Tell me about americans. Why they are so fat?

Tell me about americans. Why they are so fat?

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Is that the episode that came out yesterday?
I didn't realize you guys got tlc

Because food is everywhere and it's really cheap

Jesus Christ

What the fuck is that shit on his legs? Moss?

H-he's rotting?

When they rolled the shit carpet under him.

Turned it off. Fuck Trump's America. He's the biggest fat enabler.

Rare photo of american I took yesterday

Because they don't have national service like us.

They only eat carbs and empty calories because they are cheap shitty poor peasants.

What's on his legs? What's on his legs? What's on his legs? What's on his legs? What's on his legs? What's on his legs? What's on his legs? What's on his legs? What's on his legs? No no no no no no nonnonononononononooooohh!

Some sort of infection or gangrene or something

Happens when you get really, really REALLY fat, like far above 300kg or 600 pounds for you imperifags, AND not moving at all so it gets all fucked


They don't stop eating.


Last year Obama put burger machines in every home which dispenses free burgers whenever we feel like eating one

Thanks Osama

Kek! Pollak thinks it's rare...


Just as well they blurred out the genitals, that would have been a really disgusting image otherwise.





What the fuck

Sedentary lifestyle combined with relatively cheap and easily available calorically dense foods. While groceries are still cheaper than takeout, it requires about 45 minutes of shopping and several hours of preparation. OR we can spend $10 for 4000 kCal of pizza.

Man. If I was that fucking revolting and sickening I would probably ask someone to give me a revolver so I can kill myself


300kg is over 650 pounds. That's a fairly large error

Don't we mark obesity as a disease instead of a behavioral problem?

ur the same brit poster that replied to my thread immediately.


What's his name? I want to read about him.


What a picture... but male or female, healthy or "just hanging on", alive or dead - there will be some user ITT who would stick his cock in it.

Brits are fatter, don't believe the lies.


Delete this thread right fucking now or I will declare war on every country in this thread.

Tell me about poles, Why do their heads look like Boxes? Your male heads are not European at all

Time to post gross fat people in ER stories

who keeps feeding him?

Your skin being an organ suffers when you're that overweight.
You literally can't get enough liquid into your system to hydrate it do it starts to dry and crack from the inside.

Also it doesn't get enough surface moisture so dermalogical hygiene issues arise, because they can't wash.

Mcdonalds culture because those fat bastards are too lazy to learn how to cook a healthy meal.


Well because is amerilard related thread i converted 600 pounds to kg, which is 272 but decided to go with 300 because it's a nice number

Anglos are eating like fucking pigs. What a disgusting race!


Hes literally so big the outer parts of him are rotting

Pop off james

Nice broke-back cowboy.

They're good goys whose existence is to consume.

Average looking pole



It actually triggers me that people like that are kept alive


To be fair when you get to 300 kg your weight can fluctuate like 20 kg per day based on water retention. That's partly why the deathfats on TV can lose like 100 kg in a few months

FFS it's not that complicated to make him lose fat.

Just put him in prison and feed him 100 grams of protein and 50 grams of fat each day.

kys muhammed

Jesus Christ

What is with this retarded hair bullshit.


why would anyone photoshop her legs?
this is just stupid. She's fat enough, why'd you need to enlarge her legs.

becouse burger is $1
and uni is $100.000



Cooking skills my ass! All they needed to do is eat a "little" less. Seriously! They fucking defy physics.

The problem is that Americans thinking drinking pop is like drinking water that is just flavored.

my fucking sides

ok you guys are lazy dumb faggots, today i ate raw cabbage 3 boiled eggs and 2 boiled midsized potatoes 1 tomato. plus one one banana 3 glases of milk one apple some oat meal and granola in a smoothie. i costed way less than 10 bucks an it took me like 5 minutes to make

Also, the Aussies are the new fatties.

Nice dad

Because we sexually identify with it.

...but now that you mention, I am curious as to whether the infection has spread to his, er.... "manhood".

can i get a quick rundown

Too much fast food and no exercise.


at least he gave life to some parasites


Why are people feeding these fatties? They cant move anywhere so where do they get the money and food?


There's always an enabler behind these fat pieces of shit. It is impossible to eat yourself into that state without help.


Pop off james

It is.

Did you just link to an opinion blog piece you raging faggot?
What next linking to a TV commercial?

Show actual evidence you Muslim keffer

This, and their is oligopolies on every food industry, forcing real restaurants to not be able to compete with Mc Diabetes


I've had an egg mcmuffin, 3 mcdoubles, 2 mc chickens and a mc flurry today for under $10


Looks like he got a combo bacterial and fungal infection in between his fat rolls that's literally eating him alive. Its "the rot". He has likely also lost circulation to alot of tissue so its likely he has gangrene and is rotting from the inside.



>highest test?

Ofc not. Captain Ahab's dream!

I believe it's to help tack a rapidly receding hairline. As those hairs fall off, you superglue them back in place. That way when you grow your hair out 6 months later you can see how the landscape has changed.

Anyone want to get nice and depressed?

>sugar and high fructose corn syrup in goddamned everything
>education system encouraging kids to eat little dairy and protein but shit tons of carbs, and also spreading general ignorance
>not enough exercise
>daily commutes are mostly driven instead of walked
>enabling and denial via "fat acceptance" movements and liberal victim mentalities (not to imply that there aren't tons of conservative fat rednecks also, though)

yeah ... how could those persons be OK with bringing more food, clearly this has become a severe condition

>Schultz bows to him
>Rules Germany with an iron but fair fist
>Finance the first prisoner of war camps in Germany (the First will be known as Camp 13
>We don't know his master plan yet, we hope he's benevolent

for breakfast a smoothie of almond milk with banana, strawberry, blueberry, grape, spinach, pineapple.

1 hour lifting at gym, then lunch of chicken breast, 1 cup brown rice, broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots.

It's 4pm now, chilling about to get ready to cook up some blackened tilapia and grilled asparagus for dinner.

Take it easy you fat bogan.

It's common knowledge that your people are fat pieces of shit. Do I need a source on that the sun rises in the east?

It's just fucking disgusting man. How did we end up here.

Pop off james