Is Poland accepting immigration?

I heard somebody say that the Polish were becoming more accepting of these savages is this true? Whats going on in Poland?

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Thanks for the response man, good to hear keep it up!

What have you (((heard))) exactly?

Those sent to Poland leave to Germany anyway, there's no free money in Poland.

There is probably counter reaction to our current goverment, but I doubt it also goes for views on immigration.

>Is Poland accepting immigration?
from Ukraine

Proszę nie róbcie tego. Imigracja to rak. Nikt nie zna się na imigrantach bardziej nisz ja.

Ja poradziłbym wam zaakceptować trochę Ukrainców jeśli to znaczy mniej innych imigrantów. Oni się bardziej dostosują nisz jacyś Syryjczycy czy kto tam.

we're already taking in Ukrainians, too many of them in fact
No one here wants any shitskins around.

No, fuck off, go to Germany

I heard you guys were becoming soft and might start electing liberal leaders, I just had to know myself because I knew from the start you guys were against mudslimes.

pretty much 80% of what you hear in your or any foreign (((media))) about us is pure bullshit
nothing is changing

There's no elections coming any time soon. And no mudslimes either. The only thing that happened was this:

What was he wrong about women do tend to be smaller, weaker, and less intelligent than males. Anyways thank god you guys aren't accepting mudslimes, and I hope you never will.

>becoming soft and might start electing liberal leaders

Because current "right-wing" goverment is a joke. But don't be afarid, elections were in 2015, so they still got almost 3 years.

They aren't equal to our interests. We won't take Syrians because our dyplomacy is currently into "fuck EU" mode. Since Ukraine isn't into Union and EU doesn't give a fuck, we'll probably be taking more and more of them. Also as a transit country half of those Ukrainians go to other EU countries.

>What was he wrong about women do tend to be smaller, weaker, and less intelligent than males.

Apparently everything for eurocrats

>What was he wrong about women do tend to be smaller, weaker, and less intelligent than males.
he hurt their feelings and disagreed with them, that's all that matters

A tworzą problemy?

Yeah they are too sensitive, however more and more people don't care if they offend people anymore so liberals are starting to see a decline in power, and for good reason.

enjoying having sex with my polish gf
-t. brown skinned middle eastern person

Polskie (((medie))) też są straszne

Thank you for taking care of our genetic wastes :)

Good for you m8. Have fun.

eh, nie jest źle. U mnie na uczelni jest ich od cholery ale wszyscy uczą się polskiego i nie mają większego problemu z integracją.
Na pewno są lepsi niż Syryjczycy czy inne brudasy.

where the fuck did you get this from?

Oh i wouldnt be sure we wont have liberals in power again. power has been passing between conservatives and liberals for last 15 years. So now all i hear is how conservatives are shit from my leftie friends.

It is unprecedented in our post commie history that any one party has quorum in our parliment. And thats the conservative (technically conservative socialists).

I think Europe will unfold before their time in parliment is up and they will get reelected.

Sadly, they are old manlets, and even they cannot protect Poland from war. Let alone protect Europe from itself.

No właśnie. Za dużo ukrainców i może być problem. Nie próbuję powiedzieć że powinno się w nieskończoność brać. Tylko że troche nie zaszkodzi.

>mfw I just locked up a beautiful polish girl who also happens to be a hardcore catholic

we will be making america great again within a few years

thanks for raising her boys

Why would anybody support parties that even resemble commies over there, they do know why communism collapsed yes?

The cool thing about Ukranians, at least the ones who dont think Poland is their enemy, Is actually the fact that our cultures are somewhat similar.

Ukranians respect our laws, learn the language apply for citizenship. They dont form ghettos.

On the flipside they do get brainwashed by the feminists at unis.

liberalism =/= communism.
There isn't any communist party here, they are legaly prohibited. There are however socialists.

Sorry I misunderstood, hopefully you guys get a balance.

I heard all the old people in your country are still closet commies/socialists

purge when?



See you morning at construction site

The niggers of Europe are the roaches kid.

Niggers of europe..... You mean future german and english generations???? lol

Careful we might end up looking like Brazilians too pretty quick.

They'll die soon, then hopefully we get the age of pioneers.

There was, between 1997-2007 I belive.
Some people still consider commie times to be better, because they live their whole lives in that system and couldn't adapt to the change.
My grandfather still says sometimes things like "Well it was better back then, everyone had jobs! Not like today."

No way man, about to move to poland.

my last name is polish and im not a douche bag so ill learn there language and assimilate with them like a normal person. America and Rest of EU is fucked my dude.

Yeah jobs where everyone was paid the same for the work they did, no matter how much more dangerous some jobs were than others, and you couldn't have job choices but ok.

>so ill learn there language and assimilate with them like a normal person.

Yeah, about that...

So true however there might be a power struggle in white nations pretty quick and hopefully that will red pill my gen even more.

Stay where you sit nigger. Polish surname doesn't make you Polish. You destabilised world and caused all those poor refugees to seek new home in Europe. Fuck off cunt
>muh ancestry

When i mean assimilate i also mean being respectful to the host nation and adopting its culture. Also I have polish blood last name is Sleckowski

Exactly. But he's old man with dementia setting in, so you can't even debate with him much. There are much more like him, they had it good back than, now times have change and they never looked at big picture.

fuck man i didnt cause it i was 6 years old when this whole shit show in the middle east happened

>te] [Auto] 1 new post
I wouldn't waste time debating with a old man, just ignore/respect his opinion and love your grandfather before he's gone.

