Ugly People More Likely to be Liberl

Does this explain feminism?

>People who think they’re ugly are more likely to sympathize with liberal causes.

>People who feel they are physically beautiful tend to be more conservative and right wing

Other urls found in this thread:

A pure heart leads to pure skin and good looks!

Liberals hearts are tainted black like coal and their looks reflect that

Study finds taller people are more politically conservative.

>The taller a person is, the more likely he or she is to support conservative political positions, support a conservative party and actually vote for conservative politicians.

>In America the average Bernie supporter has a height of 5'7 while Trump male supporters have an average of 5'11


I buy this (supposing the stats are accurate).

If you feel like you are a victim, you will tend to carry yourself like a victim. So it makes sense all these uggos who lack self confidence will tend to gravitate towards leftist ideology. Then again, I know plenty of hotties who also buy into that crap. So...

Men who are physically strong are more likely to have right wing political views

Weaker men more likely to support welfare state and wealth redistribution
Link may reflect psychological traits that evolved in our ancestors
Strength was a proxy for ability to defend or acquire resources

I think I'm ugly and I'm 1488
Ironically women think I'm decent to good looking

WTF are you talking about?.

I was in a Trump rally in Cali and Trump supporters are big manlets.

guess im an outlier

im ugly as shit but still a right winger

Attractive people all live in cities.

I've never heard of liberal rural and suburban retards.

it's very simple:
attractive people can secure resources on their own
ugly people need to use the force of the state to secure resources for them

Holy shit i know the girl on the left.

Gave her the d in HS when she was unfortunately still that fat.

She got high on pain meds and rear ended a semi, which decapitated her friend.

She got convicted of manslaughter.

Pic very related.

5'11" here, voted for Trump.

Fucking hell mate, you fucked that???

fat and ugly people flock to liberalism and the sjw aspects of it because they feel disconnected with society
>being the black sheep of the world they all band together

>She got high on pain meds and rear ended a semi, which decapitated her friend.

it's a small world....

surprised you recognised her with all that shit on her face in the OP

Makes sense. Nietzsche called this phenomenon ressentiment

your dick is cursed.

Nah both have dregs.
Goto walmart then whole foods an tell which ud rather fug

yes since they get more butthurt about people having more privileges than them

>gave her the d
why user, why

5'7" here, God bless emperor Trump

I'm not usually one to say no to fucking a girl but jesus christ matey

You just lost your whiteness
You are now an honorary Swede, congratulations

I still don't know what whole foods is

Its pretty easy to understand, people who fail at life in some way will find more reasons to take issue with the system.

Women become feminists after failing at relationships. Women who become fat take issue with the standards of beauty. Poor people take issue with capitalism, etc

Manlets, will they ever learn?

The BIG question is why do hogs need planned parenthood though?

I'm short and ugly af, and I'm mega right wing

Perfect mind, perfect body. Confidence in one feeds into the other

Top kek

whole foods is basically taking the produce as it occurs in nature and leaving it that way, the term makes sense for whole grains which would still have germ and skin and that's probably where this originates from. Not so sure what a "whole vegetable" would really be as opposed to a "regular" one, normal vegetables or berries are also whole.

I've noticed even fat right wing women are a lot more bangable than fat liberal women. They tend to keep it classy.

>Gave her the d in HS when she was unfortunately still that fat.

Fug m8, you could leave this shit out. Why embarass yourself over the fucking internet?

>Attractive people all live in cities.

Are you a fucking idio... oh... shit... just noticed the flag. Never mind.

Im fucking handsome and fucking right and nationalist.

So this must be true.

>Does this explain feminism?

I like how they spin it in the actual article
>People who perceive themselves as attractive are more likely to support inequality


Ugly females yes. Then beta but competent males bend to their whims in order to have sex. While beta male failures unable to meet those expectations or delusional beliefs they'll be able to score an attractive female go MRA.

It was great sex too.

I hope your dick's okay

Jesus Christ user. It's just better to fap some times

Fairly sure right is a dyke anyway.

The typical Ameircan is like 5'9 i'm 5'10 i doubt that. Manlets like trump.

