I don't know what message this show was trying to convey but all it did was make me literally think that the Nazis...

I don't know what message this show was trying to convey but all it did was make me literally think that the Nazis would have created a perfect society.

Other urls found in this thread:


Britain already had that planned before the kra*ts decided to chimp out like the niggers that they are

But Mosley didn't get elected.

We didn't need fascism to conquer the world you stupid fucking cunt. I hope your mother dies your traitorous fuck


>the Nazis would have created a perfect society.


Yeah, I still have a fully intact cock. I think we both know who are the good goys

>Rebels are backstabbing cunts
>Nazis are the good guys
What did Amazon mean by this?

Apparently Frank does in the show too. The actor is British so it's not surprising.

And now that your shitty empire has been reduced to a few leafs and shitposters, while you mainland is cucked into oblivion and invaded by muslims who are welcomed with open borders?

T'is true.

>52% """"white"""" is taling about being cucked

You're the biggest producers and consumers of cuck porn on the planet. 'nuff said

nah it was you insecure assclowns who fucked it up yourselves by entering WWI because >muh economic and naval superiority

>but all it did was make me literally think that the Nazis would have created a perfect society.
That was the message it was trying to convey.

At the third episode, holy shit this is boring.

>poor jew gets arrested by nippons and gets released and do even more jewish things
>poor jewish girl meet da evul guy who's a good guy but not really and she can't buy a Bible because it's illegal (what the fuck?)

Does it get better ? I'd much prefer to have the series focuses on the NatSoc dad and the Nippon.

Loool. Nazis, a bunch of losers confined to anonymous forum with 0 scientific productions and unable to compete for jobs against uneducated and undocumented Mexicans.
As all loser civilization, had to give space to better ones.

>I'd much prefer to have the series focuses on the NatSoc dad and the Nippon.

Keep watching. It does indeed get better.

You imported all those shitskins to the US in the first place you dirty island monkey.

We merely transported them. Yanks essentially paid us to destroy their nation lmao






Yeah it's not a great series but watch until the end of season 1 at least. No spoilers but the last episode will have you whooping it up and cheering for der Fuhrer.

Season 2 you get to see more of Nazified New York (clean, orderly, friendly, no spics or niggers) and an unblemished Berlin, free of Jews, niggers and other degenerates. The Nazis honestly behave with way more honor than either the Japs or the Jews.

Thanks Amazon.

All the characters you'd think would be 'good guys' are hate-able pussies, while the traditional bad guys, the nips and the nazi's are all based.
America looks like a great place in the greater nazi reich

The kike protagonist is literally cucked when his gf, the other 'protagonist' is constantly fucking around with an aryan nazi agent.

opengroupenfurher smith is a badass, but they humanize him at every turn.
also the weeb shop owner is funny

Fuck Churchill. That fat alcoholic gambling-addicted degenerate let the kikes buy him and dragged England into a war they had no business being in.

You should have left the mainland to Germany.

I just love being an American and knowing the resentment all these non-countries with no militaries and no freedoms feel through their pathetic and buttmad shitposting. To Americans the rest of the world is just a cultural wilderness filled with varying degrees of niggers and cucks. Stay mad non-countries.

t. German """"american""""

kek, my grandfatrher gunned down german civvies left right and centre. We should have eradicated their pathetic race

can we all stop yelling at each other so much?

Random semi-related question --

Why were Nazi uniforms so goddamn stylish? Seriously. Was it intentional? Were they going for a specific aesthetic or something? It's like they went out of their way to look good.

It's so nice seeing a bunch of stupid nazis still debating what happened 8 decades ago while living their pathetic underemployed life. While that, a brown legal high educated immigrant get a $200k job because the pathetic nazis were incapable of that.
"Hey, I don't need brain, I'm white".
Cya, suckers :)

without the help of th russians and the us you would have been conquered swiftly.


keep quiet you pathetic german piece of shit. Your pathetic nation will cease to exist in my lifetime and I just cannot wait. I will thoroughly enjoy that moment.

