It's literally impossible to be poor if you live in America unless you're retarded or ridiculously unlucky...

It's literally impossible to be poor if you live in America unless you're retarded or ridiculously unlucky, prove me wrong

> government assistance can provide food, housing, utilities, healthcare, childcare and several other benefits for little to no money paid by you.
> abundance of (admittedly shit tier) jobs that can net you some income
> abundance of temp agencies designed to get people jobs
> many jobs like electrician or mechanic will train you
> many things, from cars to clothes can be purchased used for a fraction of the new price
> even weeks worth of groceries can be bought for barely $100

Yet not a day goes by where I don't see something like pic related on Facebook or see some snobby liberal complaining about the lack of people lining up to hire a history or liberal arts degree

Is poverty really a problem here or is it just some made up commie propaganda?

Also you can do a one time flip with drugs if you're really in dire straights.
Just don't be a retard about it and know when to stop.

Well, if you compare the poor in America to the poor in other countries, America wins every time because of government assistance programs.

The cost of living in some places makes saving money impossible on the real tho. Other than that the article is bullshit.

> government assistance can provide food, housing, utilities, healthcare, childcare and several other benefits for little to no money paid by you.

As long as you're not a white able bodied male, sure.

I can get food stamps, that is it. IF I don't make more than $500 a month. Lol

Being SINGLE and MALE are what fucks you.

But fuck it, its all fake anyway, the only people who use it are career disabled. Pop out five kids, thats fucking $1500 a month in free food, housing, anything you want, just make babies.

Make some kids, make more kids, BREED YOU FUCKING GOYS

Okay so her bills and shit costs $65 a month

Save the extra $10 for a few months and then buy a nicer pair of shoes so you don't have to buy a new pair of shitty $10 shoes every three months you dumb cunt

what the fuck

Funny thing is, a lot of poor people I know actually have college degrees. Problem is, they're worthless ones. They can't understand how much better they'd be doing if they skipped getting that English degree, went to trade school instead, didn't get in debt for $$50,000, and entered the workforce 3-4 years earlier.

>even weeks worth of groceries can be bought for barely $100

You can make a weeks worth of food for like $30 - 40, no problem. All of it being easy to make in advance too.

I can get 6, decent meals out of about $15, maybe less.

It takes maybe 45 minutes tops to make all of that too. With 30-35 minutes being actual cook time

Meanwhile 1 meal at McDonalds, because it's "fast" will cost $8.

I don't mind working to earn my keep. But god damn I can't stand the coworkers. I'm almost tempted to welfare just to get away from them.

You cannot be a traditionalist and support the current economic system at the same time. The amount of class cucks on this board talking about defeating degeneracy while defending a Jewish dominated financial system that seeks to flood their nations with third world slave labor, reduce human existence to the pursuit of commodities, and co-opt our governments into militarism abroad that helps create these so called refugee crises.

I have worked for $10/hr before and banked thousands of dollars with no debt...

Bitch needs to get a job instead of crying

If you're resorting to crime you're already to unlucky or retarded to make it anywhere

I was referring strictly to america. Plus if you're living in those high rent districts it can't be impossible to have a friend(s) you can be roommates with, live with family for a time, or move somewhere cheaper unless the only thing cheaper is far out of your possible range

You know as well as I do the only people that complain about being poor like this is everyone BUT the people you just described. Nu-males not included

>government assistance
In Southern California, the government assistance caseworkers are either commies/antiwhite, or afraid to be called racist so they only look critically at white people names when deciding who to approve and who not to approve. And to show that they're doing their jobs they will cut white people benefits in a heartbeat.

It's all just really long winded justifications for stealing other people's shit

The fact that Home Depot has a 401(k) plan for their cashiers is all the proof you need to refute this shit

there are just 3 things you have to do that make it IMPOSSIBLE to be poor in america:

1) graduate highschool
2) dont get pregnant/have a child before you are married
3) have a job (number of hours or wage doesnt matter)

if you are poor you fucked up 1 of those 3 very simple things.

And go barefoot until then I suppose.

But doesn't it cost like 40k from 0-18 to raise a child?~

>mad because he can't get foodstamps

fucking loser lol

Way more than that for a middle class kid at least. I dunno what a poverty spec kid costs.

Not being able to save is complete bullshit, I grew up poor. I bet These are the same people who have internet, t.v., and a smartphone but complain about not being able to save money.

>literally impossible
No it's not LITERALLY impossible. Just harder.

It isn't even that hard, if you know what you're doing.