>got high on paid killers and rear ended a semi

story checks out I don't think this guy is lying

In my defense she was a top tier personality before she became a wigger.

Drugs are bad.

Of course. Manlets also tend to be liberals.

4'3 im with her
fuck drumpf and fuck wh*te "people"


>Gave her the d in HS when she was unfortunately still that fat.
Did your friends make fun of you for that? One of my buddies was 5'6 and probably 130 pounds, fucked a 280 pounder. That one was never lived down.


>fucking a girl over 125lbs

Holy shit how big are you? Big girls are logistically a nightmare


people who win genetic lottery and never have anything bad happen to them that's out of their control tend to see life as all being consequences of their own choices and feel in control of everything.

People who got shit on by genetics or had something bad happen to them that wasn't their fault realize that life is NOT all consequences of your own actions and you're in far less control than you think you are.

That's what happens between the 2 ideologies.

If you're born silver spoon in hand and everything is going well you think "what I'm doing is working well so it must be right, everyone not living exactly like me is doing something wrong, so we should ban everything that isn't part of MY lifestyle"

If you're born fucked up and poor you think "there's nothing I can personally do to change this, I need help"

God damn why are leafs so retarded?

It's a Mexican shithole, and everyone knows that Mexicans are manlets.

but they can do everything to change

"all give some, but some give all!"

when you're a full red blooded conservative but are a manlet

Kek you're a fucking manlet

>he actually went back


if they're genetically a cripple there's really not a lot they can do. They can't just pick up by their boot straps and not be a cripple anymore.

and if they're just genetically going to be fucking ugly.. that affects people's perceptions of you and it can be harder to compete for things like good jobs, so you're more likely to lean towards systems that can alleviate that and shit like quotas.

I don't know if this is 100% true. I'm ugly as fuck and would rather die and than be liberal

what if neither are pretty though?

>People who feel they are physically beautiful tend to be more conservative and right wing

I agree

>all the great men of history were short
>loser lanklets are all trumptards

Makes sense.

Leftism is for people whose only hope of staying in the competition is to bring everyone else down to their level.

Makes sense desu senpai

>it's not my fault I failed grade 9 because I'd rather smoke dudeweedlmao than work

There are very few exceptions, if you are poor in a first world country and not a recent immigrant, than it's your fault.

all THICCfags must hang

Holy shit
Julius Caesar: 5'7
Napoleon: 5'6
Einstein: 5'9
Carnegie: 5'3
Shakespeare: 5'6
Alexander The Great: 5'-5'7
Charlemagne: 5'6
Hitler: 5'8
what happened to manlets? what values have they lost?

They fight like fierce madmen too, had gotten into it with a manlet and was able to overcome using strength, but damn if he didn't wail on me with everything he had.

Must be that inferiority complex thingy, have something to prove.

except for Hitler, Napoleon and (((Einstein))), all the others were tall for the age they lived in.

I support the right but am still an ugly piece of shit.

you do realize everyone used to be way shorter on average in the olden days?

Most of these men were raised in an age where those under the ruling class were not raised with proper nutrition. Also, Napoleon wasn't short, the eternal Anglo intentionally converted his height wrong.

Found your problem

They don't just think they are, they usually are.

yeah im just a manlet trying to make myself feel better, fuck

Leftists advocate for people on the bottom of hierarchies, and ugly people are at the bottom of the hierarchy of appearance.

it's all relative. A poor person in a 1st world country is living okay compared to a middle class person in a 3rd world shithole in a lot of ways.

but I mean born to a poor family. When you're born to a rich family, college isn't even a worry, your parents probably have a trust fund to cover it, you can go to any school you want provided you make good grades and get accepted They'll also probably get partial scholarships, to entice them to go to that school and entice the family to make contributions to the school (esp if it's the parents alma mater). For someone born to a poor family, that's not going to happen. the family cannot afford to send them to school, so they're either reliant on government subsized loans, the thing about scholarships is the scholarship money tends to be targeted towards higher income students because their parents can fork out more cash to go along with it, and athletics, because ticket sales from sports pay that money back. Giving scholarships to lower income academic students is just throwing money in a hole, better to just make them take loans, maybe the government can give them some grants. So it's either that.. or work your ass off just to be able to afford community college (forget affording 4 year university on part time jobs, you haven't really been able to do that for 30 years), or sign up for the military if you're physically fit enough and don't mind taking the risk of being sent to the middle east to die.

