How the fuck can you justify defunding this

How the fuck can you justify defunding this

That's just full degenerate. Do you want more Hip Hop in the schools?

Other urls found in this thread:

A better question is why should I pay for your shit "art"?

What is "shit" art? Is it the cherrypicked examples you get from shitty YouTubers?

Just get some paints and canvas. Become your own artist, ya dumbo. It not that hard

Why am I using my tax money to fund SHIT art? or anyone's art for that matter? The BEST art comes from an individual through their own means, not government funded.


What does that even mean?

>shit on your hand
>wipe it on canvas

>squat over canvas



time to make art great again

So you know nothing about contemporary art, got it.

Does Sup Forums even know any of these names?

>If you saw a video last year of David Bowie talking about working with Lou Reed, that was part of an NEA-funded digital archive. An Esperanza Spalding performance at Manhattan’s Baryshnikov Arts Center, a Steve Reich 80th-birthday celebration at Carnegie Hall, and a Quincy Jones tribute at the Monterey Jazz Festival are among endowment-boosted events from 2016.

I know back in the day people used to actually paint/sculpt beautiful things and now "art" is just garbage I could duplicate by taking a picture of my shit skid ridden toilet bowl.

Name 5 artworks made in the past decade that you are familiar with and do NOT appear in a YouTube video by h3h3, PragerU, or similar.

I don't know any, and I don't watch Youtube.

So you know nothing about contemporary art, got it.

I know back in the day people used to actually paint/sculpt beautiful things and now "art" is just garbage I could duplicate by taking a picture of my shit skid ridden toilet bowl.


If you can't name any contemporary art then why would you say "art today is terrible"

Redpill me on the endowment.

Is it funding respectable stuff like history and Shakespeare or degenerate identity shit?

Why don't you post some contemporary """"""""art""""""""?


convince me why my tax dollars should help these starving artist

while youre at it convince me that modern art isnt just a front for money laundering too

It funds all kinds of festivals and art events which further public understanding of the arts. See:

>3 threads in 5 minutes, 2 with near identical images.
>There are no paid shills on Sup Forums

the fuck are you even talking about, there weren't any other threads in the catalog about the NEA

Here's your art moron.

I'm missing the part that explains why I should be paying for these things.

Do you know any of those names?

Make something people wanna buy or fuck off

Thomas Kinkade fuck off, no one actually likes you.

If you're good at art you're good at art why the fuck would you need this shit for

Most pretentious shit in art galleries and museus is "Unnamed" anyway. I graduated in Audiovisual arts and Cinema, usually go to expositions and I still think most modern art is shit to the point I can't even remember most peoples names. Get fucked, hipster. (Also, I'm now studying business, fuck this shit people call art today)

If you read what the NEA actually does, you'll understand why it should be defunded.

>protip: it does nothing

Art fucking sucks and there is too much of it.

Ban art

Still can't actually name anything?

My God, have you been to a modern art exhibit?

I live in Minneapolis. I've been to the Walker. I don't give a shit about "red circle eat green square die."

Also, where does a liberal get off using words like "degenerate"?

Ah continued use of cherrypicking to further a point. How very Conservative of you.

There is nothing more degenerate than being anti-art, and not understanding contemporary/Postmodern art.

>degenerate than being anti-art, and not understanding contemporary/Postmodern art.

but you know what? I'm on board. I want to read you type, "okay, I'm for defunding the Walker if we can keep the rest of modern art."

Type that and I'll switch sides.

not only should NEA be defunded, but anybody who is in any way associated with modern """art""" should fucking hang.

It would halfway solve our rich jew problem too.

If you need government assistance to make art I've got some bad news...

fund art renewal center instead

You do realize that defunding contemporary art projects will mean more people will turn to pop rap right?

I thought you guys were racist and hate black music here.

Hey, the reason nobody wants your art is because you aren't talented or interesting and should probably kys yourself tbqh

>Do you want more Hip Hop in the schools?
I don't. Which is I why I'm in favor of defunding the National Endowment for the Arts. Their "art" is degenerate art.

if he doesn't, then the NEA was pointless
if he does, that doesn't explain why they need to be funded by the NEA (they don't)

fuck off you sophist faggot

The govt. should have no hand in funding art.

this desu

It is terrible.
I quit being a fucking artist because it's all fucking terrible.
Why the fuck would anyone remember the name of a piece if it was terrible?
I've been to my fair share of art exhibits and I can assure you that art for art's sake is dead.
You can find better shit at the flea market.

>if he doesn't, then the NEA was pointless
The NEA can't force you to care about art, but if you don't know those fucking basic names in music then you aren't qualified to talk about art or art funding, period.

Nigga, we're on Sup Forums. Stop trying to shill for leftist "art".

So you can't name any?

