HWNDU: When does Round 2 of Capture the Flag start?


Recap from Round 1.

Will Shia stop being a giant faggot and rise to the challenge?

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cant wait for the happenings

I am really hoping he keeps trying, so we can keep having fun

I wonder how much money it would take bee faggot to draw HWNDU art. After all he did draw Ebola-chan despite whining about muh alt righters all day on Twitter.

This time I hope he doesn't post a fucking picture right next to the damn flag...



guarantee you his next hwndu will be in his house or something

Activate it

Beat me to it...

This. This so deserves a video montage with a voiceover on YouTube. Something like "For 36 hours, the whereabouts of the flag fell out of all human knowledge, expect for Sup Forums. The Eye of KEK was everywhere...."

he drew "nazi" comic to pander to Sup Forums but got butthurt because he wasnt paid.

>When does Round 2 of Capture the Flag start?
I can't wait for the next one. Its bound to be magical. I hope Shia goes full psycho and puts it somewhere challenging like a mountain or a lion's cage in a zoo. If he puts it somewhere in the Caribbean sea, you can count on me to get it.

Are bee and mike the same person?

a discord for finding shia discord.gg/xTkBs

if its anywhere in Texas, I'll get it done



Michigan reporting in

That fucker... he... he did it...

america i s so cucked the police can force someone to shut down a webcam

I'll fucking skip a week of lectures if he dare to put it in Colorado.

We need to make sure all the states and unincorporated territories have agents ready to act as part of the flag retrieval unit. We must remain vigilant at all times.

>mfw It Ain't Me starts playing


season 4 expected to be in Australia

yes, malay mike aka mighty buzzer aka maldraw.

Well I can cover all of Texas and New Mexico, as well as all of Chihuahua if he takes it into Mexico. if need be, i can call in support throughout Arizona, Utah, Colorado, and Louisiana

Ah he put it Hollywood somewhere, probably where they filmed the moon landings

At least we know where it is. xD

>Moving it to the world capital of shitposting
Boy is he in for a treat

The next location is likely to be a trap.

What happens when he decides to put it inside a room with no windows and sound proof it ?

>Waiting on the next season of HWNDU

>that image

we analyze the building materials to source them


there was a thread talking about shia being spotted in Australia

If it is somewhere in the Netherlands, oh wait

We get in contact with Russia and hire their hackers to troll shia

I would love to see these cunts try and go international with this shit, just like they have tried with BLM.

Would love to see this shit in England. Would get trolled to fuck

we're plotting our next move


then its probably in his own home
[spoiler]and we torch it[/spoiler]

Come on La Bouffe. Fucking deliver faggot

knowing russia, they'd probably do it for free

I'm in school in Florida. If he comes there I can help. Or possibly if he goes to GA I can link up with some anons there, I'm only a few hrs from the state line.

Imagine if they were like, they will not devide us from eu

somebody got Elons number?

Sup Forums is already on it, pepe will reach the moon by july.


So what if Sup Forums put a flag too?
So the capture the flag game would be actually challennging

You autists do realize that by taking down that flag you are against free speech right?

Indiananon reporting in

This isn't a game you faggot. this is memes

Feel team six are training for this scenario. They will be good to go in two days sir.

Thanks for the input Croatia.

>Capture the flag Team Deathmatch
Sound great, how one gets Shia on board?

never hopefully

We honestly don't care. We're doing this for luls, faggot, so buy in or gtfo

It's never been about freedom, it's been about pissing off liberals.

I would happily vote to repeal the bill of rights just for the butthurt.

do one of this:
>trigger him into the flag game against Sup Forums
>capture his flag again and left a letter telling him that his flags will keep disapearing if he doents start capturing ours

We need Nevada user to go check out the location.

We use a bunker buster bomb on all of his and his associates houses

how is it waving if there is no atmosphere on the moon

>Sup Forums discovers the moon landing was a hoax
>They still only care about the flag

Yet you alwas bitch and moan that the libruls are gun take my rights away

I doubt he's that paranoid yet, but if he does then it'll be up to our secret team of russian hackers to fuck with the cam.

Air Traffic Control major here. Arizona is covered.

i thought sauron was the bad guy... wouldn't these inages suggest pepe is a shill?


Your German agent, standing by.

(I know it is somehow unrealistic, but on the other hand Germany, once divided by the Berlin Wall into two countries, might be an aim for Shia)

The image being broadcast is of a screen on which the room with the flag is shown, this primary footage is off location and not hooked up to the net. Good luck.

that reconstitution of the events
top kek

still find it

a false texan reporting in

Good. We need some overseas yuro allies to stand watch. But what we need most right now are some Canuck or Commiefornia agents to keep watch. Lot of enemies in those grounds who would willingly stand guard over the flag.

Everything is about pissing off liberals.


>tfw Shia's flag isn't safe anywhere in the world

We replicate room. Hack the website. Put another stream on.

Good old bate n switch trick.

Wisconsinfag checking in

You are overestimating Shia, but even then, still not impossible. The next flag is as good as captured no matter where it is, unless Shia pulls off the near-impossible and puts it inside a government base or in the middle east, but the latter would eventually result in the flag or Shia being blown up.

Well HWNDU is about pissing off Sup Forums and the alt-right so it balances out


california reporting in

i hope hes stupid enough to think season 4 would be safe here

>pissing off Sup Forums
It's making me pretty happy
Shia has given us a source of fun only limited by his temper and wit

milwaukee-op fag 2 reporting in

Chernobyl is covered

Commieforia here


guys what if , you put some jizzman magic in this too?

Hahahaha Shia puts next to a den of wolves in Chernobyl or puts it into a reactor chamber in Fukushima.

Absolutely devilish.

to stand any chance he'd have to put it somewhere with no internet.

watch out oz fags

image the pepe face is taken from

Then you're doing a piss poor job then, considering how much fun and merriment we're having at the expense of Shia's little club.

How would he stream it then -.-

it doenst matter, as long as he doenst put it in paris or sweden, or somewhere else on one in their right minds would go.

Im out in Marquette county, i think we got Wisconsin covered well