>I open this thread in order to discuss the possibility of creating an ethnocommunity. I believe it is impossible to create an ethnostate as, in order to create a country, other countries have to recognize you. Which today is impossible (and all free land is in very dangerous places) so I will focus on creating it in a piece of land inside the USA, which is I believe, the best umbrella to fulfill realistically this plan.

It is interesting how many anons think this is an autistic meme
>If we were in the XV century this would be the normal thing to do. Europeans fled europe to the united states and create a virtuous societies. Somehow a lot of anons do not seem to understand our fathers conquer spirit.

The name
>In my opinion we should reject Kekistan as a name for the village as it is a shitty meme name. But also we should chose a valid one fast. If not I will continue using Kekistan as codename until we reach consensus.

Validation of the project
>I have found several lands in the USA which is as cheap as 10 hectares for 6000 usd, but we need minimum 1000 anons to start the project at that price. This land is farmable has water sources, good weather and its placed in an area where there are little to no taxes with a majority of white republicans.

Organization of the project
> I think there's a lot to do so I will create a website to discuss this topic and plan this as an startup.

> This project is reserved to white anons, but if you represent other ethnicity and you find a based group, you can take our blueprints and start your own ethnostate.

PASTEBIN: pastebin.com/GTzCqv99

Other urls found in this thread:


Why do we have to be in the same physical space? Can we not have a community online?

Oh wait! Isn't that what Sup Forums is?

I believe the first step to start this project is to create a website in order to organize stuff like

> legal info regarding how to legally move 1000 white anons to the USA, how to setting stuff up... and so on.
> create some kind of statutes which will act as constitution, also think of a valid form of government
> Folders to archive stuff we will need, for instance blueprints of houses, Urbanism and so on...
> ...

Any suggestions of CMS that you think will suit us is welcome!

This isn't going to work. Not in the United States anyway. Too many liberals shouting racist and demanding inclusion. While I respect the idea, we have to be realistic here. Either way keep us posted, I'd love to see how this turns out.

I think you underestimate your legal system. First if this community is placed in a private land, and the settlement is created as a private corporation or at least managed by a private corporation (with us as the shareholders) (This should be discussed in the website i will create) those SJW can easily be kept outside.

Also, in the USA, you have white ethnic communities, like the amish, and nobody disturbs them.

I think the key is not to attract attention, at least in the early phases. And BTW I chosed Wyoming (to be discussed) for a several number of things, one of them is that this state is packed with white people.

Any website will quickly be coopted by kikes. Can't trust them, Stormfront and American Vanguard are good examples.

Not a lawyer, but I think you'll want to incorporate as a charity or non-profit rather than a normal corporation. Ideological non-profits are legally allowed to organize around things like ethnicity to a much greater extent.

These threads get lost everytime. I'm thinking of a way to keep this info organized, and not repeating over and over again the same things. I don't care they read what we put there. It will be like an open source project on how to build a physical community.

Pic related is the land i found. (I will keep posting pics)

> $6.000.000
> 10710,41 Hectares

That means 10.71 hectares for $6000 each user.

I think I want a corporation, because white anons elected to build the community (if they match the rules we have to discuss) need a working visa.

We should have the location in some backwoods or farm land in the middle of nowhere.

Another pic of the land.

> $6.000.000
> 10710,41 Hectares
That means 10.71 hectares for $6000 each user.

Right now we need to focus on the tools to organize the project. Think about a CMS, tell me and I will register the web so we can start thinking.

Another pic of our farmable land.

> the land is farmable
And I'm assuming you don't know jack shit about agriculture or the costs involved with farming. A decent sized harvester runs over 1.5 million

fucking faggots

>we need industrial scale production
We just need to do as the amish do.

problem 1). Money all kekistanians would need to continually shell out funds for the taxes on the land.
problem 2). Breeders, ya need to get some kids to within the first few years or else it may die off within the first gen

Correct. We need sustained growth.

But focus. Look for a CMS so we can have these discussions in the forum of the website.

I am building my funds to fund a diamond-dogs type separatist force of white mercenaries for the day the order collapses

don't forget me

1) Wyoming:
>No Corporate Taxes: That’s right. Corporations are not charged an entity tax in Wyoming. Which means that in Wyoming, you avoid the burden of double taxation.
>No Personal Income Taxes: You read that correctly. In Wyoming, you will pay no personal income tax. Your money is your money. You earned it.
>No Inheritance or Estate Taxes: In Wyoming, when you leave an estate to your children or family members, there are no estate taxes charged on their inheritance.
>No Out-of-State Retirement Taxes: Do you have a second home in Wyoming you intend to retire to? There are no taxes on retirement income earned in other states.
>No Excise Taxes: Every time you buy food and gas in Wyoming, you are not paying state taxes on those items.
>No Intangible Taxes: Wyoming imposes no taxes upon intangible assets like stocks and bonds.
There are some other taxes that i have calculated as little as 500 usd per user per year.
But this and other problems have to be addressed and discussed on a forum.

