Tell me about China and Pakistan relations pol

What's the deal? Why is China helping Pakistan?

>India has expressed strong opposition to the $46 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project, which is the key to Beijing's ambitious 'One-Belt, One-Road' initiative, even as it slammed Islamabad for not taking concrete steps to stop crossborder terrorism.

It's a sand nigger country and honestly a propped up state full of inbreds. More importantly why are they pumping so much cash?

I don't get it? More importantly why is China buying up nigger land and sand nigger land?



Why? What's their end goal here?

>Inb4, itz da jooz maan
I haven't seen any slit eyed shlomos. Also I'm asking again why is China helping Pakistan?

Other urls found in this thread:

kek no one replied to your shit thread

>I haven't seen any slit-eyed Shlomos

Well sure there are jews in china, but are they doing anything to influence the place? Are they involved in buying up nigger land and Pakistan?

Cuz I made it like 5 min ago you dumbass

Because unlike North Korea and African countries, Pakistan has a legit shot at becoming developed and China can say "Hey, rook at Pakistan, so deveroped, much prosperity. China best ally"

>What's the deal? Why is China helping Pakistan?
This is actually a really interesting topic I've made threads about before. Basically China is expanding geopolitically and wants to maintain its rapid economic growth, and the easiest or best way to do that is to gain access to undeveloped markets which have rapid growth potential, which Pakistan obviously is. China also seeks to expand into Central Asia to control numerous very valuable transport lanes, and wants access to Afghanistan for both that and access to massive untold resource wealth. Mineral speculation to this point shows that Afghanistan probably has the world's largest lithium reserves by a substantial margin, and it also has substantial amounts of gemstones, uranium, coal, rare earth metals, and other valuable minerals.

Yeah that's why you need chinks to build fucking power dams, fucking inbred don't give me that shit.

>Inb4 dirty indian
Nigger a foreign power is buying up your country and pumping loads of cash which frankly it doesn't have, this should be VERY suspicious to you

>Debt as % of GDP

But why though? Just wealth? Why would the country do that? Its not like China is sharing all that wealth, then there's the fact they have an absurd amount debt. Where are they getting this cash to invest in the 1st place? Is it really as simple as world domination?

What's the opinion in Pakistan about incidents such as these? Does the concept of Muh Ummah not apply to your 'Greatest Arry'?

Most of their debt is not foreign but owed to their own banks you fucking sentinel turd.

>China wants to be the guarantor of trade route safety leading to china (OBOR)
>China doesn't have the diplomacy, technology, or logistics for US style power projection to defend these routes so it builds bases, economic "soft power" ties, A2AD capabilities
>India is the only country in the world similar in size to china, not to mention possessing nuclear weapons, and is a neighbor
>there have already been countless skirmishes between indians and chinese troops along the borders
>pakistan hates india, has nukes too, and is right on the path of China's OBOR objectives

basically the chinese want to make sure India spreads its forces so China can have a better chance at implementing its expansionist policies so in the future it has the power to blockade, threaten, and exploit its potential enemies

> But why though? Just wealth? Why would the country do that?
Wealth and power are traditionally the reason countries do pretty much anything, so yes. That and geopolitics, which those two are a major part of.
> Its not like China is sharing all that wealth
Obviously no, they and any other rational actor does something to benefit themselves, but building an economic corridor and relationship with Pakistan greatly benefits them by hugely expanding China's market for exports or consumer goods while also giving them market access to a hugely poor and underdeveloped market which could generate a massive amount of wealth via its cheap labor market access and ability to industrialize. Wealth isn't a zero sum game, trade between entities generates increased wealth for both parties.
> they have an absurd amount debt
Not really, China's non-private government level of debt is actually pretty normal or healthy for an economy, at least compared to most economies in the world, and debt spending isn't always universally terrible, especially when it's used on infrastructure or similar projects which generally generate more wealth or save more costs than the costs expended on them.
> Where are they getting this cash to invest in the 1st place?
Huge amounts of exports and a massive, rapidly growing economy for tax revenues
> Is it really as simple as world domination?
No, it's just geopolitics, looking out for themselves, etc., no country wants world domination so much as they want domination or sovereignty within their own sphere of influence.

>where does money come from
The money is fiat currency jackass, it gets its value pegged against the dollar since federal reserve in is USA, or do you not know about the federal reserve and the fiat currency?

No one cares as long as they get money. Money is greater than everything in the subcontinent as I am sure you're aware.

This too, really good post.

They want to maintain their economic growth, and are entering foreign markets and expanding their political power.

India has the same population size of China and used to be slightly wealthier, what's stopping you guys? If you grow and join our side, the Chinks can be contained.

why the fuck isn't India advancing and modernizing like the way China is?

