How long before he quits?

How long before he quits?

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trump hates him

Why? He's hard as stone

hes not going anywhere

lies from the leaf

this is precisely why Trump likes him, hes a fighter

8 years


I love how basement dwellers make fun of him. Dude was a military bad ass. Most likely could rip your fucking spine out without a thought.

Literally this. That's why i mentioned it; he's a fucking brilliant dude, love seeing him fuck up reporters

>is a basement dweller
>calls other people basement dweller
>thinks he out-smarted OP

He is literally /ourguy/, not quitting anytime soon.


He kinda owned a few reporters today.

>degenerate furfags in the white house

>OP can't handle the SPICE

Get out of the kitchen boy

>He got owned by a few reporters today.

Fixed that for you.

>How long before he quits?


I was surprised to learn when I was building my house that I was unable to build a basement due to being so close to the coast.

Enjoy Germany, Hans. LMAO.

>today Spicedaddy BTFO fake news beyond belief
>shill thread appear

Jim... is it you?

i hope he gets fired, the guy makes the trump administration look bad

I'll be sad to see him go, a day without SPICED will be a sad day

Spicer is /ourguy/ and a great American. He will never give up on the American people.

I like Spicer, but Press secretary's are notoriously short lived as it's a stressful position. I'll give him till at least 2018 though.


>OP can't handle the spice

Seems accurate, Press Secretaries stay on for about 2 years it seems

This is no Zaku boy.

No Zaku.

If you think Sean Spicer is doing a bad job then you don't know what his job is.


Forgot my image.

>trump fucking hates the guy making his administration look good in front of the press every single day

The spice extends life. The spice expands consciousness. ..

Oh fuck I forgot I missed a Spicing today. Now I know what I'll watch while I get started on my nightly 4chins binge.

8 years less 65 days.

Rumor inside the beltway is that Trump is strongly considering firing him after the mismatched shoe incident.

You know nothing, dipshit lead

Is he for real? The easter bunny, the dippin dots thing, this. I'm gonna be kinda sad if he does get fired/quit

8 years

He's clearly trying to get fired. He's going to show up to a press conference with his dick out soon


is he /ourguy/?

I dare say, he is

Thread should have stopped here


He isn't going to be fired or quit.

He crushes the whores, morons and liars who """ask him questions""" every day.