Just keep in mind you'll always be considered outsider and probably feel like one. Kind of like living in Japan, but not as much, people won't look at you like an alien.

Amerishart education.

That's what I do. I just wanted to give you more precises picture of "closet commies". Lots of the are just old people that don't know better.

I'm talking about the ones lurking in your countries I never said they were European. I mean just look at the Netherlands.

Then get your shit together and fix you country instead of fleeing to another one. "Glorious" american culture already is poisoning minds of our people and promoting degeneracy, we don't need anyone of you here.

ok thanks for taking time to respond to me man.

I don't own the mass media, I have no control over that.

depends on the generion.
The oldest people seem somewhat split between the ones who had the communist party membership and the ones who didnt and opposed it.

The 50 year olds, id say were mostly against communism but cant agree on how they wanted to get rid of it. We wen the peaceful way. Which is part of the reason we have to deal with communist legacy even today.

30+ are split but few of us (im 35) remember exactly what happened. This generation is torn again between setting the score with communist past and moving on (the latter includes bending over to Merkel a lot of the time).

I have no idea what 20s are thinking right now, but having translated some dissertations into english id say its mostly 'muh mysoginy' or 'the world is going to end anyway so why bother'.

It is very hard for young people here to have right leaning views without being labeled as neo-nazi, that much i see.

>It is very hard for young people here to have right leaning views without being labeled as neo-nazi, that much i see.

American forces invaded with thousands of niggers and spics under Obongo's orders.

Poland is literally the last white growing population in the native white countries of Europe.

Rhineland Bastards 3.0 coming to Poland is ((their)) aim.

>accept migrants
>patheticly low welfere runs out
>they all move to Germany
We are 99% white not because we're some conservative redpilled paradise. Muslims just don't have any reason to stay here. Simple as that.

>It is very hard for young people here to have right leaning views without being labeled as neo-nazi, that much i see.

Literally, the opposite. "Leftie" have been meme insult for quite some time now.

Oh ok I get it now, its what they have been doing for a while, get a population that will vote for ((them)).


>Poland is literally the last white growing population in the native white countries of Europe.

I'm pretty sure our demographics are shite

I'm confused do you guys have a consensus on race/demographics over in Poland?

I meant there shit as in birth rates are low. Flag program of current goverment is giving money for every children, because in a few years there will be no one to work fo the old people.

Oh ok, that seems to be a problem in a lot of white nations though, don't worry about you guys will eventually have a baby boom again.


Poland will save America. They always do

...or well import some more Ukrainias as it is now.

Perhaps im getting old and you are right. I dont have any proof for this, except enactodal and what i thought were my observations.
I do know that my more liberal friends happily call rightiess 'Kuc' and 'Korwinists' with little to no context, let alone arguments to back up their claims.
After Trump got elected i got into a conversation with this 30ish cab driver, and he said most people seem dissatified with PiS and Trump, to which i said that most old people dont take cabs. He seemed smart, he understood what i was talking about.

its not growin, we dont have the child birth rates to keep it going for very much longer.

As long as they don't get lippy and form ghettos etc, you guys should be fine right?

They aren't that much different. You don't get Canadians forming ghettos in US.

Seen lots of niggers in Pooland. Speaking to Poles about it they say that their women are bringing back Africans from UK and other countries in teh EU where they worked. They get residency and an EU passport in a couple years, ad a polish hag to inseminate in the mean time.


I pray we never join the EU. Russia please invade.

Very true, that one cracked me up thanks.

Hmm interesting, however I would like some proof not to try and sound like an asshole or anything.

>tfw I want to kill every nigger I ever see on streets but I can't because EU is forcing me to be "civilized"

Jedno z drugim moim zdaniem nie zawsze się wiąże. Wielu ludzi jest rozczarowanych PiSem, ale to niekoniecznie znaczy że są lewicowi. Tak z anegdotalnych doswiadczeń to mam wielu znajomch którzy narzekają na rząd, ale dalej "nie chcą żadnych bródasów w kraju".

>Africans from UK and other countries in teh EU where they worked.

Fucking EU man, fucking westfags.

If you say that Bandera was a balding cuck who achieved nothing and got betrayed by everyone would your chocolate president send his secret services to snatch you?

Leave your basement and travel.

Impossible while I am still in high-school but I hope to do so when I am a adult!

ło kuuuurwa

Dobrze slyszec. Ja mam z jakiegos powodu samych lewakow i feministki w znajomych.

wARSZAWA była błędem

No serio, lepiej jej było nie odbudowywać.

Co to, kurwa, ja śmieję się teraz

Niestety prawda o Polkach w UK

Meh, ma swoje momenty.

I'm quite young and the only thing my friend group shits on PiS about is their socialism.

>Niestety prawda o Polkach w UK


Cała nasza dyplomacja to jest żart. No ja reozumiem "hehe jebać unie" no ale mogli by łaskawie nas nie izolować od każdego innego kraju. Jednak te jebane cebule trzeba gdzies exportować żeby Karyna miała kolejną transze pińcsetplus na Dżeskie,


(((German media))) is trying to tell us that poland is literally racist nazis.

>pretty much 80%
It's 99% here in germany, everything is fake news or propaganda.

Goodnight everyone keep fight stay strong!

Dobranoc wszystkim utrzymać walki były mocne!

>(((German media))) is trying to tell us that poland is literally racist nazis.

To be fair by SJW leftie standards we are.

Poland fucking rules. Very proud to be half Polish. Wish I were fully. The other half? Irish. Fuck.


Thanks very much, thanks very much.

Hope you Poles have room for one more Ukrainian. Getting my Kurwa-stan citizenship soon.