Trump is such an asshole!! don't you agree user?

>trump is such an asshole!! don't you agree user?

fuck off you fat cow

Well Sup Forums?

That's a rather small head for her body, dontcha think?


Yep. Show your dick nao.

I'm sorry?

yeah, isn tit great.

We really need a braap equivalent for tit posters.



Yeah, Trump's an asshole. And you're a fat fish-lipped cunt. I guess we all have our cross to bear.

Not an argument

I do, but that is one reason why he was elected. It is clear that the Overton Window has slowly shifted leftward in America during the past 50 years, political correctness has become intrusive to where nationalist or conservative opinions can get one fired or ostracized within academia, it was necessary to elect a politician who stood as an example of voicing these opinions without fear of reprisal.

what did your tits say again?

fuck off leaf

No but can I see your tits plz ?

>that forehead

Do you support the use of violence against me?

>If you don't like Trump, maybe you'd have a better time living with the vibrant shitskins in their countries.
I said this to a slut too old to be sitting next to me at a bar.
The look on her face was meme worthy.


I don't agree, get your fake tits outta my face woman.


>Why are you in my room?
>How did you get in my house?
>why are you talking about politics?
>Tits or gtfo

"Yeah, sure..."

You're a fat cow though, bend over and I'll whip you like one.

I would tell her that she is wrong and explain why then flex a cep and fuck her but then again I'n not autistic like OP and know what women like.

and big hands