> Lower average genetic capital and intelligence
> Much more ethnic division, China is overwhelmingly Han, India has tons and tons of different ethnic groups
> Much more natural resources, China has by far the largest reserves of coal, rare earth metals, tungsten, dammable rivers for hydroelectric power, etc. in the world, India has nothing compared to that
> China became a strong trade ally of the US in the 70s and has been growing since
> India is corrupt and democratic which is a shit combination, China is run by an extremely efficient, if not corrupt and dickish one party system which is authoritarian, technocratic, collectivist, and utilitarian, which for all intents and purposes fucking works and producing a productive nation-state

Also, why can't you fix your toilet problem all memes aside? You're sending probes to space and can't poo in the loo.

Wait... are you actually from pakistan or are you using a Proxy/VPN? Genuinely curious

Holy fucking shit you're retarded. You think the latest iphones and chinkshit stuff magically appears out of someones ass in USA. No it doesn't, China makes and exports them for dollars you idiot.

I'm from here.

map for references
india is in deep shit if this trend continues
myanmar, thailand and japan are good lifelines which should be pursued asap

What's it like? I don't believe any of the RINO's when they talk about Pakistan.

Idk where to begin. Anyway, here are some reasons -
1. Too much heterogeneity and diversity in the populace to unify them behind anything. This rules out the probability of iron-fisted autocratic rule that we need and what China experienced when our economies were roughly at par a few decades ago
2. Further to 1, Internal divisions are severe - regional, linguistic, ethnic and religious
3. A huge Uncivilised chunk of the populace who couldn't be genocided sooner

This country is a fucking shithole and people are retarded as fuck. Plz nuke.

why can't you guys let some great dictator rise and make your country great again? Democracy is detrimental to "uncivilized" countries and their development.

In terms of actions taken by the average Pakistani, how retarded are we talking?

i thought modi is doing a decent job?

Sorry but this seems very simplistic, buying up resources in places filled with people who cannot protect or utilize them seems a waste, I too can easily purchase some land in a slum, but unless I am going to share that wealth with say my family it all simply comes back to me, its kinda worthless, China isn't giving away all this wealth, it all just accumulates with the government, so again why? It's not really helping their economy as of now since although the resources may be there they are yet to fully exploit it, also none of these resources are safe from scientific advancement, as of now silicon is the main component in making semi conductors, however if something made from say carbon then the investments become worthless.

Same for Oil if solar tech switches away from Silicon.

They liberalized in the 70s, we in the 90s give it time, also the country is reducing in corruption.

That doesn't invalidate anything I said, also if you can't communicate without ad hominems then don't bother at all.

1. In my life neither I nor anyone I know have never seen anyone care about "omggg your from there i hate you"
2. Same bullshit
3. Please help by killing yourself 1st

He's doing a spectacular job, plz ignore all proxy fags/depressed shits who blame the country cuz daddy left them

I've heard that Pakistan has leased the entire port of Gwadar to China, in the same fashion China leased treaty ports like Port Arthur to European powers in the 19th century. Is that true?

you cant really comment saying they are inbred concidering you were both part of the raj so you know, you guys shit on pipes so you arent much better yourselves.

Terrorism and ISI fuckery have made Pakistan an undervalued asset, basically

A Paki defending his fellow Paki, why I am surprised

I hope that's true, I fucking hate those Chinks and India can be a great shield against them, Japan and South Korea are too small.

>Reply to Thread No.116957290
i mean if you look at my flag its the flag of the united kingdom, im a white male who isnt a paki but your former overlord. so learn your place you filthy nigger

>not comprehending what I stated in simple English
>getting this assblasted
It's 2 am, kiddo. Off to bed you go

> buying up resources in places filled with people who cannot protect or utilize them seems a waste
That's why China brings in infrastructure by itself and then defends the shit with its own forces, just look what they're doing in Africa, they're brand of Neo-Colonialism is working pretty well for them, they can adequately defend any of their interests from any disorganized or decentralized small regional warlords who would pose a threat or do anything.
> China isn't giving away all this wealth, it all just accumulates with the government
What? What do you think their government does? Just sits on a pile of money/credit? It uses that to build massive infrastructure projects and make further infrastructure, technology, military, etc. investments in China to further the country's interests, just like any other country. Are you aware at all of any of the infrastructure megaprojects China is currently pursuing or considering?
> It's not really helping their economy as of now since although the resources may be there they are yet to fully exploit it, also none of these resources are safe from scientific advancement, as of now silicon is the main component in making semi conductors, however if something made from say carbon then the investments become worthless.
There are tons of resources worth more than silicon, silicon is abundant everywhere and cheap as shit, there's much more relative power and value in rare earth metals, which are used in pretty much everything and which China has a near-world monopoly on, or something like Lithium, which atm Chile is the overwhelming producer of and whose current supplies due to the tech industry are being heavily strained.
> They liberalized in the 70s, we in the 90s give it time, also the country is reducing in corruption.
I never said you didn't or couldn't, I was just saying why atm China is ahead.

gtfo if u hate it so much

Today's news

and average guy is supporting this.

