Why do Pakistanis inbreed so much? Literally half of their population marries their first cousin

Why do Pakistanis inbreed so much? Literally half of their population marries their first cousin.

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>that flag calling out inbreeding


Well, because -
>sees flag
Fuck off, Ahmed

Because no women wants them. They are very dirty because they don't take pride in their cleanliness, therefore they can only fuck relatives who are used to their stink.

It's a part of cultural jihad

Look at them the only way they can get laid is either rape or forced marriage

Because Satan wishes his followers to revel in incest.

Islam allows inbreeding to increase the number of followers.

so many recursive genes.

it is turning them into retards, medically. Glad the Tories have raised the incoming threshold to 35k. The whole thing should be banned or prohibited like smoking.

>The whole thing should be banned or prohibited like smoking.
Inbred retards are fucking awful but how do you propose the government goes about regulating sexual behavior? You can't expect people to abide by rules all the time, rapists don't stop raping just because rape is illegal. Goat fuckers won't stop fucking goats just because the law says no sheep shagging.

what the actual fuck?

Whats the autism rate?

they can stop cousin marriage like they can legally stop gay marriage. obviously they can't stop the act of cousin fucking, but like goat fucking they make it illegal on medical grounds.


Brits are the inbred ones lmao

your slags are the worst in the world.

How many Muslims are there?

>First cousin marriages in Pakistani communities leading to 'appalling' disabilities among children

>50% of muslims in 20 muslim nations marry inside their family (first cousin or worse) madworldnews.com/muslims-one-thing-in-common/

>>Massive inbreeding within the Muslim culture during the last 1.400 years may have done catastrophic damage to their gene pool.
>Marriage of first cousins is associated with a 10 - 16 point decrease in IQ

>70% of Pakistani's marry inside their family (first cousin or worse)

>Consanguineous marriage has much greater childhood mortality rates of about 70%

>tfw I want to fuck my hot cousin

fuck life

>Why do Pakistanis inbreed so much?
To keep the dowry in the family.
But consider - what must it be like, looking at the same face and moustache replicated in every family member, be they male or female? No wonder the pakis prefer to fuck goats and sheep.

Muslims are destroying themselves with inbreeding. I'm happy for that.

luckily we hardly have them here. no idea how they got here in the first place. they're awful fucking shit.

>tfw pure bosnian white muslim