New thread on the ongoing saga of idiot protesters with nothing to bitch about inventing reasons to be mad and wasting student tuition on "art".

"feel good art project" lmaooooo
This is why people think this university is a fucking joke

Anybody on campus right now? I am headed back to the sign, might go buy paint tonight and come back later.


I'm thinking we keep it simple. Whitewash the whole thing, erase every last word, and replace it with a wordless portrait of pepe.

I'm on campus right now. Willing to help do anything to troll within reason (I live here, am concealing power levels, am friends with half of connectuvic, etc)

Write praise kek and make anime great again

There's 18 gorillion radical leftists in front of it rn. Will try to operate tonight, pictures tomorrow.

This is good.

If we post actual racism it just reinforces their idiot narrative. We have to keep it low-power and funny.

Also keep in mind it said "how can we challenge white supremacy" originally.

I've got a paper to write, but depending on what's happening I'm down to contribute to the cause

Feel like that's sarcasm.
Well, I hope so. Never know with Sweden v2.

Write some shit about the need to eliminate the bunny rabbit population, the dangers of invasive species outweighs the cute bunnies right to live.

"melanin deficient rabbits are unnatural and a threat to indigenous species #water protectors or some faggot shit like that should do nicely

I have some black acrylic too. I have a dorm on campus, so if we need a base of ops?

We should just paint it all black and in white write:

Hitler was a failed liberal arts student oppressing people he viewed as privalleged.

Also keep it subtle in terms of personal info. They're posting screencaps on the UVic meme pages and shit.

Godspeed uvic anons

Thanks fellow leaf...

At sign. Anyone else?

Be there in 10 minutes.

Torn between these two

Leafs better deliver or the day of the rake will come earlier

Or figure out a concern troll tactic to pit them against each other.

I'm here.

Anyone at the sign? This is op from the first post

Apparently is.


I am the fag in the toque

Post pics you damn leafs. I'm up by Elk Lake and I can't travel atm and I have to live vicariously through your shenanigans.

user got busted for posting "traps are gay"

I see you. Traps aren't fucking gay. You are.

is there still a bunch of leftists in front of the board?

Yes, but anons are here

Fag turn around.


It's UVic, there's a bunch of leftists in front of everything.

truth. at least when I graduate these are the people I'll be competing against in the job market

>Gorbachev, tear down this wall!


any pics yet?

Write some really extreme SJW crap that turns normies against them.

"No More Canadian Whites" or something to that effect

Leftie writting essay


just spray paint a giant dick or swastika on it

chink fag turn around. traps aren't fucking gay

spray over that entire thing

Did those fags who were getting paint, did you leave?

I'm embarassed to share a school with you faggots

All you'll do is contribute to their victim complex, which I'm sure was the entire point of the board in the first place.

Why are undergrads all such faggots

Anons check in. We got three here.

well, at least you're making friends I guess

If that American user from the first thread who knew of the "Caution: entitled liberal arts majors ahead" sign could find that picture and post it that would be much obliged.

>their unironic answer to this is to isolate, demonise and vilify White peoples

someone paint a Pepe on it

Trump pence guy, r u here?

Didn't you know that vilifying and blaming always works out the exact way you want it to with no blowback what so ever? Haven't you ever heard of 2017?

Imagine someone wrote "darkie get out REEEEEEEEEEEEEE" they'd get expelled for sure.

The leafs that paint that Pepe are going to get showered in (You)'s

Trump user got on the wall. First nations got pissed so I dipped before the punching.

That'd be pretty funny desu

I went to UVic in the 90s and doesn't seem much has changed. Back then if you were a Reform voter you were considered a nazi.

The real evil on campus is the CFS


someone draw a merchant please

We voted to divorce from those god damned leaches a few years ago. I remember at the referendum they (((literally bussed))) people in to canvass for them. Man, it was funny arguing with them cause they knew they were going to lose and were getting desperate.

What's your skincare routine


Everyone knows that UVic is the last place you would find white supremecy. They are looking for ways to cry victim, get on the news, and more gibs.

at the end of the day, most of Sup Forums is apolitical

It just makes these kids feel like they're a part of something when they team up to fuck with the liberals (ie shooting fish in a barrel).

Look at all the cucks in this thread desperate to meet up.

mix white paint with poison ivy and leave it fresh and clean for all the unwitting saps


kek, which one of you faggots was this?


I'll be there in 30 minutes.

How do I say "Fuck Trump and fuck white people" in Spanish?

For the UVic bros, what is the Facebook uvic 2020 meme page called?

unaffiliated shitposting 2020

Any anons still at the wall?



i'll be there in 5 minutes

Not an user, confirmed, just a hardcore memer. no punches were thrown tho. the liberals just circle-jerked

Did you get the paint?