>Why were Nazi uniforms so goddamn stylish? Seriously.
designed by Hugo Boss. Seriously.

lurk more retard

ok, achmed al pakistani

I see they didn't teach you English in whatever third world nation you crawled out of.

You mean you would win if you didn't lose? Someone bring a prize to this brainless nazi :D

Ok Nigger.

Man, this show was boring. Dropped it after several episodes because nothing was happening.

Lmao, nazicucks on suicide watch
Shut the fuck up kraut scum. Know your place. Below an Englishman.

The difference is that Americans aren't massive cucks and we can control our shitskins for the most part. You're not even allowed to fucking defend yourself. Now go pay your TV licence and bin that knife, Nigel.

lurk more newfag

>Americans aren't massive cucks
>Largest producer and consumer of cuck porn on the entire planet

At least the Germans put up a fight.

It's possible the writers are lowkey redpilled. The worst they can say is that the Nazis would have quietly killed and tortured people in order to maintain a literal utopia for everyone else.

Yeah, English is not my first language. That happens to who speaks more than one. But I'll give you a good tip when you clean my shoes.

learn to speak english before posting retarded shitskin

>i make 200k a year
>cant speak english

pick one idiot

You seem not to capable of your own retarded language.
What i hinted at is that britain was a better version of France. Yes they were on the winning side, but couldn't hold their ground on their own - thus the need to drag you guys into the mess - twice, lol.


I could not get over his amazingly Jewish name
>Frank Frink
And the fact that he was a fucking

>all it did was make me literally think that the Nazis would have created a perfect society.

They almost did, user. They almost did.

And we massacred them for no reason on behalf of our trusty merchant friends.

There are some glorious scenes in the USA, showing how amazing it is, and then the scenes in Berlin were even better.

>It's like they went out of their way to look good.

It's called having fucking aesthetics, senpai.

>living in the nation created by other races like a cockroach
>hating and resenting them

You need to go back.

Why do you keep saying this in every fucking thread? I thought we were on the same side. And I'm pretty sure the USA is largest producer of porn, and all other forms of video entertainment. And I don't even have to look it up to know those facts.


>I'd much prefer to have the series focuses on the NatSoc dad and the Nippon.

By the second season those are two of the main focuses, but probably not in the way you'd like. The show gets pretty weird and supernatural starting at the end of the first season.

>no Slavs
>perfect society

>be British
>wake up at sunrise to the salat al-fajr blaring through ever speaker in London
>wave at the CCTV camera while I'm taking a shower
>eat some shakshuka for breakfast because my wife's son says breakfast needs to be more diverse
>there's a letter in the transom saying I must pay my TV license because indoctrination isn't free
>take the underground to work and get blown up by an innocent refugee
>wake up in the hospital getting free healthcare
>wave to the CCTV camera by my hospital bed
>hospital food is harira and fried grasshoppers since it's halal
>get a notice I have to pay for my email license
>realize I've been circumcised while I was unconscious, Dr. Patel says it's' more sanitary this way
>Sharia Police runs into my room and demands to know why my wife's son isn't wearing a head scarf
>try to mansplain that he's a boy
>my wife's son says he doesn't identify that way anymore
>Sharia Police kill everyone in the room
>my beheaded body is paraded through the streets while everyone chants "fuck white people!"
>the Guardian and Telegraph says they're worried about my public execution because it might cause Islamaphobia
>be buried in Highgate cemetary
>my bones are being monitored by CCTV
>have to renew my burial license next month

>Be America
>52% white including """white""" hispanics


>get so BTFO that you can't help but mention muh 52%
I think most prefer blacks to muzzies, lad

>tfw we can't openly practice eugenics and make more women like taytay
>tfw no tall gf

Actually designed by SS-Oberführer Prof. Karl Diebitsch and Walter Heck. Hugo Boss just made them.

Islam is the second largest religion in the United Kingdom, with results from the United Kingdom Census 2011 giving the UK Muslim population in 2011 as ~2,706,066, ~4.5% of the total population. The vast majority of Muslims in the United Kingdom live in England: 2,660,116 (5.02% of the population).

