Why is race mix bad?

Why is race mix bad?

Race mix seems good.

pic related, aussie and Japanese hafu.
She is 10/10 in Japan

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Looks fuck ugly tbqh

She looks like a freak. Probably pretty nice body though. Would bang a few times.

>almond eyes
>fat face
Looks like ayys tried to make a human clone but didn't get it quite right.

>She is 10/10 in Japan
no she isn't expat.


typical mutant jap genes ruins yet another would be full white goddess

Cute body but 5/10 face
Looks 7/10 from a distance.

>Japanese racemix with white
>just looks white

Whites truly are Yellows' black people.

I love race mixing. Nothing gets my black cock harder than a pumping a white pussy full of african cum. That sound it makes when your ramming your cock inside of her lol and she just moans and squirms in pleasure. Man, I love being black

>She is 10/10 in japan
In miss universe maybe

>Not going with superior 1/2 version

>or the 1/4 version

It isn't bad or good if you actually care about human agency and don't give a flying fuck about what other people do as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others.

race mixed people inherit, more often than not, the worst part of their races genes AND culture.

when it occurs often enough, sooner or later you will get a brazil like shithole.

typical anglo look desu

All you need to know.

Some mixes are pretty nice. Pic related.

Weeaboo here. Japanese and whites are both high IQ so from that perspective I see nothing wrong with it.

Personally I find full Japanese people more attractive, but white/Japanese hafu actually are pretty popular in Japan. Lots of appearances on variety shows and such. Good buddy of mine is a French/Japanese hafu (raised in Japan, fully Japanese culturally) and he gets mad pussy.

Pic related is infielder for the Blue Jays, 1/4 Japanese 1/4 Korean 1/2 white and you have to admit he's handsome as fuck

My only concern is that large-scale mixing would undermine cultural homogeneity in Japan, but honestly immigration between the two isn't on a big enough scale for it to make a big difference

Fuck, Asian girls are so cute. Part of me almost wishes I was Asian, just so I wouldn't have to choose between Asian qts and purebred offspring.


THIS. White Nationalists on this board like to say We Wuz Kangs and Muh Dick to counter Black narratives but we deploy the same tactic the Black uses against the Yellows. WE made everything in modern civilization and our dick is bigger than yellows.

She is as ugly as a fugu. Having clean and nicely combed hair doesn't make you good looking, Takashi.

Hey you we be taking their womens

Poor cuck.

No Japan. That thing is not good looking.

>My only concern is that large-scale mixing would undermine cultural homogeneity in Japan, but honestly immigration between the two isn't on a big enough scale for it to make a big difference

Japanese people need to kill people like you for their own sake. Outsider always want something "reasonable" for themselves, never concerned or caring about the impact of their own shitty behavior on the host population. Outsiders are fundamentally selfish and self serving. Everything they say is a lie.

In this context, that means you.

How is that cucked

Making the rather eroneous assumption that the offspring will be living in one of the parent environments.

Seeing as we are inching closer to some sort of disaster day by day, be it war or economic crash, the likeliihood of being in your parent environment is small.

Furthermore there is no physical advantage to being Japanese of a global scale, the world we live in has been global for decades, the Japanese physiology didn't serve them during WW2, and it doesn't serve them today.

If anything a westerner, assuming he isn't suffering from a ton of (recessive) ailments, would be enhancing the Jap genepool from a purely physiological POV.

Educate yourself user.

Not a bad disease too have. You could be far worse off and like """people"""" like pic related

>Pic related is infielder for the Blue Jays, 1/4 Japanese 1/4 Korean 1/2 white and you have to admit he's handsome as fuck

have both no reason not to spread your seed around

Do you seriously want to be Asian. I mean? if you dont enjoy being your own race; I'd say that's quite cuck. I enjoy being in my own race and I like our women better. i dont go pout around say I need to race mix because feminism. I think those are poor excuses not to find a good woman.

Oh also if you are talking about looks, 2nd generation+ Jap crossbreeds are stunning unless their parents looked like dogs already.

who cares honestly, it's not like there are tons of immigrants coming to asian countries. i'm not going to tell someone to stop have children with someone they love because of memes based on pseudo science.

and when it comes to women, never say never. i used to despise asians because they are shitty annoying tourists here and now i'm suffering from a severe case of yellow fever (not even weeb, animefag or whatever); for some reason asians seem to be really attractive to me now. it's like some day i just woke up and had this realization. send help pls.

Hey sir, please refrain from the derogatory comments about my uncle, lest we force your wife into prostitution.

You gay?