Ask a Mexican anything


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Taco Supreme?

What do you think about NAFTA?

Are you as offended as I am when a leftist calls you Latino but Puerto Rican's are Latino and so are Dominicans and so are Colombians?

Americans take advantage of us.


How many days did it take to get deported after the election?

who are the craziest mestizos?

What would it take to convince taco niggers to fuck off?

Why doesn't Mexico have a better entertainment industry? I mean, there's a lot of talented people there but they don't make shows and movies on our level. Canada is even like on Hollywood's level now.

She is a cute, user. How many grandchildren does she have?

Why is my grass still 2 inches tall when I asked for 1 inch, Juan?

I never lived in US.

those who have more indian blood, they are hazardous.

the leaf everyone.

Diego Luna, Salma Hyek, Selena Gomez, Gonzalez Iñarritu, Uma thruman, Eva Longoria, Jessica Alba, George Lopez, etc.

because you abolished slavery, billy, it was your fault.

Why mexican hate niggers and arabs and not cubans

Why are you fucking degenerate and love blood like aztecs

what do you think of black people from America?

Cuando constuir un miro cabroncito?

Is that bitch a mexican?

also, how bad are the cartels?

Are you in Mexico and not the US?

Soy guero 100% pero trabajadores mexicanos me ensenaron hablar espanol cuando era muy joven. Mi papa era un jefe en una compania donde nadie se hablaba ingles. No hablo perfecto como ves pero explicame algo compa:

Ahora vivo en Miami y los putos cubanos y otros caribenos me rian por hablar con un acento mexicano. Muchos amigos mios son jalicienses. Porque me tratan asi??

they're in hollywood though. I'm asking why mexico doesn't have studio putting out top notch shit when they have the talent to do so

Que pinches chichotas
Mexico es un pais blanco?

well, I am not aztec. Spanish killed them all.

We hate cubans and puerto ricans too.

But we dont have arabs, they are like us and turks.

the danger is


if you are not bad hombre you will survive.

eres americano?

porque en miami todoas hablan como cubano, cerca de texas nosotros nos burlamos del acento puerto riqueno y cubano


Those are rich Mexicans.

That's a completely different race than illegals.

Look at Carlos Slim. He's white too.

>ask a Mexican anything

What do you eat for breakfast?
I usually have toast, cereal and 3 cups of tea.
When I'm not working; at the weekend, I'll sometimes make a full English.
Bacon, sausages, black pudding, beans, bread, mushrooms, tomatoes, eggs and tea. Lots of tea.

Si guey americano. El ingles es mi primer idioma.

A ok. He nacido en arkansas y hay tantos mexicanos alli. Casi no entiendo los acentos caribenos.

Wtf is with Santa Muerte?

we have the holywood of latin america, its called televisa.

we have celebrities, movies, soap operas, reality shows, gossip shows, etc. its inspired in holywood but taco version

People in your pic aren't white, they're clearly mixed with Aztec blood. Jesus Christ, stop with your inferiority complex you smell burrito fart.

I get iPrimer Impacto! where I live.

How many times have you jumped the border?

I was explaining to him earlier about my Mexican friends. The based motherfuckers of Jalisco. They were always cool to me and gave me their lunch when I worked with them at a pallet yard where my dad was the boss.

Those novelas and variety shows have the hottest bitches on earth. That shit was always on TV when I'd visit my friends.

cool I'll check it out

De que parte de la republica eres? Sureno aqui, todo es pobre, matame ya.

Shitty Narco meme

How much have you already paid on our wall?

Hes from Lebanese descent.

are you sure?

Per the 2010 US Census, the majority (52.8%) of Mexican Americans identified as being White.[22] The remainder identified themselves as being of "some other race" (39.5%), "two or more races" (5.0%), Native American (1.4%), black (0.9%), and Asian / Pacific Islander (0.4%).[22] versus Mexico.

we eat all of this for breakfast

Si, los acentos caribeños se escuchan graciosos.

indians worship to a skeleton

they have 0% aztec blood, billy, Spanish killed them all.

I like the bitches of primer impacto.

I have visa, I go there every weekend for shopping. it expires in 2018, I wont re new it, fuck trump.


soy del norte. Yo que se ustedes son pobres, pero es porque sois todos indios, los españoles aqui en el norte trajeron a sus esposas y explotaron las minas y se quedaron a vivir aqui, no es tu culpa Guadalupe

as a chink, where/how can I get a QT Mexican gf

What type of tea? Teabags or loose? With or without milk?

REEEEEEEEEEE eso me caga del pais, del DF para arriba es un pais del primer mundo y guero, para abajo puro campesino indio moreno

If spaniard blood is so great, why don't you move to Spain?

How white are you? You have Internet access and either a phone or computer, so you aren't poor.


jajajajajaja ni tanto. Zacatecas y Torreon es muy indio y atrasado. AMLO prometio construir en el sur de mejico un canal de Panama en el istmo y explotarlo economicamente y poblarlo con gringos y europeos.

its very far away and they have a crisis.

My family emigrated from Basque country, they are very hardworking. I have all except a waifu hahahahahahahahah

>"I have visa, I go there every weekend for shopping. it expires in 2018, I wont re new it, fuck trump."

>"I won't be able to exploit the americans anymore bah fuck trump hes so evil"

Thank god you wont renew it fucking parasite sit where you belong.

What are Mexican Injuns like?

I changed my mind. I need golden corral and cicis pizza, and feel the land of the freedom blowing up in my face.

Hahaha You have a far larger crisis than they do. I hope the indios slaughter all you moorish nigger quadroons

Why do you cunts send swarthy brown trolls to our country and hate it when you have to take them back?

like australian abboriginals.

No, they are emigrating to Latin America LMAO, whos worse now bitch?

because they are shit, you take care of them.

nice consecutive numbers.

How far do you live to the border? I am about 4 hours away or so in San Antonio

30 Min to New Mexico

hola mexibro. i went to tijuana and fucked a 9/10 stripper at hong kong for 50$. great stuff. and mexican street tacos are excellent.

do mexican people like americans? every mexibro i met down there was was pretty bro-tier and friendly. maybe cuz i was in a tourist-ish area.

whats the deal mexibro?

How would you feel if the garbage man showed up and started putting all the trash they had collected from your house, back on your lawn?

No one wants garbage back. It's why it's garbage.

Do you still shit in the vegetable fields?

>shit-tier food not even a sandnigger would eat
>teanigger cuck

It checks out.

Why does your country tolerate so much corruption and wasteful economic practices? I don't see how your country can benefit when children with severed arms are begging on street corners. Fuckin filthy

do you have autism?