2) Females will come or will feel attracted if there is a solid, growing economy. When the conquerors went to America, at first they were all men. Women came later on.

What are you going to do after you let some undercover faggot in and he has something illegal or plants something. Its all over. They did that shit with Tommy Chong over selling bongs you think they will let you set up your own kingdom?

Y'all don't realize how much land there is in the US. we could start a compound in the western US and no one would know except for a few government agencies.

you have to be 18 and older to post on here

So, what CMS do we use?

Another pic of the land I'm talking about :^)


what is the real hurdle to creating an entire nation online? Estonia's already started an online citizenship program. doesn't seem to me like you need a physical location in order to be in a community.

Idk m8, do you have a map of the area, because im all good with bodies of water, but its gonna be kinda hard to build shit on landscape that is mostly water.

You faggots, this is a /leftypol/ psyop just like the Namibia colony was. But you know what? Fine, dig your own graves. I used to support shit like this, but honestly, it'll never go anywhere. Just autists larping as autists

We could fund this community with cryptocurrency. All we need is one mining operation and a group of dedicated stock traders. I personally work with alternative energy sources so we could mine at reduced costs. That's how we spark our economy. From there skilled tradesmen will contribute their own knowledge and we can expand. I'm totally behind this idea if we can get organized.

(((democracies))) in Europe lead to a decrease in the fertility rate. This happens in the USA too. If you check statistics, the only white community is rising in number is Amish community since they keep traditional values. So the only hope for the white race is that young based people start over in fertil places.

Another pic of the land. AS FAR AS YOU CAN SEE

>In my opinion we should reject Kekistan as a name for the village as it is a shitty meme name. But also we should chose a valid one fast.

"Waah don't make memes I don't like they should be the way I want them to be!"

Please kill yourself. You don't own the internet, snowflake.

This is the map i have, which i don't know if its going to be of some utility.


I'm glad this whole kekistan project is still going, Even if sargon butchered the name.

casually leaves thread



ABOUT 10.71 hectares for $6000 each user.


Something like this has to happen in order for independence to be gained. That's not even the biggest reason I'd be interested though. It would just be fucking awesome to have a private, white settlement full of like minded people. I know we aren't all basement dwelling faggots as depicted and many of us have goals and want a future for our children.

Anything like this is a plus.

We should go somewhere in Uruguay or some shit like that, plenty of cheap land, peaceful country, no niggers, everyone can emigrate easily and it's not being invaded by shitskins.

Indian here. This will never work. We are already growing in numbers. We control most tech companies and therefore what you see online. Google is already erasing white men from history. There is nowhere for you to hide. You must accept diversity. The future belongs to brown people.

Im not going to some shit hole i cant even point out on a map

Bump of sincere but cautious interest. You're doing good work based Spain user.

Disgraceful use of pic.

I think the name of the website should have something like the word progress in it. Nothing blatant.

It would have to have some extreeeeeeme vetting for the forums.

Have it on the low down, nothing about "whiteness" on site, it has to be an inside type of thing if you don't wanna get coopted by kikes or nuked for "hatecrimes". Mods will simply reject non-white applicants lmao

Thank you anglobro!

Indians are technically white if you count all Caucasians as such. Check your privilege

Yeah, we can keep it for ourselves, but it is what its going to be LOL haha :D

This is the delusion that leaded to WW2. But the eternal whites will prevail. Sorry bro.

Northern Indians anyway. Their bone structure and cranial capacities are similar. I'd say slavs would be the cutoff for a white community.

Indians have the smallest cock

so do you have a site name?

i dont give a flying fuck what other anons say, any step like this is a step in the right direction for people to come and discuss ideas. i was thinking a more inclusive all-right-wing place like (as another user mentioned) the amish, but as a FUCKING WHITE MALE i suppose im open to the idea of a closed ethno society

but a couple questions
1.) political system, how do we prevent corruption? is this an ancap/socialist/ancom/??? society inside of the US on private land?
2.) how do we stay away from the public eye

>this thread

It should be based at least loosely on national socialism, as any ethnic state should.

But right now all that we can look at is a location to migrate to. It's what the zionists did and it's worked out fairly well for them.

This is actually something that Jared Taylor has mentioned in videos. He uses the comparison of the Amish and the Orthodox Jewish communities that have remained homogeneous for a long time. If everyone in an area is determined to keep it that way it's not terribly difficult to do it legally.

I vote naming the corporation The Dharma Initiative with pic as logo

I really think we should work on something like a corporate based system, every citizen having an amount of shares, governemt controled by shareholders, who elect a CEO.

But this needs a deep discussion, and that's why I want to create a forum.

>For the record my background is paleolibertarian until I was redpilled hard. So I believe in no taxation and a voluntary society. Which now I believe can only be achieved in an homogeneous group. So I would defend some kind of limited gov shit. Also I am a bitcoiner and I like the type of governance bitcoin has which is, main rules cannot be changed no matter what. If you like the deal you jump into bitcoin, if not you stay out. Nobody forces you.

