... are Spaniards white?
I mean they mixed their DNA with Moors/Saracens during 800 years
Why do they deny the fact that they got Muslim blood running through their veins?
>mfw saying to a spaniard that he looks moroccan
Since Spain got occupied 800 years by Muslims
Other urls found in this thread:
No, but at least we can cook
Now fuck off
Say what you want but for over 700 years the Spanish never gave up fighting and eventually drove the bastards out. We should take a leaf from their book and do the same right now before we all end up like Spain post 700AD
The Spanish weren't occupied, they were mostly converted.
That is how Islam started: a duke was slighted by the king (his daughter was raped and enslaved), he converted to Islam, allied with whoever was in North Africa and attacked.
Yeah no, they did not "never gave up fighting". They used to take "Al Andalus" back when the caliphate was divided, spaniards were fine with Al Andalus since it was one of the most developed part of Europe at that time.
Don't be in denial.
yeah didn't the visigoths invite them in
Bump for truth.
Well, how funny is it that a french cunt complains about spaniards being moorish when France is now infested with niggers and sand niggers. Sort your problems first, you baguette licker.
This was occipied 800 years, not the rest of Spain.
the genetic studies doesnt support the theory of much admixture
t. Hasan al Parisi
>occupied 800 years by Muslims
In about 750 years, people will be saying that about France.
poor banter
spain retains 75% of their celtic blood from 2 millenia ago, portugal however...
>Muslim blood
no such thing
berbers are white
It's ok spain meditarreans are all part black anyway.
You can cross Gibraltar swimming.
this. they would looked like Hitler
>tfw dark brown eyes and almost black hair
why even live
the vandals also left behind some genetics in eastern algeria and tunisa
why is galicia so north african, wasn't it retaken soon?
i don't know man...
pretty sure it's a meme pic based on a poor understanding haplomemes, the E1b in Iberia, as with most of Europe, is E-V13, which entered in the neolithic, not E-M81, which is the north African one
same as J1
the African signal in Iberia is real but probably dates back to prehistory, Iberia was connected with NW Africa since the mesolithic
>I'm referring to our ability to develop a tan
>I really don't know how the brits can take any exposure at all
good answer
The Andalusian society was actually very stratified with the ruling elite being incredibly racist. It's part of why Islamic rule over Spain was doomed from the start. The racial stratification of Al Andalusia mostly left the native Iberians untainted by mixing and made the Christians under Muslim rule look towards the northern Christian states as saviors and liberators.
I doubt Europeans, in general, are actually White.
this. E-V13 in particular entered europe about 24,000 years ago. it has nothing to do with al-andalus
E-V13 is all over southern europe, from iberia to the balkans
Putos franceses.
If you deliver now, you can chat shit all you want.
If you don't then RIP France alongside the neggerlands.
>reyes catolicos defeat Abderraman
>kick out muslims
>kick out jews
That's only ydna, it doesn't give a realistic idea of ancestries.
The map I post is based on autosomal DNA, which is much more accurate.
Most Spanish and Portugese people seem to be of Old Christian stock to me.
I'm one of the few exceptions , mom is of Portuguese and Central-Northern Spanish descent.
Dad looked like pic related , he was of Spanish/Portuguese descent with some obvious Morisco admixture.
Funny thing is , he looked Whiter than my mom , my mom has brown eyes his were blue-ish.
r1b is not "celtic" it's much older.
just like E3b is not moorish, it has diferent lineages, with different origins.
And Portugal score not much diff from Spain, in haplotypes.
Really nigga?
burning witches and Jews alive doesn't count sorry!
Hello 'nobody knows I exist' little brother
That's bullshit. all debunked long time ago.
They looked at haplogroups and claimed "north-african, jew, iberic", based on myths.
E3b has a much older origin, thats why it peaks in northern iberia - galicia, J is neolithic marker, not jew serfardita.
Cute try Ahmed
(this map it was made by a catalan university)
Yes, but they based that on a "study" from 2008, with ridiculous assumptions. If you wanna see real dna, look at autosomal, and where iberians cluster in Europe and far away from middle east or nortth-africa.
Ah , there's that Porteño arrogance i've heard so much about.
When the visigoths fucked up, the arabs came and took power. They were a relatively small group and they couldn't have fully dominated the land had they wanted so.
What they did is to make a deal with the locals: let me govern and I'll let you keep your religion and customs.
Mixing in this period was never significant. Muslim law forbid muslim woman from marrying christian men, so the only way of having mixed couples was that of a muslim man with a christian woman. This largely reduced interbreeding.
Later there were two waves of north-african invaders, but these didn't stay here for that long. Also they were religious fundamentalists, so coexistence with the locals (even muslim converts) was not really possible and many people fleed north. These invaders didn't believe in race mixing, and their presence was mostly military.
All those (and the joos) were finally expelled in 1942. And thats why current Spanish are actually of Castillian descent.
That's up to your interpretation, Algeria
Now I know why (((Asturias))) was mad at moors.
What is this supposed to mean? Why are two jewish groups inside the greek one?
Big chances you are some sort of mudslime shit larping as a white frenchman.