>tfw I work at taco bell and pay
>$700 a month for bills
>$50 for my cell phone plan
>about $200 a month for groceries
>and I still manage to save $200 off every paycheck

I'm ridiculously unlucky. Went from relatively successful to fucking broke, laid off, dead in water, nearly homeless over the course of a couple months.

Depressed me to no end, turned to drinking and other forms of gluttony to stave off stress of my eventual economic demise.

But then I got a shitty job paying $100 a day taping for a painter and worked my ass off back to relative comfort.

Never took government assistance once because fuck that bullshit. I had a sick mother-in-law who died of cancer nearly penniless because - though she fought tooth and nail for it - she "didn't qualify". Meanwhile Jamal down the street bought a new iPhone and sneakers with welfare money, uses food stamps for his eats and generally sucks up all the gibmedats and his version of looking for a job consists of getting high and watching BET. Broken system. But it's a crutch for the worthless cretins dems use to get elected every year.

Cricket is $30/month and no contract. Just saved you $240/yr bro

I actually have cricket but I wanted the 8gb plan

Is that refuting my picture or refuting my post

I know it's not hard to become poor. Everybody has their big hospital bill or car dies at the last minute which could make you poor but most people don't let something like that define the rest of their lives.

The people I see complaining about how poor they are the ones who have no ambition to improve their quality of life

one time flip?
have you ever even tried that?

Unless you got a nigga with some drugs just layin around, that shit costs, and if you're already so poor you cant buy shoes you wont get a good enough return off ONE flip.
Do it for maybe a month, reupping like every other day, and MAYBE youll see a return.

But drugs are like the worst way to make money unless you're killing people while you do it.

You want to know why so many people are poor? You want to know what holds so many people back? The fear of change and fear of uncertainty. Over the years I have come to the conclusion that most people are cowards.

Think about it. Poor people aren't lazy, some of the poorest people work extremely hard and long hours. Some even work two, three jobs. Poor people aren't stupid, there are plenty of extremely smart poor people.

The problem is people get comfortable. They get a job somewhere that pays so-so. They get into a daily routine. Get up, go to work, pay bills. And before you know it 10 years have gone by. 20 years. They get comfortable. They may not like their current situation, but most people would rather stick with what they know than face uncertainty. Even if it means being poor.

yeah in order to make real money with drugs you either have to have a lot of money to start with or you have to buy smaller bags more often, and actually make smaller margains

It's a relative term.
If you live with your parents at 20, but your parents are well off, are you poor?
If your bank account is perpetually low but you live extravagantly, are you poor?
If you're saving up for a life but you eat like an Irish peasant, are you poor?

Poor means nothing anymore as our lives become increasingly hedonistic. People don't care if they're poor as long as they get their iphones and get to do shit on the weekends, and our market caters to that.

I would call myself poor because I had an unfortunate and unlucky upbringing, still no one to help me get started.
However I am improving and think that soon I will be decently well off, it will take a lot of time, and I am busy constantly barely enough time to sleep, so am I poor? If so does that matter if it is temporary?

Poor is a meaningless term nowadays unless you're severely disabled or something, there's no such thing as poor, only how extravangant you choose to live, what your town is like, etc.

I'm in a wheelchair and can't do most of the shit tier jobs.

What do OP. How do I easily get a job?

My state's disability services doesn't do job placement.

I apply to dozens of minimum wage "desk jobs" like data entry and call centers, never gotten a callback ever.

Might want to do something that can telecommute, like programming.

Draw furry porn and start a patreon

the opposite of this is true. poor people are typically retarded and also bad people on a moral and personal level.

>he's making 500 a week as a taco bell worker

you're either working 70 hours a week, are a manager working 55 hours a week, or are lying.

agree, pretty much every idiot that has migrated to usa from here has made some hard cash

I've been with the company for 19 months and I got promoted to shift leader last December desu
>tfw all you need to do is graduate high school and show a work ethic to get money

Being a poor city fuck with 4+ kids is easy af
>buy $500 worth of food for $40 because muh foodstamps
>work shit job for $11/hour while kids are at free daycare
>$440 dollars per week, $40 to food, $100 to rent because you are a sheboon and live in a shit-tier apartment with your spawn
>$300, not even counting the money that you got from doing Laqueshia's weave or from your 3 baby daddy's child support bux
>if everything goes wrong, just pretend to get hurt on the job and make 200K in a lawsuit
>fake a permanent injury
>be average nigger
our shitty system rewards dumb niggers who think about 5 minutes ahead and breed like rodents

I don't what to hear about traditionalism from you, Cambodia. I like my eyeglasses, thank you very much.

I was poor in my twenties because I made bad choices and had poor guidance. I had no skills and just floated around waiting tables.

