Muslims are better than whites

Muslims are better than whites.

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Shut up schweinehunt

Fuck off back to the sand then?

b8 r8 1/no

why is the man thong even allowed


Back to the cuckshed, Hans

muslim is a religion, white is a race

As far as I know fags blow Muslims tfo when it comes to education and income and contribution to society and not being criminals and not making low iq inbreed sandnigger babies.

A bit of aids and degeneracy are better than rif rats.

Please, that's a level of logic normies can't comprehend.

it should be punishable by death

first post is best post.


>mfw I caught a glimpse of a guy wearing one of these when I was in the locker room at the Y

>and you're bait.

Mods do your job for nigger's sake. This thread is as political as my dick is long and black.

Even though he's a mudslime shitskin, he's right. That man thong bullshit is immodest, and should honestly be banned as well. I hope for the frogs that they will achieve a victory in the upcoming elections, but I honestly doubt that it will happen.

Frogs have always been fags. Let them live in peace in their fagland, go back to the desert and blow yourself up there.

then fuck off to barren nigger land
oh, that's right you just want the nigger welfare from the west

Argentinians are the true leaf posters

FREEDOM. Also, they're pretty comfy. You should try it.

You should be free to wear whatever you want, just as people should be able to point at you and laugh and ban you from certain places if you wear a man thong.

Funnily enough, if the guys who pushed for a burkini ban had it their way the man thong would be banned, too

Be better somewhere else.

More and more whites are muslims though. All non-muslims in Europe only fuck men and cross dressers so it's only a matter of time before Europe is back to it's culture of modesty and chastity.

Man thong - if you want to look like a moron.
Burkini if you want to look like a religious fanatic, are you having a suicide vest under it or are you just fat?

Maybe Sup Forums should start operation Free Beaches and all guys should wear speedos to really show Muslims what freedom is like.

you have to go back

male thong is a long french tradition of taking it up to the ass
burkini ISNT!

fuck off to arabia
you cant demand to force you culture and customs on to europeans !!!

>All non-muslims in Europe only fuck men and cross dressers
Muslims also fuck men and cross dresses. Trust me. :3

I'm very okay with this. It's a shame american guys are so pussified that they can't even wear glorious speedos.

Mohammed should fucking be glad the guy is wearing a cocksock... Because in france nude is not rude. Hes just jellly that he lose his foreskin and is less of a man.

gay shaming


Go back to Roachland, Achmed.

I'm sure mohammed prefer the gay thong

>worn by literally every muslim woman on the beach

>man thongs
>worn solely by faggots, and even then the man thong is rarely worn at all

This is the difference. 99.9% of men don't wear man thongs at the pool/beach.

read this and you'll understand

off by one

>Muslims also fuck men and cross dresses. Trust me. :3

But at least those who do all want to be executed and want to bring other faggots. All faggots are degenerate but at least they have some sort of morality and know to make sure faggots get killed.

the human body is not disgusting.

Meanwhile in Saudi Arabia

>But at least those who do all want to be executed and want to bring other faggots.


He's got a point.


I'm sickened, but curious. What is happening in this picture?

No brakes on the pig blood train.

what the fuck

It's a cultural thing, you wouldn't understand.

Some 3deep5u feminist live performance in brazil or spain (can't recall).

>Muslims are better than whites.

water is wet and the sun is hot

is this thread where we state facts?

Agreed. We should ban the man thing too.
Btw, since when did libs fight against sexuality?


She was banned because one of her cousins just murdered dozens of people on that very beach.

Men in thongs will also be banned if they started murdering people.

Dont make us release Saddam on your ass

I was told this shit was in Some Gulf State
But oh well......

>white is a race
White is not a race. White is generalization of races with white skin.
"White" encompasses many human breeds that cold be divided into sub-categories.

>Be autistic
>call Muslims a race
>Think Mexican is too

>Socialism will work this time

I can't be arsed to check. Use the google search image menu to see where it leads and if you care.

White is part of the caucasian race. And what Finnbro said.

you can always go back

>She was banned because one of her cousins just murdered dozens of people on that very beach.

neither a burkini or a man thong break the NAP, if you dont like either just look the other way

>since when did libs fight against sexuality?
Since conservatives wanted to prevent terrorist attacks by preventing conservative mudslimes from entering the country. Libs rationalize it as saving the people while holding off the ideas of sexual freedom. As long as normal people don't want muslims, libs will defend them and forgo the other parts that classic liberals fought for.

That's not a man-thong. It's a cock sock!
>mfw Akhmed absolutely terrified of his wife finding out that there are men bigger than he is.

Are you the same Faggot I keep seeing in all these threads?

>Muslims are better than whites.
Damn right. Muslims should not have to tolerate whites any longer. Muslims should just leave Europe and leave whites on their own devises. No longer will Muslims support the white devils.


What's he got against a male thong? Is he trying and now failing to suppress his homoerotic urges?

If it's okay to wear a burqa it's okay to wear a Nazi armband


He's not complaining that French people are doing french things in FRANCE IS HE?

not really

Without the Muslim doctors and engineers, how can whites even survive? That's right, they can't!

This is the final nail in the coffin for the whites; Have every Muslim in Europe leave.

It is.

Oh wait this is Europe. Nevermind.

holy shit, this has potential. I'm not sure your average leftist is smart enough to get the point, but if polished, it could become perfect material to share among normies to show the flaws of "not all muslims" and similar movements.

Report Twitter posts. Enough is enough.