Why would I?
It's all too shit for me to care.


stay in Minneapolis faggot

That's not how the NEA works you idiots. The NEA funds classical music.

you are a complete fucking faggot.
you are actually, I think, the biggest faggot I have ever come across on Sup Forums

fucking kill yourself, you pretentious, unintelligent art school cock sucker

They are just defunding stuff which is ignored by a large percentage of the youth (and most of the general population) anyway. Elitist art is not support-worthy as it does not reflect the culture of the citizens.

I'm definitely qualified to decide what my money funds. Parties for rich faggots can be funded by the people attending them. They don't need to take money from blue collar bumpkins like me to fund shit I'll never see and don't care about.

The only qualification one needs to opine on the spending of one's money is that it's that person's money being spent.



De-funding ALL public arts programs throughout the western world is an important step towards defeating Cultural Marxism.

It'll never happen though.

what art do you like then faggot

How the fuck can you justify posting this

You're just a full degenerate. Do you want more cocks in your mouth?

i paint abstract art myself, i think it's dumb to defund this and i kinda don't understand it, fuck these gayass faggots from this youtube video where 2 men kissed

art is important, it reflects the culture and time you're living in

Traditionalist art that gives of a sense of pride in western culture. Not some degenerate (((abstract art))). Of course Jewish leftist """artists""" will call Romantic paintings "kitsch" or "cliché".

call it degenerate, i rather be a degenerate than an uneducated redneck, who thinks that """"traditional """""art"""" is better than abstract

that doesn't make any sense. Creating more unique art = creating more cultural identity = defeating cultural marxism

We can't and we won't

He's taking a BILLION DOLLARS out of the COAST GUARD to pay for a WALL IN THE DESERT???



>implying "unique" is good
You're a retard

Traditional art IS better, as it requires actual skills, and not just the ability to splat some random colors on canvas.

hard times ahead user, gotta tighten our belts

>t. Achmedinajimmybad

>abstract (((art)))
Gas yourself mountain kike.

see that's the problem, you think abstract art is just splatters, it isn't it's a reflection of thinking and requires also skills and creativity, things which traditional artists don't have, wtf is creative in their art?? painting everything like it's there is just plain and boring, with a bit routine everyone can do that

Bitch please

I see better shit churned out of Deviant art than what is in the Museums

It's just splatter. If the common pleb can't appreciate the meaning from a glance you fail as an artist. Let's be honest the only reason this shit sell is because you don't actually have to look at it.

i think i should leave this board, i don't belong here, you guys are funny and i share a lot of interests and opinions with you

make sure you save the western world, also fuck islam


The NEA is actually the kind of organization that puts hip hop in schools. It's government funding of degenerate art.

Its con art. Sorry. Its only relevant because some big collectors and "patrons" invest in this, not because its actually worth something in an artistic way. I had some very enlightening talks about the art business here in Duesseldorf (Academy of Arts) which convinced me that this is just a way to milk idiots (=buyers)

I don't advocate for traditional art either. If we have cameras then art shouldn't have to be realistic. Still it should not look like shit and be a lazy excuse to get funding. I do provide patronage to people on Deviant Art and Kick Starter who I believe truly make good art and the state should stay out of funding art because they do a poor job of choosing what gets funded.

It's budget is less than Trump's budget for Mar-aLago or defending Trump tower. What is more valuable for society?

The actual reason it's relevant is that it's used as a money-laundering and investment scheme by the rich. It's amazing that when literal piles of trash are sold for millions of dollars the authorities don't assume that money-laundering is happening.

>Milking idiots
They've been doing that since the academy creation, at least their 19th century shit was good.

If there is anything that the world has way too fucking much of its art. Pay for your shit, faggots.

It's a front for illegal activity.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:




You can't blame a man who wants to continue shitting on canvases and getting paid for it

They already consider hiphop on par with ballet.
Fuck them.

Lol this is hilarious. This is why you have hip hop as the form of art most people subscribe too. That's okay, let some huge corporation pay for whatever is most profitable instead. That's right, you just keep looking out for yourself while we rob your community blind. I'm not even actually a poltard and I can see this shit from a mile away. I'd feel more threatened by you guys if only you were competent enough to do anything

of course there are fucking dumb "artists", but tell me you don't think this is nice looking, a small part of artists are faggots who literally shit on canvas

Today's art is worth less than nothing. It is nothing but propaganda meant to harm the minds of those susceptible to it's clutches. The only good art today is in Porn, Deviant Art, and Video Games and none of those are Government Funded.


>since the academy creation
More like 60s /70s. When charlatans like Beuys appeared it was all over. Just look at this shit, and you will understand my hatred for modern art:

This, this 90 times this.

> A well regulated dance team, being necessary for the security of a free state, must be funded by the federal government instead of state, municipal, or private sources.

>Not meant to harm minds

if it lets me rap Moon Man then we're ok