>starts ad hominem attacks first
>cries when others do it to him
Indian people, ladies and gentlemen.

Prove anything I said, wrong.

Modi has his flaws but all said and done, he's the only hope for this country desu. His heart's in the right place and given another term, he'll hopefully be much more autocratic and bring about the massive reforms that everyone's been desperately waiting for but which he couldn't because of electoral compulsions and a minority in our Senate

Thanks for the info m8. Its such a shame that people can learn more about a country through an Chinese image site than actual Geography class.

Do you mean like investing in toilets so you dont have to shit in your water supply?

but but imran khan will change that lulz

Weren't you guys working with China to make a pipeline that goes through Myanmar and Bangladesh, too? I heard there were at least talks about it.

Absolutely hilarious reaction was from top Indian 'Stoner on Afghan Hashish' politicians when they proposed a Similar Turkey-Iran-India pipeline to counter this...LEL

>i mean if you look at my flag its the flag of the united kingdom,
>united kingdom
you mean united kaliphate

>im a white male who isnt a paki
you mean future paki
>but your former overlord. so learn your place you filthy nigger
And now Allah is your overlord. The empire where the sun never sets has transformed into the shit hole where the crescent moon has risen.

>Not an argument
>ugh im soooo smart, haha let me just call him a kid and tell him to go to bed, haha im so cool, i totally won that internet argument

I'll repeat myself, gtfo if you hate it so much

tajikistan is near and they are basically central asia's north korea.

>seeking attention this desperately
>lel me so funny xDDD
Just fuck off, Chav

For a start islam is still a minority here by far, we left the cuck union so we can hopefully stop the sand niggers getting here anyway, and it might be a shithole but we can afford enough trains so people dont think the roof is a giant seat

Why would anyone on Sup Forums that's not a designated street shitter or rice nigger care about that?

They have a cult of personality, too? Holy shit. Asia's just full of them

Because to countries that actually matter these types of geopolitical deals are actually interesting.

friendly reminder that this isnt a toilet you sand nigger

Miloš this is a serious thread on geopolitics for globally relevant military powers and not autistic Turkish rape-babies who are trying to be super-edgy

But for long can you fly in your own forces like that? Returns on investment requiring further investment....

>What? What do you think their government does? Just sits on a pile of money/credit? It uses that to build massive infrastructure projects and make further infrastructure, technology, military, etc. investments in China to further the country's interests, just like any other country. Are you aware at all of any of the infrastructure megaprojects China is currently pursuing or considering?

OK but what is the end goal then? They could've simply had trade deals like other countries, why have to buy up entire regions? Why this neo-coloniolism?

OK mohamad

And neither is this

I will in November. Enjoy your shithole.

ah yes thats correct, one incident makes it equal to a whole population shitting on pipes

If you honestly believe we don't have a serious overpopulation problem, and that our profound internal fault-lines and painstakingly inefficient and stifling democratic shitstem aren't problems, then I have nothing further to say...

These are Indian territories being occupied by China

> But for long can you fly in your own forces like that? Returns on investment requiring further investment....
Infrastructure and public institutions are the greatest stores of wealth and value in your country, they benefit everybody and facilitate massively increased collective national productivity, investing in it the way China is doing at the moment is the correct way to think in the long term to benefit the country.
>They could've simply had trade deals like other countries, why have to buy up entire regions? Why this neo-coloniolism?
Because the places they're doing it in are full of incompetent retards who can't manage anything effectively by themselves, therefore just outsourcing the management and brain work to China while getting all of the physical stuff from the host country makes much more economic and practical sense.

The Whole wide world is a toilet there m8...Poonami warning is not just a meme

honestly indians just need a good british thrashing again to learn their place, i dont understand how you can be nationalistic over a place that hasnt invented toilets or any form of healthcare system yet

What vodkanigger came up with that map? that red line of occupation of Kashmir and Arunachal doesn't exist and Tibbet has never been Indian territory !

>At what age will you marry? If so, will she be your cousin, and will you have any say in the matter?
>Are you from a relatively well-off family? If so, have you been to the developed world? Do you live in some sort of sheltered gated community?
>Do you hate India or do you not care?
>Are you very religious? In general, how religious are those in your circle?

>autistic Turkish rape-babies

Pajeet, I am not sure who are you referring to, as I am neither. If you are among the autists who believe the "muh serbs are turkspawns" despite tons of historic and contemporary genetic evidence suggesting otherwise, you seriously need to re-evaluate your own existence. By the way, don't forget to poo in the loo, scum.