>Be British
>Country is full of inbred anglos and slightly less inbred Muslims
>lash out at superior Aryan Americans because my tiny inbred anglo brain can't comprehend my inferiority

It's alright Dad we your sons from the Anglo sphere understand you are getting old but we are no longer yours to control. Face it the sun has set on the British empire.

You guys were holed up on your cuckshed of an island like scared faggots while the USSR did all of the work. You finally stopped prepping Pakis after we entered when the war was basically over.

Buttblasted by Ahmed again aren't you it's alright just don't sit down you can lay down in the Empire retirement home.

Wouldn't the perfect woman not be cursed with Hank Hill ass?

You have 5 times as many HAHAHAH

You're not anglo you german mongrel.

>Wanting too much ass
40% detected.



We did win in the long run, though. Current day Vietnam loves the USA and is an ally against the eternal Chink.


if its as redpilled as Sup Forums claims, why hasn't it been shut down yet?

There's got to be a subtle pervasive bluepill in there somewhere. I haven't seen the show yet tho.


Viets always hated Chinks. You wouldn't even had a war from the start, if you understood this at the beginning, burger.

>We did win
No, you didn't you delusional faggot. You got your arse handed to you by Canada alone. They literally marched into your capital and burned it to the ground. You're a joke.
>52% """W H I T E"""

>America: 3.3 million - 1% of population
>Britain: 2.7 million - 4.5% of population

No Nigel, per capita, you have about 5x more Muslims than us.


It was France's colony and they were the real losers of that war. Our only goal was to "stop the spread of communism" or some shit in order to spite the USSR. In the long run we won. They are one of the largest importers of our goods in Asia.

>No, you didn't you delusional faggot. You got your arse handed to you by Canada alone. They literally marched into your capital and burned it to the ground. You're a joke.

Don't you faggots even realize that Vietnam was France's colony that rebelled? That's like bragging about the USA losing a hypothetical war against India after they rebelled against you faggots. It's infinitely more embarrassing for the colonizing nation.

You are our mother, so I guess your wish will come true in the next few years

wtf I love Wales now?

the classical britbong deflection. quoting american race stats while a paki rules london.

don't forget to remind me of how poor and irrelevant portugal is, it will make things better.

Season 1 was pretty boring and all over the place.

Did Season 2 make up for that?

>World War Champs
Got almost BTFO'd second time
Had to rely on other countries to do most of the work
And you lost to illiterate farmers who picked up their firearms while your soldiers where drilled

what in the world are irish women doing



You have more niggers than we have, britons lol. You're finished as a nation and Trump won't save you. lol
You do realise that you will be a minority in the comin years, yes? White children in the US are already a minority.
Cry more nazicuck

Tall thicc women are proof that god exist and wants us to be happy.


No one cares about that war outside of Canada. And it's hilarious that you give all of the credit to Canada and not Britain. You faggots are completely worthless without your colonies doing all of the work for you.

Maybe it's because the show didn't pick up the part in the book where it shows that everything is a bloody shitholes and America should've leveled the whole empire of Japan with nukes.

America was never white though. Since it was founded it has never been more than 90% white. Britain actually fell from grace, America never had grace.


>Does it get better?
oh yeah
Volkshalle bitches

>Germany invades Poland
>UK declares war
>Soviets invade Poland a few days later
>UK sends them tanks and money to fuck up Germany

The only ones who chimped out were you the eternal anglos.

How does it feel to be a colony of your former colony in current year, cuck? Europeans collectively live in the past because they know that they will never be as relevant as they were in the 17 - 1800s. What a cuck.

>bong in charge of learning his own history

we got you back though

I Want you to help me bring justice

America was white once upon a time.
Why do you even think you can talk to me?
The real question is how do you, as a former colony feel about being colonised by a former colony?
Well you see, we do have quite a lot of it. So we can't learn it all.>US navy
>French flag
ah yes