How can you hate Israel? Israeli girls fight for home and family against warmongering Palestine everyday.
Did you actually know that Israeli girls love western men who supports them in their war against satanic islamic invaders?
Did you know that Israeli girls are white of nature? Just a little addon info for you guys
Gavin Butler
You shills finally got me with this Jewish goddess. I would convert and gather shekels from the goyim until the end of time for that ass.
Benjamin James
Study more English, you sound like a mongoloid.
Lincoln Anderson
girls are gross
Jose Taylor
have you people ever actually met an israeli though? they are very loud and rude people, it's like they are always trying to work you. It's impossible to relax around them
Levi Parker
Most of us don't hate Israel. We hate the liberal American Jews who are trying to cuck our society.
Hunter Bell
Don't foreigners think that about us, too though?
Landon Wood
Charles Hernandez
yes they come of as arrogant and rude even if they arent trying to be
Jordan Gomez
That's xenophobic. I hate all liberal jews equally.
Zachary Long
I'll bump you for the beauty of your girls.
Aaron Edwards
Justin Butler
This was posted yesterday. Agjidfprop. Saged
Ethan Martin
Liam Harris
squat more, whore
Ryan Howard
Only niggers, communists and Muslims hate Israel. God-fearing white Christians support and love Israel because we're instructed to do so. Israelis and Jews are our white allies. An enemy of Israel and the Jews is an enemy of God.
Luis White
maybe, but this is different. people from israel always seem like they are trying to pull one over on you, it's weird and hard to explain
Jeremiah Gomez
gas yourself, kike
Camden Flores
Hah, it's the Norwegian kike again
Same text, same image, same flag stop baiting, cunto
Isaac Gray
look at that stupid cunt. why is her hand on her face like that? why is she holding her gun like that? she's a stupid bitch and i hate her. i'd fucking slap her shit. i'd sell her pussy but i wouldn't take it for free.
Hunter Morris
Jews do tryhard this days, go die JIDF, jews are the ugliest race on earth, the only decent ones have great european admixture.