>globally relevant military power

I'd rather have my country not matter than have it invaded by shitskins.

gotta love the bongs
absolute shit at land borders, and international agreements regarding them

>literal Mexicans to India except filthier, stinkier and...Muslim
user I don't even...

>east paki came to protect his master
it's funny

14% of india is muslim you fucking idiot

who are the bongs?

>>At what age will you marry? If so, will she be your cousin, and will you have any say in the matter?
Probably 28-32. 70% chance of being a cousin and no say in the matter unless you want to be disowned.

>>Are you from a relatively well-off family? If so, have you been to the developed world? Do you live in some sort of sheltered gated community?
Not that well off, no. I've been to Europe. No.

>>Do you hate India or do you not care?
I don't care.

>>Are you very religious? In general, how religious are those in your circle?
I'm not religious. 40% around me are VERY religious and rest not religious.


the east wants it's own world bank imf ect. they wanna dump the dollar and overthrow the nwo
the us is not only excluded form these deals, they're not even allowed to observe

Only Muslims and chinks live there, nothing of value is lost

The overpopulation is a necessary counter weight to Islam and its rapid baby factory level growth, You think the BJP would've swept the elections in UP if it was filled with Muslims? I don't know what internal fault lines you're croaking about I've never heard of them, no one has ever discriminated against me cuz of state or background, and yes government is slow that's why Modi is doing stuff like this

*feeling when an indian complains about muslims but 15% of their population is muslim*

Will the NWO allow that to pass peacefully? WW3?

Which country are you emigrating to?

Brit knowing all about Muslims, you must really care about the Ummah.

>nothing of value is lost

no i just googled it, but being from india you wouldnt know about educating yourself

>Slavic trash tries desperately to be part of the discussion by using le edgy "insults"
Kek. Reminder that your joke of a country got firebombed by a fellow (56%) White nation because you killed some Mudslimes and your Slavic bro Russia just watched on impotently. Further your shithole of a country got divided THREE FUCKING times while you only watched helplessly.

>Muh Based Serbia

it may come to that but it isn't going to stop.


nope, eat some crackers or drink a hot cup of black coffee ya drunk freak, Arunachal is very much still under Indian sov administration and here's the Kashmiri line of control...and as I said, Tibbet may have a claim for sov but it sure aint part of Indian territory.

Best thing that ever happened in india


>Kek. Reminder that your joke of a country got firebombed by a fellow (56%) White nation because you killed some Mudslimes and your Slavic bro Russia just watched on impotently.

Were we somehow supposed to fight back? The entire fucking western world rained bombs down upon us. Russia had an idiot president, and even if it had a good president, it wouldn't have been able to do much, due to the fact that the Americans saw an excellent opportuinity in Kosovo.

Further your shithole of a country got divided THREE FUCKING times while you only watched helplessly.

Serbia is not Poland, you imbecile.

>>Muh Based Serbia


>British Education

>Mr Cameron cited statistics showing that 190,000 Muslim women don't speak English to a good standard, or 22 per cent of the country's female Muslim population.

Revenge for the Reconquista eh? lol

again proving how retarded you are, do you think they went through the British education system? no they didn't they came from sand land and didn't bother to integrate

i don't care about you niggers fighting each other, I just said that China have profit from you both and you paki is just a puppet

So just world domination again? How does this tie into the refugee crisis and all? And of (((those connections)))?

>evaluating everything in terms of and in relation to Muslims
>implying dirt-poor Hindu families having 6 kids vis-a-vis a Muslim family's 4 is somehow a good thing
>implying labourers from the heartland face no discrimination in the West and North; Northeasterners face none in the rest of India; etc
>implying the registration of a company=approval for immediate commencement of business
Please kys

I see that makes sense, do you think China will try to purposefully dumb down the population to maintain control? Soviet subversion style?

no, they aren't going to copy the uk us
the refugees are fleeing wars
when the bric's bank gives a loan the countries will actually get the money/infrastructure

>>evaluating everything in terms of and in relation to Muslims

So you're saying people who read a book that calls for your death every day for 5 times aren't a threat? What bubble do you live in? Been to old Hyderabad? Its fucking tiny pakistan.

>>implying dirt-poor Hindu families having 6 kids vis-a-vis a Muslim family's 4 is somehow a good thing

Us vs them, the Hindu kids won't demand circumcision, won't erase the past culture of the land, wont destroy thousand year old temples.

>>implying labourers from the heartland face no discrimination in the West and North; Northeasterners face none in the rest of India; etc

They're fucking laborers they'll face discrimination no matter what

>>implying the registration of a company=approval for immediate commencement of business

Yeah man since approval also takes time lets make it even harder, its a step in the right direction.

Oh, Brilliant! I came across that years ago, forgot to save it, and haven't been able to find it since.