If getting skin cancer was an olympic sport we would come second just after australia.
For our latitude we are white as fuck.
Seems like we pretty much annihilated any Southern DNA when we retook Spain from the north.
Na, I miss you being part of us so much that I have to insult you. You were lucky to gtfo of the provincias unidas
Don't bully Uruguay.
Why do you all keep pretending that the mediterranean race ain't mixed?
I think the word is ethnic not race. What ethnic isn't mixed?
How to breed civil wars, the image
Some ashz jws score near some areas of greece, cause they have euro influence med stuff. but greeks are europid of course.
Just look at them... of course not
They live in segregated areas in Paris.
That situation there is pretty bad. they take advantage of free dental health as my friend working there as dentist and have plenty of kids.
This is bullshit. Asturias never fell.
It's just shitposting. Asturians are actually pure aryans who fought them off and made birth to Spain and Portugal
Thats crap, what they did, was, everything that wasn´t R1b was northafr and je ws.. If they extented the study to the rest of Europe, half of Europe would be j ews and northafrcs. bullshit.
t. Asturias patria querida.
Ya lo sé, es por eso que lo digo.
No puedo buscarlo yo por estar en el móvil, pero el blog de antropología de Dienekes tiene artículos al respecto. Me tengo que marchar; defiéndenos, camarada.
Spanish are not white, they kicked out the Moors,and Jews. So they kicked out the people who knew how toanage governments,and money. The end result is the greedy nobles who did not know fuck shit about administration and handling money led to the fall of Spain,it has never comeback.
That's fucking bullshit. I remember a study in 2011 on the matter that had to be dismissed by the researchers themselves; I believe the chief researcher was surnamed Moorjani.
Asturias y Cantabria, lo demás es tierra conquistada. ¡Viva Covadonga!
Spainiards are not european
Mis bisabuelos eran del reino de Navarra. Eran vascones, ellos tambien se salvaron no?
Achmed, please stop
Well, fellow user, that's actually incorrect due to-
Wait, nevermind
I was under the impression the Muslim occupiers who controlled the territories in the region stayed primarily in urban areas.
see this Mehmet
Are Catalonian white?
but in the end people took the bait
Many of today's "spaniards" are actually foreign immigrants. I could post images of German rapefugees or Turks and say Germans are not European as well.
People who live here since the old times are as European as you.
seeing the immigrants there, no
>American education
First of all, if you read The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise, you'll know that the accusations of barbarism against the Visigoths are unsubstantiated. Hispania was, after Italy, the region that had belonged to the Empire for the longest time; the Visigoths, meanwhile, were the most Romanised of all the Germanic tribes, which is why they were brought into Hispania as peacekeepers of sorts and didn't influence the language too much because they were quick to embrace Latin and the local Romance dialects.
Furthermore, the period of the Reconquista was a long, arduous period. In The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise, the myths of capable administration and peaceful coexistence under the Arabs are dispelled; in truth, the Arabs were prone to their characteristic outbreaks of violence, and they relied on the local Bosniak-like class: the muladíes.
Now, Spain's most glorious period comes after the Reconquista. To say that she never recovered from the effects of the Reconquista is idiotic; the expulsion of the Jews had economic effects, but it did not stop the country from building one of the largest empires in history, Christianising the orb, and involving herself in continental affairs.
Indeed, Castile and Aragón were so rich around the time of Charles V's ascent to the throne that they protested the use of their funds in HRE affairs, which led to the rise of the Castilian communities and the Aragonese brotherhoods.
there's no such thing as muslim blood, there's no gene (luckily)
Many cities in Portugal were founded by Phoenicians, who had a large presence in North Africa as well.
Also, I remember seeing an article stating that Portugal and Spain got colonized in pre-history both from France and from North Africa, which is not surprising.
Native Catalonians barely exist. They are only "Catalonians" and no, they are not.
source for that pic
What is the thing about being "white" anyway?
Either we share a heritage and a whole lotta wars, never gae up, believing in common rights or we don't. There is no white or black, but mutual believes in human society.
I am half hungarian and half german.
Does it make me only half white or full nationalist?
This is a typical looking Spanish White man.
And that 2.1% comes from Catalonia. Nuke it and we have 0.8%
the reconquista was over 1300´s. 90% of it was already reconquered by that time and teh christian kings didnt give a shit about them and prefered to fight each other. That's why it took so long.
>Native Catalonians barely exist. They are only "Catalonians" and no, they are not.
As prolly the only catalan left in the country, i can confirm this. Literally 80% of the country has immigration background.
Fuck, i guess I ain't white.
You guys tend to forgot, that until the 1900's people stuck to isolated villages and usually did not intermingle all that much. The only places that would usually is the capitals or the few large cities that did exist, which even then most of the people would have came from the surrounding villages or the city itself and would not be too different from one another.
This is fake, of course.
Northwest-afrc (caucasoid) presence in Iberia it's residual - 4%-7% and has an older pre-historic origin, because it has no geopgraphic pattern
Native Catalonians yes. Catalan government has been pushing for more Arab immigrants over Spanish speakers though, so they are purposefully fucking the gene pool