I bet everyone on Sup Forums has a gay friend, but still hates on gays while shitposting
jokes on you faggot, i have no friends
this, op BTFO
Damn, sorry to hear
Fuck you
Every faggot I ever met was either fucking stupid or a mentally ill sociopath
People with gay friends are usually one of these two things or not really friends with them.
>6 out of 10 Americans don't have a life savings.
>(33%) of people living in the United States are low-income, defined as incomes below twice the federal poverty line, or $47,700 for a family of four.
>Only 56 percent of the students who enter America's colleges and universities graduate within six years, while only 29 percent of students who enter two-year programs complete their degrees within three years, the study found.
Yet every people here acts like they are millionaire stem majors.
I had a gay friend for awhile
He was just too much of a faggot, everything revolved around his homoness
Plus gay people way more shit about gay people way more than we do
That's just Germans in general desu.
That's actually depressing.
But you >had
None that I know or even suspect desu
>I bet
How much are you willing to bet?
I'll be your friend, but not in real life, that would be gay.
Literally anything
>hardmode you have to actually have friends and go out
>I bet everyone on Sup Forums has a gay friend, but still hates on gays while shitposting
Gayliens can develop AIDS and die as far as I'm concerned. Ballet and opera will suffer, I'm sure, and NPR will no longer have any male voices, but all in all I think it would be an extremely positive move for society in general. All the gays dead? Is there a problem here?
I have a gay cousin who I tolerate out of familial peace keeping.
I still wash my hands after shaking his hand and i don't eat anything that he has prepared for family dinners etc. You never know what they have.
Jokes on you OP, I am literally married to a man and hate on gays while shitposting.
Both of us hate faeries that personify sexuality, as if sticking your dick in a hole is some noble practice.
I actually don't have any friends. I spend all my time in front of my computer, TV getting drunk.
This is leftist logic.
I hate left politics but have left friends who I love to argue with and love because I've known them since high school.
Homosexuality is sin, but I have gay friends who know that I think they're going to Hell.
I'm not some leftist who thinks everyone around me must agree with me. I have the faith in my beliefs and am not afraid of them being challenged.
Lmao I bet everyone on Sup Forums has a muslim friend, but still hates on muslims while shitposting
Lmao I bet everyone on Sup Forums has a jewish friend, but still hates on jews while shitposting
Lmao I bet everyone on Sup Forums has a nigger friend, but still hates on niggers while shitposting
Lmao I bet everyone on Sup Forums has a paedo friend, but still hates on paedos while shitposting
Gee, I wonder which one you are.
Lmao that's dick man, but at the same time halerious. Be nice to your cousin, poor guy haha
Then you're just miserable, and I bet you and your husband lowkey gayer than the faeries. Probably just look obviously gay, just self hating.
Your country is beautiful, go out more
True that. And my faggot friend hates faggots as well. Faggots is, for me, a term of a person who is acting like he is something special for loving men, dressing as if he is a fashion icone, speaking like he got some serious nausean health issues and keep everyone surrounding him to acknowledge he is supergay.
I got a friend of mine who is in a relationship with another man, but looks and behaves like everyone else. No fashion complex, no bragging, no weird acting.
The only thing is, he sometimes kisses his boyfriend instead his girlfriend.
Arkward maybe, but nothing to get upset about.
Also he is against gay marriage, adopting a baby as a gay couple or pretending gays are something you got to cheer for.
He is a dude loving another dude.
Wha I hate are the real faggots, the ones who try to make being gay more complicate as it is.
The ones who are rallying for sensual bullhit and don't use their own mind. Just pandering to girly girly and some othes who think they are special having a gay friend.
The liberals in short.
faggots r gay
It's just Sup Forums logic desu
Im not friends with any desu
I'm bi and don't care about LGBTBBQ shit at all. Do whatever unless you're a flamboyant faggot.
>all of my friends are also bi
I got friends who are muslims. Why not? Since when does a religion got to do something with a real life issue?
>Then you're just miserable
Happier than I've ever been
>and I bet you and your husband lowkey gayer than the faeries
Sorry, nope.
>Probably just look obviously gay, just self hating.
No one knows either one of us is gay unless we tell them.
Sexual preference is not a fucking personality.
Not everyone who likes cock wants to be a woman.
I know this is shocking to you.
>I bet everyone on Sup Forums has a gay friend
I used to have a gay bf :^)
Got him
Sure I do.
