Father illegally treats autistic daughter with cannabis

father illegally treats autistic daughter with cannabis


Is outlawing medical use of marijuana bad for society?

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I support this.

whats up with the binaural beats background music



Should use helium in that mask instead, rid himself of the problem.

Trips ends the debate.

Weed is good for society. Just don't get too stoned and only use it when you need it and you'll realize how incredible of a gift it truly is.

Get that girl some good smoke, she deserves it. It will help her.

1:35 - Throwing up gang signs and crip walking.

Drugs turn innocent white females into hardened criminals. FACT

That poor girl. I'm sorry Sup Forums I can't muster up any hatred for this fellow human being.

The only solution is the final solution

Broccoli sprouts.

Read up on it.


Hitler did nothing wrong and autistic childs need to be treated with Zyklon-B.

>Sup Forums still things abortion is wrong

I doubt any of us can. Edgelords aside.

Marijuana is degenerate and should be banned

The retarded and heavy autistic people should be executed

Mein freunde!

I dont get how anybody can be against medical weed.

>weeb is good for society
>only use it when you need it
Are you talking about recreational or medical here?

The retarded are a burden to society. They are a waste of our time, money and resources. The physically and mentally handicapped are useless to society and unworthy of life.

Most of us are against it when the baby is white and healthy.

damn, almost cut myself on the edge there. Why dont you do society a favor then and start with yourself?

>Autistic daughter screaming and screeching all day long.
>Get her stoned so she'll shut the fuck up for a couple hours.

Yeah just look at the poor father, it's depressing as hell.

That video made me sad, granted the music helped x10.

I support medical use of weed, but those LOL DUDE WEED people that smoke just to fit in ruin it for me.

The simple fact is that human beings need to step aside and stop pretending you're worth shit. Climb in your designated ovens and we will commence replacing you in an orderly fashion.

Thank you for some human decency for the disabled people.

Most of the time in the United States, "medicinal marijuana" is synonymous with "I'm 'stressed out' so I found a shitty doctor who will write me a prescription for anything"

I find it sad how some can find it in them to hate this girl for being autistic. She shouldn't be forced to live this life. She should have been put down the monent they knew there was no helping her.

Not an argument. Show us where he is wrong.

he could save himself a bunch of money by just treating her with a choke hold

I'm okay with having cannabis medically legal, especially without the high. There is no logical reason healthwise to have it legalized for recreational use.

I am not going to lie, I am a registered Cannabis Doctor, and it is the snake oil of the 21st century and cures all ailments. We cant let the autistic daughter get her hands on our nuclear codes.

>t. wheelchair-fag
How are the handicapped not slowing society down? The only possible argument in favour of taking care of them is "muh feelings"

I didnt say he was wrong, I even encouraged him to do what he said would help society. I agree with him, but it is still edgy to make that comment

I read that as "father autistically treats daughter with illegal cannabis"

Only suburban and rural retards smoke weed

Weed is a medical drug and should be treated like a medical drug. Not as a recreational one. If it's being used to help someone with a medical condition, that is the right use of it.


She looks like that aussie guy idubbbz hangs out with.

read . Stop being butthurt over some slight banter, germanflag flipped 90 degrees.

>did you see that video where weed literally cured the autism of a girl? pull that shit up jamie, see weed is fucking GOOD, take that Steven Crowder, voice of Brain from Arthur
>also, those chimps got some MASSIVE balls

Cannabis is what turned her into that thing.


She did nothing wrong, but her father leads a life so full of pain and delusion none of us can imagine.

This is my worst nightmare.

>Ireland thinks autism can be caught before birth

You really are the dumb, white niggers of the world.

>that persian dude

Fuck teen/pol/ and their e-celebs. They really need to make a junior Sup Forums for the under 18 set so they can have their own space to shit.

>take that Steven Crowder, voice of Brain from Arthur


It's not the vaccines.

Its his choice to raise her and care for her. The Burden is clearly all on that families hands. They look like home and vehicle owners so probably work hard for the family.

Holy fuck I didn't know autism was that serious poor girl.

the whole thing about shatter vs. rosin makes me think that the jews doing some serious illuminati shit

don't reply to me if you don't know what the fuck im talking about

Smart city folk smoke crack.

damn.... what an opinion....

thanks for your input reddit

Former pot user here. I have to say it great watching the DUDE WEEDs crash and burn but seriously we can't let the pot heads get the nuclear codes.

