Asian man chokeholds and kicks negro

Are Asian men our allies in the race war? You do not steal from an Asian store and get away with it. Asians aren't afraid to hit black women like whites are.

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Asians are more racist then Whites. Most of them hate nigs more then we do

all of a sudden i like asians now

It's true. Just look at the pokemon Jynx, Mr. Popo from dbz and toys like dakkochan.


no evidence she stole. NEXT

This is true, they just rarely show their power level to anyone outside of their race.

What would happen if an asian female brought a black bull home for chinese new years?


read a book, retard

Asian male here
this is true
asians (especially hong konger) have so many crude slurs for black people
We basically refer to them as beasts

Asians are little fucking goblin people but I apreciate their racial pride


They should be, but usually they aren't.

Most are more than happy to side with minorities against whites for some reason.


The reason is pretty simple, make use of the idiots giving you an advantage.

she's black

Honestly, I feel like they don't even look at race. They just give people the treatment they deserve - and it just so happens that niggers are the biggest criminals.

I'm sure she didndu nuffin. The asian man was just racist.

Lost his job for this

Asians were named honorary aryans by hitler. Even the hitmeister loved the gooks. Any nip north of cambodia is fine by me. Chinese, Korean, Japanese, let 'em all in.

literally yes

there have been protests about this already and he lost his job

Anyways, they probably would side with us. Or they'd just do it independently to save their families and businesses, such as they did in the LA Riots. Pic related.

>Asians were named honorary aryans by hitler
False, only Japs were seen as honorary aryan by Hitler. Certain Asians are almost nigger-tier. Such as the Chinese and (Muslim) Indonesians. And of course the Indians, although some of them can be pretty based.

True but they hace very good reasons to blacks target the fuck out of Asians for crimes.

The nigger fears the samurai


all the funny stuff happens in NC

reminder we still banned faggots from pissing in girls rooms and triggered the entire country

That may be false but Hitler actually admired Chinese civilisation and Chinese culture.

Eroding the society you live in by empowering violent apes to rise up against their peaceful keepers is not giving you an advantage.

I come a lot in china town in my city and they literally spit on the ground when moslims and black people walk by. We talk shit about them while smoking together outside restaurants.

Wow he beat up an obese woman. What a badass

>implying your scrawny ass NEET self would even dare to say anything to her

yeah, no, go fuck yourself

>Are Asian men our allies in the race war?
No but Asians hate niggers just as much as everyone else does.

Honestly, Asians will likely side with niggers first to take down whites and then take out the easier to defeat niggers.

I doubt it they try really hard to assimilate with people

My dad was an Army Ranger. Said Korean SF and Rangers are bad motherfuckers. During an incident on the DMZ, ROK Rangers strapped claymore mines to their chests and were daring North Korean soldiers to come fight them.

True real asain from Asia are more racist my friend father is chinese has good restaurants if Muslims come he tells them to leave kek.


Hari Kari

I will immediately grill the guy to see if he is a nigger or a black guy. If he is black but a strong christian, conservative, smart, rich and educated then its fine. But if he's a nigger I will throw him out and give my daughter a pep talk


Many of their immigrants have horror stories on living in the ghetto with niggers.

Hell the people in OP are just store owners getting by, asians are seen as easy pickings by Nigs.

So once they eventually leave all that behind their memories of all the grief nigs gave them remains.

nice judo moves on the dude

Kill him.

I for one look forward to the Asian invasion.

>whites go extinct
>asians take over
>blacks have no more cuck whitey to protect them and their shitty countries
>asians wipe them out for their natural resources

Ever wonder why isis doesn't fuck with the chinks?
They are ruthless. Basically whites without remorse or feelings to hold them back.

>civic nationalism

>>implying your scrawny ass NEET self would even dare to say anything to her

Sounds like you're projecting a bit there bud

From the chinese girls I've met, I am pretty sure their fathers would disown them and cut them off

I wouldn't give a shit if my daughter fucked any race of men except a black. Blacks aren't human.

So when china takes over, are they going to kill niggs at a rate never seen before in human history?


In terms of pure racism

Blacks = Jews > Hispanics > Asians > Whites > Godless Savages

Hm, I suppose so. These days we know better about Chinks, though.

maybe two nukes was enough after all

Not enough anaconda choke

This really.
Having niggers in charge benefits noone, not even niggers themselves.

>Hispanic more than asians
I wish.

Asians side with the SJWs and niggers because they work to get them an advantage.

Mother fuckers will drag any black they see down the road.

There's a reason Blacks in South America are only in Whitish areas.

Asians are more like drones and will just sting when bothered

You don't live near asians do you? They hate political correctness and niggers. They just aren't a large enough population in the US to be heard

Indians are pretty cool, and Sikhs are straight bro-tier.

Literally the only problem I've had with Indians is their English not being very good sometimes.

They're practically genociding blacks in LA in the form of territory grabs and ""gang""" wars.

>whitebois calling for chinks to do dirty work they're too pussy to do

smhl,yall nigga's is sad and apathetic AF. bitch ass niggas acting like spaded cats,too pussy my dudes

Asians store owners are based don't fuck around, particularly rooftop Koreans in LA.

They'd dine negro stew

He admired the Chinese before Mao and Communism destroyed their culture. The Chinese back then might have progressed as well as the Japanese had Communism never took place.

I agree. That's why asians will be victorious. I love it

based asians

lol based shop keeper fending off the feral nigs

Everyone hates niggers. In the Japanese wrestling of old, the asian workers hated only the niggers.

Lol, would you mind giving us some examples???

If I had a store, I'd hire him immediately to manage it .

Headlock-korean is the beginner class.
Spend about 5 years in the store, and you can advance to Rooftop Korean.

disu great hissonor to famiry

no, Asians are pretty racist. in the video the black chick was being a whiny bitch instead of cooperating, and the guy was protecting his stock. but Asians are normally really racist.

>tfw you only tolerate cuckoldry if the bull has a cross over his chest and a MAGA hat

mushi mushi

>I didn't steal dat!

>spit on the ground
>I love the based asians

He was arrested and charged with assault, you know.

That's mainly because we get the higher "castes" as immigrants, they're the smartest and most civil. Most native Indians shit on the streets.