I finally said chuck it and went to work doing construction for my uncle. Then I spent months living in an apartment with no electricity because the uncle I worked for decided he really liked doing coke more than paying his guys and I didn't know how to find another job with the skills I had. My power was shut off in October and I got a good job in December. Then I moved in with a roommate.

Bla bla bla. That was around '07.

Those trade skills I learned working for my uncle I was able to use to get other skills and continued to build on those until today. Now I have a family, own a home and have a damn good job with awesome insurance and even better retirement.

>claims to be making $12/hr

i love Sup Forums


Stop listening to retards then, bitch. If you knew you needed money for your bills, you shouldn't have let Chad trick you into buying a pair of shoes you couldn't afford. Jesus Christ I'm not even particularly thrifty but I've never been unable to at least keep 3-4 month's salary in the bank at any point in time. Living within your means isn't particularly hard if you aren't a complete dumb shit. Unfortunately, most people are.

you sound really angry.

try being less poor and you will stop worrying about what your neighbors are doing.

I grew poor as rocks and not starving because Im not an impulsive monkey that spends their money mindlessly on anything.

you don't even have to draw, just be like anita snarkesian and bitch about people, claim you are bullied, and make bank from patreon

>poor get poorer and rich get richer
God damn feels good to be rich

I'm upper middle class because i worked for it, unlike jamaal down the street who has "back problems" and spends his days shagging sheboon whores and sniffing crack

95% of the reason someone is poor is because they are a fucking retard.

Exhibit A: Everyone with an IQ of below 90 should be sterilized. 90-100 are permitted 1 child. Everyone else 100+ is free to fuck out as many children as they want.

Bitch you work in a kitchen. Learn a trade ... Clean on the side. One part time job does not cut it.

you have to take cost of living into account m8 but i doubt 100$ for a week's worth of groceries is normal outside of new york and tokyo

if you are middle class why do you live in the ghetto?

why are you envious of crackheads living in unfurnished subsidized apartments that get broken into and robbed every couple of weeks?

>tfw the numbers I posted are just estimates and I did the math on them
>at 40 hours a week I need to make $8.40/hr or more for this to not be a fabrication

>kitchen is a part time job

they would schedule me for 70 hrs/week but i actually worked at work instead of taking cigarette breaks and talking about my vagina hurting

because they don't do shit all day. im not mad, im pissed off that they all they do is shag whores and sniff crack off of my tax dollars

>envious of people living the lowest quality lives


If you want to be a crackhead user you can totally do it. nothing stopping you. follow your dreams

Her idea is right, but her reasoning is faulty and stupid. Capitalism doesn't engineer poverty. One of the reason's she's struggling so much is the fiat currency made to be inflated over time that makes her buying power become less and less. That being said, she is right that things keep poor people poor beyond their control.

>> even weeks worth of groceries can be bought for barely $100

This is such a Sup Forums meme I swear to God. I don't know where you're buying these magic cheap groceries but you can get a can of soup and some toilet paper for like $20 here. Food prices are severely is inflated.


jelly of that overtime, bro

where do you live? I lived off of $15-20 for food a week when i was at college and ate ok

Where the fuck do you live? Do you not have multiple walmarts in a 20 mile range of you? Jesus christ I would have to try to find food as expensive as you're talking about

this guy is the true American overtime hero!
I don't usually work more than 41 hours in a week they try to not give out over time at Tbell

>1 meal at McDonalds, because it's "fast" will cost $8.
McPick 2: a McDouble and small fries for $2

Even if there isn't a special on like that, you can get a cheeseburger and large fries for $2.89.

>I can get 6, decent meals out of about $15, maybe less.
You can get 6 McDonald's meals out of about $15, maybe less.

I fully understand people in your position and I personally don't mind if my taxes go toward somebody who genuinely can't work.

My problem is with the people who are fully capable of working and don't, or the people that complain about flipping burgers because they have 3 kids and a useless degree.

you can get a whole chicken for $3 and its enough meat to last a week...

eggs, milk, beans, rice, soups, veggies, fruit, bread/pastry all cheap as fuck

you can easily eat well for less than $20/week

>Is poverty really a problem here
the problem isn't poverty, the problem is making sound financial decisions.