That's not autism. That's full on mental retardation.

>hahha weed literally cures cancer and makes you smarter and is a harmless plant

Except when it also exacerbates anxiety, can cause depersonalization/derealization, and causes addiction & withdrawal symptoms

>Just don't get too stoned...

Good luck with that, you degenerate pothead.

For every person like in OP's story there are hundreds of thousands of people that just want to get stoned so they can forget about their shitty life for a little while.

weed would be good for the father so he doesnt have to deal with the screeching, but how does it cure autism? He should get her a fecal transplany


You mean she has the Pot withdrawals. Shame on them for getting her hooked on Marijuanas.

fuck that's creepy

can you actually even call her a human?

things like this makes me fear ever having children, what if they become this?

That only happens if you're a pussy

Watch OP and than watch this


how far have we strain from the light


that's not autism, that's demonic possession.

That is severe autism. Also autism is technically mental retardation.

It's not over yet. We will make whites great again.

Same, i work as a dsp with these autists, honestly anything to calm their defective minds and bodies from the torture that is their lives




You degenerate druggies latch on to any excuse to do drugs. If the father obtained the same result by injecting her with heroin, would you be clamoring for legalisation of that too?

fp is bp for once

Too much Tylenol and Advil destroys your liver, and too much water will kill you with electrolyte imbalance. Maybe the government should restrict how much of those you can buy!

I bet you're one of those "get the gubmint out of my life" people too, you fuck.

>If the father obtained the same result by injecting her with heroin
Nice false equivalence. That's a very unlikely "if".

All drugs should be legal. Making them illegal just empowers the black market.

Weed is a shit. I've been off it ofr 2 weeks and I can't sleep.

You want to take away my weed and then kill me?

She just needed to concentrate better for camp so she got gassed

>tfw you're 100% certain it's your biological child

What exactly is the draw of recreational weed? It has never done much for me unless i'm drunk off my ass. I'd take a nice nicotine buzz over weed any day.

and you care so much about other people why?

"durr I can't let other people do what they want"


Maybe you smoked shitty weed? It's legal here in Oregon and I've never bought any shit weed. Even the stuff I grew was pretty good.

I would gas my retard of a daughter if she needed it.

This dad was just getting his bearings for finally using the zyklon B or taking her out back with a shotgun wedding.

His daughter is a worthless burden on everyone and he knows it

what is alcohol and cigarettes anyway.

How is it false equivalence, both are schedule 1 drugs. Pot is the devil's herb, heroin is it's powdery cousin.

I have no moral issue with people smoking pot but no one cares about sick people they just want it legal so they can get stoned. It has some uses but there's some old west elixir fables behind it's healing uses.

And you would do nothing and let people suffer. Fuck off. Doing nothing about problems which don't affect you is easy.

>what's going on guys maxmoefoegames here

I would just keep her sedated 24/7 with seroquel or something. Fuck dealing with that screeching. I find it unlikely that they can't find a pharmaceutical that works better, potheads just like to medicate literally every disease with weed because it's "natural" or whatever

Make CP legal too and necrophilia, get rid of those black markets as well.

Because these deadbeats cost this country, and thus me, money. Both I lost productivity and the inevitable crime that druggies turn to in order to sustain their addiction.

>but muh productive stoner unicorn...

Those types are rare. Most are a net drain to society.

looks like she hits herself knowing that make him give her weed.

Give her opiates or psychedelics and the same thing would happen. Fuck up her sensory perception and she'll stop harming herself.

>falling for the schedule jew

false equivalence because of the side effects, main effects, addictiveness and lethal dosage


I've tried weed by itself and wax. The wax was alright but nothing like the "dude weed lmao" crowd claims. Its just relaxing. No mind blowing epiphany's or any of that shit.

>Retarded are a waste of our time, money and resources.
It's just like a hobby?
Not that I would want a hobby like that, but to each his own.

Her room should be fitted with a weed-AC and people can watch the show through a glass wall.

I would day one abort if I knew I was going to get an autist.

If it works, then I don't why it shouldn't be legal.

I can't really get an honest assessment from that short video, though.