You could say screw college, but that takes a lot of professional careers away from being options, and since your parents can't give you any "small loans of $1 million dollars" starting your own business seems far fetched as well. So what do you do? You work manual labor. The best you can hope for is to get a trade apprenticeship. But in most cases, statistically speaking, you're going to remain "poor"

being born into a family with networking connections, and resources to start you out on helps.

That just means more women voted Bernie, which we all knew already.

6'5" of MAGA

The weak and undesireable have an inborn desire to take from the strong and attractive. It's a need born from jealousy and spite. They want those they perceive to have slighted them to suffer as they have.

Rather than make choices to fix themselves, they would prefer to simply take from those who have already achieved what they desire.

Thats why they are drawn to feminist/socialist movements. These ideal subsets inherently play upon their desire to take from the "haves" and keep it for themselves.

>be me
>Married to 10/10 blonde conservative girl
>be my very liberal middle brother
>married to a man
>be my oldest brother
>married to fat Mexican liberal

>be my parents
>both have serious medical issues, both almost died less than a year ago
>love all their children
>strong conservatives
>haven't seen other brothers in over 6 months

Oldest brothers liberal wife has brainwashed him into alienating our mother and promotes him being on SSRI, along with their daughter for many years. They're whacked out and suicidal at times

Gay brother lives his own life and doesn't drive two hours to visit even though they vacation regularly, excuse being hoard of rescue dogs he's gathered

My wife opted to spend spring break at my parents, she has been cleaning and cooking for my parents and grandma because she loves them, she's gotten my mom to the gym daily and we visit regularly despite living 5 hours away.

I've just never met a selfless leftist, despite all of the virtue signaling and efforts to seem like a good person - which in turn has really made me turn my back to leftism, family values are gone in America! Sad!

If you are fat it because you think you can't change anything or don't care enough to want to.

Anyone can make themselves attractive. Even if you have an uggo face you can work on your body to bring it to it's best form, and desu most people are fine with butterfaces.

I weighed about 180lbs at the time.

She was well into the 350s and the pussy smelled like rotten cheese covered in maggots on an indian designated shitting street.

You had really low self esteem in high school didn't you user

Not him but ya gotta start somewhere, get confidence.
Pork a pig and work your skills up to Stacy.

It is, of course, factual, since Liberalism is nothing less than personal failure and a lack of will projected onto everyone else.

Not even Hollywood can make Steve Buscemi look attractive. Some people are just genetically going to be ugly and that's that.

It's all about self defeat. Poor people are indoctrinated from the first moments of their lives to believe that they can't get anywhere in life and that they should just live their whole lives on the dole. Some do this gleefully. People used to reject welfare because it was dishonorable. My parents literally never ate fresh meat or real butter until they were adults living on their own, because their parents couldn't afford it. Butter and cold cuts. I only ever got to live a comfortable childhood because of how much the last two generations of my family struggled to achieve, and I hope I can add to their successes.

I have literally no mercy for anyone on welfare.


My current gf is well into the mid 400s and the only reason that i live is to post racist frogs and i don't want to add statistics to the gun grabbers.

Fat acceptance is cancer though.

I think about suicide literally every day. Dont let yourself get fat.

6'3" master race here.

Liberals have no respect for themselves or anything else which is why they deface their own bodies. If anyone is going to put holes everywhere, they sure as shit are not going to eat properly.

>I've just never met a selfless leftist
Because there aren't any, they're the people who only want to "help out" when they think there's something in it for them (increased social standing via validation). You won't see a leftist be of any use to their family or anyone else they take for granted, mostly because they're preoccupied with trying to get the attention of people whose approval they perceive as beneficial.

This really tells us that leftists have a low self opinion of themselves, not necessarily that they are less attractive.


How fat are you user.

What happened.

If Steve Buscemi was swole instead of a literal worm-man he would be moderately attractive.