That's cool haha

SHALL I REGISTER dharmainitiative.tech to setup the forum???

That's a stupid name. Choose something that is still related to kek. That's the force that moves some of the currents of thought of this board. Not kekistan, but something that remains close to Sup Forums

I actually like it because since its a TV show organization (Lost), most people who arent initiated will think its just a group of fanboys who are larping around.

blockchain based laws

Yeah, that's what i thought too... and the Dharma initiative in Lost i think i recall it was almost about the same stuff... building an utopic society

I agree. I just don't think kek should be in the name. We could praise kek all day in the forums, but I think the name should not be so obvious.

And it is just a codename for the project, since the actual village will have another name... but its something to start working on stuff

So veredict?

Kekingrad? Kekland? Kekia? Keksville? Kek initiative? Keks united? Keknia?

that sounds like a great idea, if you would like help perpetuating the idea just let me know

as soon as you create a forum, we can create generals here to have lengthy discussions with established rules and agreed-upon 'laws' to be put into the Articles of Organization for the corp. and since were all from diff parts of the world we can keep a general up around the clock mostly, for all interested parties to see that it is no longer simply a meme

as far as a name goes, how about something like Province of Kek
if it were an island, Isle of Kek would be incredible
BUT if we want to avoid Kek altogether, why not something like Byzantia or some use of white culture throughout history to form the name?

I'm fine with it. It's not a big issue.

You should look into Bison. Crazy expensive right now on the market, and can easily be raised in Wyoming. The biggest cost is the initial startup of the Bison, and the fencing required. Other than that they could essentially raise themselves, wolves won't kill.

What happens when non-whites want to move there? You can't legally do anything about it.

We need kek in the name, kek does the meme magic. You're not gonna get anyone behind this if it's called Dharma initiative.

If its owned by a corporation of autists we can choose who lives on the land

Lynch mobs

none of you can farm. none of you has the resources to even build shelter on this land. this is not going to happen. stop roleplaying and go kill yourselves

easy, you do what the amish do to an outsider:
create unprovable circumstances (vandalism, shunning, not serving them, etc) to sort of force them away, unless they are truly so determined to stay

Who needs resources when we have autism?

I will buy a ring of land all around "THE DHARMA INITIATIVE" and found a judeo-islamic religious community there

Speak for yourself, faggot. Maybe go learn something and stop projecting.

The are already doing that in Vermont.

Proof plox.

Have fun in prison.

This could maybe work, although it could also open up some legal trouble depending on what happens.

Maybe, but you'd have to find some kind of metric to refuse people that has to be consistent.

Another thing i can do is register a bitcoin address as URL... like this


The piece of land wouldn't be called the dharma initiative. Try and keep up.

This can lead to donations if someone actually likes the project

If the land is private property and all of the owners aren't renting it out because they have a common cause it seems like it would be pretty easy.

good luck but heads up, seeds don't grow into moms who bring grilled cheese sandwiches down to the basement after you water them for one day

If we're gonna start this, we need cheap housing.
There's plenty of resources online for building houses of of tires and dirt. While the construction is happening we can simply use tents.

True, as long no real exchange or service is happening it's ok to refuse anyone, but these things never amount to anything anyway.

You can also build cheap housing out of shipping containers. Not fancy of course, but they can actually be made up fairly nicely.

I hear shipping containers are a good substitute.

The land already has a shed, i don't think we're going to be all at once. I believe we will do shifts of 2 months or something like that at the very beginning.

For everybody to know, In spain the boy scouts rebuilt a village this way. It's called Griebal. And I'm talking about KIDS (pic related)

I hope this gives you HIGH ENERGY.

the citadel of white civilization. A house made of tires and dirt

I'm sorry no one tought you to care for youself, but some of us know how to actually care for ourselves and have actual real world skills.

I say we go for it. Worst case scenario nothing happens, but we still get to say we tried. Nothing great ever happens by people sitting on their asses typing random shite. I'm saying right now, that I dedicate my knowledge and resources to this project. And you all should too. Trolls or not, this is a good idea.

The only way you could remotely achieve this is by having land unclaimed by a government, the only way thats going to happen is if a civil war occurs resulting in a break down in government power

Someone taught me how to spell "taught" at some point along the way. Is that how you're going to teach the next generation of white children to spell it? Oh I forgot that would require women to come live in your tire and dirt house in the middle of fucking nowhere

>inb4 arrested for hate crimes for calling niggers niggers

The litigation jew will not be pleased.


so its difficult to find.

Any donation recived will be used to keep the site alive or pay stuff for the project.



we're gonna rename it islamshire once we invade

Okay. Continue to make these threads to spread the word.

It's pretty rad to think about something like this but i feel like starting a new society from scratch is kind of inefficient. Why not focus on dominating the SJWs and wealthy jews and completely saving the USA first? For instance, creating a new political party. That would be more realistic than creating a straight up new village, I think.

Channel Sup Forums powers into reality through realistic politics to save the west?