Dixieland General: Deport the Yankees Edition

Dixie is being swamped by liberal Yankees who, for the most part, support the exact same policies which ruined their birth states in the first place. Never forget, without the preening Yankee 'freedom riders' the Jews wouldn't have achieved half of what they wanted.

Yankees & Jews are a team. They have worked together to spread the North's ways across the South.

Are you ready to leave the Union, yet?

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Why do people like Dixieland?
>Minority white (imagine having more Mexican farm workers than citizens)
>Most white farmers would have fuck their slaves
>Sometimes their wives would to but then they lynched the slave
>Have to tell a bunch of lazy nigs what to do every day

Sounds degenerate

>be southerner
>be non white

>The South will rise again
Let me know when Southerners can even rise out of their motorized wheelchairs, sweetie

As a faggot from mass, please secede again and conquer the northeast, im tired of this commie shit hole

Reminder that if you are not in, pic related, dark red, you are NOT a southerner

So you all hate Trump?

>Why do people like Dixieland?

Because Southerners had anti-miscegenation laws well into the 1960s whereas most of New England abolished their own version of those laws in the 1780s. The fact that Yankee soldiers frequently sung a melody called 'John Brown's Body' is just another example of the fact that Yankees have been shitlibs for decades. Even back then, they idolized a White man who killed dozens of Southerners and tried to start a slave revolt.


sigh.....fucking cucks in Norfolk, richmond and fairfax turn us blue every election cycle, shit's so AIDS people don't even consider the home of Robert E. Lee the south anymore.

whatever, faggot. Georgia is basically Mexico now.

How do you do my Scotch-Irish brothers?
>not southern

What flag is that OP?

I thought the Confederate Flag was this one?

The fact that so many modern folks don't consider Virginia - the Jewel of the Confederacy - to be Southern shows the extent of the demographic displacement affecting us. The Yankees have literally taken over NOVA and now they've even turned Cary, NC into a Concentrated Area of Relocated Yankees.

Personally? I think he is an eccentric New York realtor and that anyone who thinks he is the savior of White America is either a LARPer or just plain delusional.

How many posts until a Yankee starts posting Sherman pictures and Obesity maps?

Florida sounding offfffffe

SOUTHERN California reporting in

>This shitty leaf bait

Here let me teach you how to bait southerners.

BIG10 >> SEC and Kansas City has the best BBQ.

My great great great great grandfather was counted in the 1790 Census.

They're still traitors who deserved what they got. They tried to secede from the union, failed, and got eternally BTFO.

The south will never rise again.

Okay but even though it was illegal people still did it. Blacks in America are more white looking and have higher iqs than people in Africa, a clear sign of breeding with whites. It was commonly known that any black female was required to please the master if he desired. Jefferson, washington, and others have supposedly done this

>Forwards from chong

>Forwards to Cletus

Mine fought in the battle of cowpens.

Happy (Early) St. Patrick's day, boys!


I don't apologize but I'm ashamed of my Yankee situs and predecessors. My (Canadian) Scots-Irish ma mixed with my German midwesterner pa.

I wish I could take on this heritage but sadly I don't feel like I have a claim to it.

Up with the cross, boys, and nuke the north in the next war. Is only way.


>The south will never rise again.

Who's going to stop us? The broads up in Massachusetts who run around wearing pussy hats? The ching-chongs in San Fran? The guidos in New Jersey? Most of the men in the U.S. military are Southerners. If our people ever get over their collective sense of Stockholm syndrome and realize that the North has bullied us for decades, we would be unstoppable.


Minnesota reporting.

If the South secedes, I will not fight her. Indeed, I'd go full militant copperhead.

General Lee is an American treasure. It's a shame we don't live in the CSA with him on the 1 dollar bill

Missouri is CSA, if you disagree you're a faggot

There's something with people living south that makes them based. I don't know what exactly, but it just is.

The South was RIGHT!

any faggot that glorifies the rebel deserves to be crucified

long live the union you niggerlovers

>Who's going to stop us?

Yourselves. Drug addiction, obesity, poverty etc.


From NC: Cucked Yankees move here and kill us