I appreciate that he is bisexual only because it broadens his chances. He's a fat slob and I know exactly why he is the way he is.
Doesn't mean he isn't funny from time to time.
You're both chubby AND cut :^)
Wrong because I realize faggots can not think beyond their faggotery that is what makes their whole identity and the only thing that they care about
>He's a fat slob
Is it this guy?
normal dude with some complex. Nothing unusual.
Yeah, went from 170 to 250 in 5 months.
No pain no gain.
But I like the fact that you're smooth, and you have the cutest happy trail
Then you aren't homophobic, you just don't like the type of personality that acts camp. If your fine with normal gay people, are you homophobic? Nah.
Heard of gaydar? Straight guys can tell when someone is gay, they just not letting you know that they know you're gay to be polite
We'll shit, btfo nigga lmao
I didn't say which ones are you friends with.
hat guy is chubby in your eyes? I give you 10 years from now to realize that men in their 30s look like that.
lmao I bet you are a nigger
>men in their 30s look like that
That's what euthanasia is for!
He killed himself.
this desu
I have jewish friends, I still want all jews to be rounded up and thrown down a ravine.
I do have a friend who happens to be homosexual, but I openly hate on gays and LGBT pride. He also agrees with me.
Two in my near proximity. One is a full out flaming faggot. The other one is an overall great guy with little to none apparent faggot behavior.
>I bet everyone on Sup Forums is gay, but still hates on gays while shitposting
Nigga u exposed urself as lowkey gay lmao
Lmao I'm just ratchet ayy
Sad. Not because he's gay, but suicide is sad
Wtf gtfo lmao
>Having faggot friends
Meh, I feel indifferent about it.
He even reached out to me, and I said:
>I'm not going to hold you back. It's your will and your life. I don't want to hold you in pain over my emotions. I only ask that you realize how this will affect everyone. There are many that will be hurt by your choice either way, just be sure you are making the right move in your own eyes.
I got the call later.
> falling for the friendship jew
I had a gay friend but shes a he now so its okay.
She always said she was afraid of dicks but had some hardcore penis envy.
I fuck fags on a daily and still want them all executed
I am indeed not. People love people. No special deal. This whole "I hate gays" is just because many people only see the flamboyant guys who really act weird.
The ones who they work wih and they never brag aboput it, are fine.
I don't go around and advertising my love for females. That's absurd and this kind of behauvior shouldn't be tolerated.
Catcalling as females describe it is he same when you're a dude in a gay-disco. And be sure now. I know what I'm talking about. It's uncomfortable.
I go along with any types of people, but i hate faggots....
and military lesbians.
That's what aging is for. You got no clue how many fucked up looking things you develope on your body/with your body. I really enjoy seeing all you young people acting like they would look like adonis in their 3s and end up looking worse than that.
Life is not playing by your rules.
>with little to none apparent faggot behavior.
Except for, you know, ramming his cock into another mans arse?
I have some gay friends, but I'm not homophobic. Couldn't care less where someone wants to put their dick. Besides, the gay friends that I do have didn't base their entire personality around their sexuality. I'm all other sorts of -phobic, though.
came here to say this
never met a gay person in my life.
All in all OP got no clue, but craving for some faggotry (you)s.
Who you gonna call out nex to get some emotional mindfucks about some you's?
Hm, OP is a faggot seems to be true.
how do you think I managed to get even one gay friend? I had to meet hundreds of fags before i found a single tolerable one.
I mean it's a very interesting thing to talk about, it's respectable that you have him right to a decision. There's so many dimensions to this. Did you feel really sad about it? Or not really
Why wtf? Lol? I can't understand why
Yeah your not homophobic at all and a lot of people mistake (men) being sexually harassed (by other men) and standing up for themselves as homophobia
Hey wat maak jy met die fokken moffies??
dude dis fokken sa it's the gay capital of africa!!
My gay friend isn't a raging faggot so as long as he keeps it that way we're cool.
I still don't encourage homosexuality though. Stop jacking it to traps you fucking degenerates.
Pretty much everyone in the Netherlands is bi or atleast bi curious anyway, so I'm surprised that you know some, cloggy.
I don't mind gay leaning dudes that can act straight, it's the in-your-face full-on faggots that make me rage.
Howzit, I just move to white areas where they haven't invaded yet
cape town is the capitol of gay's and Gordens bay is the Fortress of lesbians.
