally retarded, as can be seen by the fact that he failed to win almost anything as a fucking zerg player

stop shilling this faggoty youtube streamer drama on Sup Forums

Look at the hyperbole in your comment. Isn't this the same thing you all get mad that the media does to Trump? You guys can't even see the hypocrisy in yourselves.

google Steven Bonnell, Bluetea
Basically Bluetea was his co-worker managing his fanbase. Steven shared Bluetea's nudes among his friends on skype. Bluetea was pissed and had access to Steven's twitter account. She posted pics of his tiny penis all over twitter. Steven got black listed from TeamLiquid as a result of the occurring drama. That is why he no longer plays SC2 and only plays LoL now.

yes, its called being a nu-male

Have you sucked Steven's dick before or is this your first time?

Mmh because we are brown I guess. Do you have the answer?

It's funny the complete 180 he's made in the past year. He used to love rape jokes but now that's completely haram. Even after he talked a friend into suicide he still tells people to kill themselves a lot too. He truly is a paragon of the modern left.

wanna get on skype and talk about it? :^)

he's such a manlet he could be hanged on a wall like a picture so

e celeb bullshit isnt Sup Forums
fuck off autismo
especially when its Sup Forums tier drama

You saw the discussion with Lauren Southern, right?

show him a graph, start pointing out his mistakes
>he tries to backpedal into a concept
literally autistic braidead faggot

If he is it's fitting
He's a pencil necked sad sack of shit,
not one ounce of red blood in him, he's
probably the sub in every relationship he's had

>he literally considered killing a kid and his family for doxxing him

My company sells industrial equipment to plants in Mexico and I've had to godown to service them. The Mexicans staffing plant worked for ten minutes then took 15 minute breaks. Their work ethic is garbage.

The people I know who worked construction or electric with Mexicans complain that they constantly had to go behind them and fix their slapdash, shoddy work.


He is 5'4" 100lbs and told one of his guests that if he was paid to kill him the guy would not be able to stop him.

>Even after he talked a friend into suicide

>making up absolute bullshit to try and get replies and make anonymous people on the internet think someone they and you'll never interact with is edgy

Nope. He admitted it on his stream, his friend was feeling suicidal, he basically said "do whatever man" and the guy offed himself.

Imagine the guilt a sane person would feel. Not Destiny though.

thats not talking someone into suicide

that saying "do whatever" to a suicidal person

He laughed when he said it. This dude is not the type of person who values loyalty or honor.

>g-getting btfo
>b-better make it about Trump!
Desticuck fans on SUICIDE WATCH, look at this fucking damage control!

I am Destiny's community manager AMA

>Sup Forums gets this butthurt over Destiny
Enough for me to like him

Can you explain why he is proud of spreading Bluetea's boob pics to everyone he knew?

This idiot is so autistic and so depressed I feel like one day he's going to off himself and "internet trolls" will be blamed by the msm.

You can see just how fucked up his mind is on how he views the world and how he plays league. A shit tier Diamond 5 is the most depressing and stressful person, worse than being in Bronze.

>Dude I'm feeling suicidal, I think I might kill myself
>lol whatever dude do what you want

An early warning sign for autism is an inability to comprehend basic human interactions.

You answered it, because you are brown.

this faggot looks like a fucking retard

He isn't. It was sent to a small Skype room and was never made truly public. Someone in the room showed her the logs of him calling her face ugly but nice body. Then, revenge. He regrets being a dipshit in this case and was much younger.

>those shoulders
wew lad, an entire pencil body

Not doxxing him, for ddosing him
He was making a living streaming and could barely do it because of the kid

>Implying you have the responsibility to stop a suicide
I remember when suicide made you an hero.

Seems like he was quite proud of it as he was defending his actions and harassing Bluetea afterwards threatening to get her college to nullify her scholarships.

I love seeing all you teenagers fall for an enthusiastic turbo faggot.

He is an act, like everyone, but he puts on the enthusiastic, crass, no borders, funny gay stereotype. I can't believe you guys are into that.

He calls himself SJW pretty regularly.

mia rose is a fat whore who failed to make a living leeching off twitch herself

and what would you do? itdepends on who is this guy to you. If some random shit who is my """friend""' would say that i'd be - "whatever dude, i'm not going to pay attention to your shitty attention whoring, i'm gonna piss on your grave and i want you to know it while you are alive, now go and cut it, dog"

When is his second sargon debate?

>Steven Bonnell, Bluetea
Couldn't find anything. Link to tiny penis plz?

Its possible he said some dumb shit when his twitter was hijacked and filled with nudes. I don't know the specifics of the threats. He has a negative view on how he acted back then.


As a joke because other people call him one, and he cares a bit about social justice

Why does he still have sponsors with his milo-esque comments there?

>mfw he says "dawg" unironically in the year 2017

He's not an SJW
But he listens to ((economists)) and that shape his globalist tendencies (which I think most people are guilty of doing)

>Imagine the guilt a sane person would feel. Not Destiny though.

But to be fair, the context of that story was the question of "What is your biggest regret in life".

>its the current year
and why you even posted Peterson. You guys don't even know your memes well.

>As a joke because other people call him one, and he cares a bit about social justice

He literally calls himself the biggest SJW streamer around.

>being this new
>not knowing that current year memes have been in circulation unironically for ages
>not knowing about "ishygddt" and whatnot
Gas yourself newfaggot kremlin shill.

Hes not even close to an SJW.
He does things that SJWs would fucking explode over.

Hes basically just like every other autistic youtuber who discusses current events and politics, except hes left leaning.

The only reason everyones flipping out about him is because he did something notable by roasting jontron's career.

seems like just the other day i was watching him making infestors and calling people niggers and gooks


>Doesn't desperately plead and do everything he can like calling the police or the person's parents to stop a "friend" from killing themselves, even says "its your life, if you want to kill yourself do it"
>Good person that is on the side of justice, good and logic

Pick one

I still don;t really know who this guy is outside of his debate with Jon Tron. Some sort of Twitch let's player?

Also dick pics

Destiny is a pedophile and a retard. So yes he is the new libtard hero.

>now go and cut it, dog
Oh that explains your faggot post here you were just upset that I called out queers like you who use nigger speak in your posts and speech. I get it now.

he's the literal embodiment of the apples guy from good will hunting he can regurgitate the summary but lacks any real incite or rebuttals to any sources or points he brings up he also likes to jump into tangents when his opponent gets a foothold and is a big fan of false equivalencies but goes on the defensive if they rebuke his points with valid comparisons and goes "but in america". Its a good tactic against weaker or inexperienced debaters (which seem to be his favoured opponents) but if he came across anyone who could hold an argument and actually guide a discussion he'd run a mile to hide his face