It's easy to save money when you're poor, but poor people are retarded.
>make $400 a month
>income this low EASILY gets you a ton of foodstamps, enough to cover your groceries every single month, so food is taken care of.
(but because you're poor and therefore retarded, you either didn't apply for food stamps or you spend all your money on the first day of the month on potato chips, soda, and candy, and then complain how you can't afford food)
>live at home with your parents = $0 monthly rent
(but poor people don't do this because they need "muh independence." Rather than save a ton of money every month by living at home for a few years they choose to blow 80% of their paycheck living in an expensive city.)
>invest your savings in low-yield stocks that pay dividends
(but poor people don't do this because they think lottery tickets are a much better investment)
(but poor people, of course, have lots of kids. Even though they can't afford it.)
>Don't go into debt. Don't buy shit you can't afford.
(but poor people always go into debt. They want the new iPhone, so they do an installment plan, and wind up paying $1,000 for a $600 phone because it takes them three years to pay it off. Then they buy a new Toyota on the lowest installment plan, and wind up paying $35k on a car worth $16k. This leads us to...)
>don't take out pay day loans
(taking out loans to pay off debts so you can afford shit you can't afford. Once a poor person takes out a payday loan they are fucked for life, and will wind up taking out more payday loans to cover their previous payday loan).

If you are poor, and more than one of these things apply to you. Bad news: it's your own fault you are poor because you are shit with money. I can't tell you how many times I've seen people argue that debt isn't that big a deal.

Yeah but a $2.50 meal from McDonalds is not going to be anywhere near as filling as delicious homemade rice and chicken

he left off the part he is only wheel chair bound because he weighs 500 pounds and eats twinkies and tendies every day

I spend a little over a grand on groceries for the month.

>make $400 month
>invest in stocks
>proxy weeb flag

This is retarded advice. Do not purchase or sell drugs. I hope you get Duterte'd, faggot.



Are you feeding a army or shopping at whole foods or something? How do you spend a grand a month on groceries?

I make more money than that but I invest in bitcoins and altcoins ;)

This is why I agree with paying into ss disability. There are genuinely people who can't work. The ones scamming the system give the people who need it a bad name.

>To smart to get money

>Other than that the article is bullshit.
Tumblr posts are now articles I guess.

What does "poor" mean nowadays? I make under 10.50 an hour and I have my own super comfy apartment and savings of 9 thousand dollary doos

>in a first world country
LMAO fucking entitled dirt bags

poor just means that you spend your money like shit.
>this type of behavior is actually encouraged by rap music

>history major and geography minor
>no issues finding a job

Yeah pay day loans are so fucking stupid. My brother was a massive fuckup at managing his money when he was in his early 20s. Made good money but was always broke because muh new car, muh fashion, muh high end liquor, etc. Took out one pay day loan to make a car payment and got caught in that "take out a new payday loan to pay for your old one" cycle for almost a year. He's pretty frugal now, that was a sink or swim situation and fortunately it red pilled him big time on money management by the time he clawed his way out of that hole

This is so fucking true

Sure, but you've got to account for the value of your time.

For nearly everyone, McDonald's (or some similarly cheap option) is on the way to work, while the grocery store is out of the way, let alone the time it takes to cook, or the cost of having a proper kitchen.

Fast food means a hot, fresh meal you don't have to cook. It's a practical option.

> mfw i lived in a car eating rice and beans for 7 months enough to save money.

Fuck off bitch. Whingy poor can suck my left nut.

You seem literate and able to use a computer. Stop making excuses wheelfag

Got any weed?

I agree leaf

>destroying your body to save 5 minutes to cook some eggs and toast in the morning

pick one

>poor people are some of the hardest working, creative and smartest people
They wouldn't be poor if they were smart, creative and hard working
Fucking poorfags

How's it feel being the stupidest person on Sup Forums today? It's obvious you don't have a job

The benefits should be stricter. As in, IF YOU ARE STARVING, you get 20$ a day. That is enough for 80 Ramen packets. All of these fucking NIGGERS are willing to forsake their families, duties, et cetera, for new shoes upon shoes, rims, and all of that, with a free 800$ check. That will pay for an apartment on its own in most places. So, sell a little dope and you have a small fortune. Is your life better? Nope, you just raise dopehead, knuckleheads after yourself. THIS PLACE MUST BURNNNNNNNN.

shitty picture
>implying that humans arent a product of diversity in the first place

yeah sure McDonalds is a better option if you're homeless but even studio apartments have a kitchen with a stove. Buy a fucking metal pot from the dollar store. Rice is like $1 a pound. If you care about saving the money that you're working for then you would go slightly out of your way.
Not to mention that McDonalds is fucking horrible for your health.
I did this too for a couple of months after I got kicked out of mummy's house. It's all good though the car life wasn't that bad


Because you're not a passive aggressive annoying little friendless bitch loser AT ALL

Damn, cool down the bants a little, buddy