any ideas? something permanent would be best.
vandalism would be a waste of time.
perhaps a fearless little boy statue is needed to accompany her, to show that boys need confidence too. that way, if it is removed, the left will look bad.
Fearless Girl Troll tactics
Wrap an American flag around her
Turn her from a leftist symbol into a patriots one.
Just buy a cheap burka and cover her with it.
Put a burqa on her.
that would be removed in less than 24 hrs probably
someone go attach a gallon of milk to her.
>that respectable american eyeing up the statue as he walks by
weld on a bronze dick hanging out of her skirt
I like the flag idea, get her a version of the statue of liberty's crown as well.
If someone is really committed how about a boy statue with a giant shield in front of her signifying that a woman can only be confident behind a man? That'd probably piss them off
Like girls are only for getting milk from? Is she bringing the milk to the bull? I mean, it's a bull not a cow, so she didn't get the milk from it. I mean, like, why the milk?
Giver a lil dog.
dude fuck ya a liberty crown but of casted bronze
Those identical ending digits should be acknowledged.
Because we have trolled the left so much that some believe milk is a racist symbol. It's just something to troll them more and show just how crazy the left has gone.
Praise kek!
Why not both? Give the statue a fucking rager and have it pointing through the burqa.
So we weld on a bronze dick and claim she is a transgirl so the lefties will get buttmad when it gets removed
I like how they call themselves colored again, and are asking for segregation on college campuses. If we could get them to ask for their own drinking fountains that are only for colored people I'd laugh my fucking ass off.
Put a swastika band on her arm.
Super glue bukkake!
Alternatively, bronzed MAGA hat + Flag
The answer is really simple... start asking why the girl is white.
What... they couldn't find a girl of color?
What... just ignore the native americans on a piece of property stolen from them?
What, the world needs another example of white privilege? Sure, that white girl can stand at wall street knowing she will succeed while brown babies on dirt floors never have a chance?
The key is to get one lefty subgroup fighting with another lefty subgroup.
The only thing they like more than attacking republicans is attacking each other for not being "progressive" enough.
Put a Pepe shirt on it
Put a bunch of somali's around her.
See what happens next.
we have a winner
Tag the bull with the name
So the normies can be red pilled into realizing that wtf is going on there!
sage and hide. no one gives a shit anymore
Put a niqab on her from head to toe, and bars over the eyes. Say it's her right as a woman to dress the way her husband Mohammad wants her to dress. Retarded ass liberals would love that.
pigeon food all over
paint it in pigeon shit
cum on her face
Put a star of david on her chest and her giving two mannequins dressed like arabs headlocks. Let's start some shit.
She's /ourgirl/ now
Gommies and non-patriots fuck off
Add feminine benis
give her a penis for more trans representation