Why do no celebrities or musicians support Trump? Are we on the wrong side of history?
>hurr all of them are controlled by the jews
Why do no celebrities or musicians support Trump? Are we on the wrong side of history?
>hurr all of them are controlled by the jews
all of them are controlled by the jews
Celebs and musicians are all worthless, spineless sheep that can't think for themselves and try to pander to their audience which is also made up of sheep
>Why don't shitty rich people who have sex with children and snort coke off each other's dicks support Trump? Surely these people living in mansions who have servants go to the grocery store for them so they don't have to be around disgusting peasants know what's best for the country.
Its because under democrats the entertainment industry gets billions of dollars worth of subsidies
because what's right isn't always what's popular
and celebs thrive on popularity
For 1 plenty of celebs support Trump openly and alot in secret because of liberal fascism. But also most are controlled by u kno who
Deadmau5 supports trump
Also you're a nigger
How about the best musician of this generation?
>celebrities or musicians
Fuck off you shallow cunt
1. They are artists, they possess no knowledge of politics, so their opinion is not very relevant
2. Their job is to be trendy and popular, they cannot afford to go against the opinion of the majority of the industry and their fanbase. Hence even if they support Trump, they have to remain silent at best, if not publicly declare they are against him.
3. They are rich, so they view things differently. They don't see the crimes immigrants commit. The Mexicans they know are not the criminals that are on the streets, but those cute guys working at their spic food corner shop or those housekeepers they own. The Muslims they know are not the radical islamists, but the sheikhs and other rich middle easterners. They go on a trip to Dubai where they live in luxury hotels and drive lambos around the city racing with friendly Ahmeds and Fathimas, and that's the image that they have of the muslim people, since celebs don't have enough brain to realize the sample bias. They cannot imagine that just over the border the same Ahmeds could kill someone for being Christian. Critical reasoning skills are not tested when casting for movies.
>caring about people who care about what people think about them.
you're over 3 femen deep into media control here.
Vaporwave is pro-Trump
>shit on rich people
>supports trump
Holy fuck you bootlickers are stupid
>not knowing clint eastwood
Fuck off faggot
Trump is a benevolent rich man you shariablue nigger faggot. The man cares about the poor and American working class. Not all rich people are evil dude.
>what is Kanye west
>what is clint eastwood
>what is mel gibson
>what is many celebs who are too afraid to voice their support of trump because it will probably ruin their career
>wealth is directly correlated to alignment
>what is the bill and Linda foundation
>blocks your path
Vaporwavers are a bunch of Marx-men, you shitstained yankee candle!
No those are just the gay 14 year olds. The good artists are pro-Trump and celebrate capitalism.
> What is Kanye West
In a mental hospital
>What is Clint Eastwood
>What is Mel Gibson
Smeared by the media for trying to redpill people
They really are terrified of losing power aren't they.
hehehe, yeah
1. They're actors, I would be surprised if half of them had over a high school level of education. Their opinion on politics should never be taken seriously.
2. They exist in Hollywood which is ultra liberal. If they had an opinion that goes against the grain it could end their careers.
3. They should simply shut their traps and dance for our entertainment lime the good little monkies that they are.
Good job we have free thinkers like you to lead us right.
Except he's giving huge tax breaks to rich...and before his presidency abused laws which destroyed American jobs.
Really got me thinking their Ahmed. Guess I better start listening to TSwift, going to women's marches, and drinking the Seth Myers kool-aid.
Lick my shoes Ahmed. You don't know shit about the United States you paki subhuman.
hmmm, you seem to have completely ignored the evidence and instead resorted to butthurt name calling. I'll give you a second chance at a rebuttal.
Also, I'm actually German aryan, making me whiter than you.