Nee fok I've only seen 2 moffies in my life at least not in Jhb. Maybe cpt
>mistaking the belgian flag for the german
> south african """"education"""""
gayfag here and also getting married 2018.
both of us hate pride parades and the degenerate lifestyle of most fags.
#gaypol is a thing i guess.
>Why wtf? Lol? I can't understand why
Because I'm bi and attracted to flamers and I can't help it, I get so angry when I see a man so pathetic I always end up hatefucking them, then they brag to their other flamer friends that I'm rough in bed and the cycle continues, nothing would be lost if they were executed
I didn't take geography stfu.
Lmao another lowkey gay couple on Sup Forums
ONDERABLE MEMBA, I have no gay friends. I do have a friend who sucked a guy's dick once, and he did not like it much.
That said, deeming homosexuality as being gross is like saying Mangos are gross. I do not like mangos, but plenty of people do like mangos. If they hold a Mango Pride Parade, I will not attend. If they hold me down and force mangos up my anus, I will not enjoy it.
Now if I own a bakery, I should be able to choose if I want to bake a cake with Mangos in it, as the thought of being raped with mangos is repulsive and I should not be forced to relive that repulsiveness.
If someone wanted to come to my chuch and make a mango salad, I would advise them that there are plenty of kitchens in town that would be better suited for it.
the reddest pill
I don't have an issue with gays. Faggots can die in hellfire though.
That's fucked up but so funny lmao. Isn't hatefucking just rape tho
ONDERABLE MEMBA, can't argue with that logic. Kek
Who's laughing now, hahaa...
hate the sin not the sinner
When they ram a truck into your house in the name of Allah
I'm a 6'4" Chef at Wendy's with a 9" dick, and I also make $165,000 per year
Fuck white people. Fucking degenerate scum.
Wait, I got really no clue what I wanted to say. Fuck you.
harassed is something different. If you get harassed by another man it's fucking wrong.
Getting harassed by a woman is also wrong. Not gonna lie, happens more often as you think. All this
>you're not a man at all
>men should have muscles all over
>got to be tall and handsome
etc. pp.
That is all harassement. You have to be that or not accepted at all. In the end no attribute they demand is true. They all want a wealthy guy, popping out some kids and fuck a chav.
The women's harassement is more subtile but it works as it seemed. People here talking about looking alpha as fuck and don't realize that being a man is about acting alpha as fuck.
Being a man is about independence.
Having many specialized talents.
Don't go for feelings but for realistic analyzes.
I don't know if a good looking body counts inot this. Maybe you can tell me.
I have no issue with gays so long as they don't make their entire personality about their sexuality.
Jack Donovan is an author that writes books on the primal origins and definitions of masculinity and how it relates to the modern world. He's also gay. When asked about the topic, he responded that "gay men don't have to act like faggots."
Some people here would probably disagree, but I don't think who you prefer to bone has an impact on your role as a man and citizen. It's only when gays start acting like being gay means you have to be sexual about everything that it becomes an issue.
That's true and I hate it.
And I thought being french means being in a coalition with a white culture.
I'm a faggot.
Are you Waldo?
>Swallowing the no friends redpill
It's a tough one, but also one of the reddest.
Nice work
I don't swallow the red pill. I just swallow cum.
I have no gay friends but I do have a middle eastern friend who's even more redpilled then I am and thinks he's white.
are u me?
Lmao you drunk
Yeah I agree with what you describe as being a man. Being alpha is sometimes risky because you have to do stupid stuff in my opinion. But fuck what women want it's about what you want.
Well thanks for admitting it user
I have a couple gay friends, I lived with a couple gay guys at uni. Incidentally one of them messaged me about fucking about 5 minutes after we've met. I've got nothing against them, I just acknowledge that generally, they are incredibly degenerate and live more unfulfilled lives. I don't see why they need marriage when they've got a civil partnership. I think you just give a civil partnership the same rights, but keep marriage between a man and a woman. I don't spout this, but I really don't think a gay couple adopting is the best home for a child. I think it's better than a child living in a home, or with really shitty parents, but I think a stable home with a mother and father will always produce a more rounded person. I don't hate them though. The ones that try and flaunt it to purposely get a rise out of people piss me off though.
well said all around. agreed.
Fuck it. I am.
I have many friends and none of them are faggots. some of them are ok with poofs though
Ghandi was a pedophile. Who gives a shit what he said?