Are you people racists

Just discovered Sup Forums. Are you genuine racists or do you believe multiculturalism can work

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You should never have come here. Now you're on the CIA hitlist along with the rest us.

Hispanic here
Fuck off muhhamed
Jesus Is the answer



Fuck off faggot



if you're not behind seven proxies, your IP will be made public and your career will be ruined forever

Why not both?

Suck my dick, retard

Hahahaha he cant even frogpozt right hahahahaha bitch

No i'm just an edgy dude who's mum hugged him too little and who's dad hugged him a little too much

>new to poll
>starts a thread

Yeah you need to go back faggot

1.No were not racist, or at least most of us.
2. Hard to answer i guess in some way it can work like europe has many culutures and it worked out because they are somewhat similar. A frenchfag and a spanishfag are probably going to get along but when you put cultures together who developed far away from eachother and in the worst case even have different beliefs then you have a problem. so in conclusion make everything the same religion and about the same culture .... DEUS VULT

multi-culturalism largely cant work but multi-racial societies w mostly homogenous culture (when it comes to important values and principles) defo can

welcome to Sup Forums, the cesspool of the internet. A petri dish of ideas and movements. We do not all collectively agree on any one idea. To ask if Sup Forums agrees on one thing is just a waste of time. If you do end up staying here, I welcome you.

Ok i dont like the tone of these posts. Goodbye 4channers

Multiculturalism is a kike ploy

>just discovered Sup Forums
>posts one of the latest forms of Pepe that aren't even average

multiculturalism is beautiful...down with the dindus! vote trump!

Pussy, dont even stay to hear us out?
Get of our board Reeeeeeee

Racism is a social construct, it doesn't exist.

Most people do it ironically. But now you have losers who actually believe the stuff.


>hispanic here

kys shitskin


No and No

Tomorrow on buzzfeed
> A gay Muslim visits Sup Forums, everyone is literally Hitler

99% of everything you see here is elaborate trolling

>genuine racists
yeah Sup Forums just hides behind irony instead of defending their ideology

in the inevitable crusade coming up are the hispanics a valuable asset or do they just do siesta?

No u

Multiculturalism can work if different people from different countries are raised in similar cultures with similar values. Operative word here being 'similar", not "same". It's all going to happen eventually because of globalism though. It's all going to be one-world culture.

What does racism have to do with multiculturalism being a complete failure?

Incorrect. /adv/, /gif/, Sup Forums, boards like that are 99% elaborate trolling. Sup Forums is a circlejerk for racists and nothing but. This is literally a few thousand white males telling eachother they are worth something because they are white and male.




Don't know whether it can work.
That would be pretence of knowledge.
What I see is that it doesn't.


This is over generalizing. I have never seen so much disagreement and disunity in opinions anywhere as much as Sup Forums. This is the only place where I see fascist and communist threads next to each other, and everything in between is just arguing. Honestly Sup Forums is multicultural at its best



I'm not racist stop generalizing

Yes we're racist but it's a joke and serious at the same time.

Gas the kikes


>just discovered it
>posting a Apu Apustaja

No u

It's not racists saying group A B C D are different from each other because of their behaviours and intelligent.
no body care how each one look.

>This is literally a few thousand white males telling eachother they are worth something because they are white and male.
Sup Forums single-handedly convinced a slim majority of white voters in key states to vote for trump through shitposting

Sup Forums deserves your respect

Do you ever stop to wonder if maybe there's a Jewish guy reading your posts? And maybe he doesn't appreciate being threatened with genocide?

You know lack of empathy is one of the hallmarks of autism...

Listen jerkoff; shut the fuck up. Sup Forums is irrelevant and the election was rigged by the MIC to castrate poor people.


Oven yourself, Kike.
>Do you ever stop to wonder if maybe there's a Jewish guy reading your posts? And maybe he doesn't appreciate being threatened with genocide?
Why would a proponent of genocide care about the feelings of the people that he wants to exterminate?

>multiculturalism can work
$5 dollars? Get out of here.

> genuine racists
fake news

I only hate non-whites.

Because you get what's comin to ya and ya reap what ya sow kiddo; God rewards good people and sends bad people to hell.

No u

>Sup Forums is irrelevant
absolutely not, Sup Forums is a thriving political community and definitely not a forum for depressed racists to waste time before their inevitable suicide

Racisms are EVIL!

I'm not racist.

Racism is a crime.

Only blacks commit crimes.

Fuck off nigger.

What do you mean, "(you) people?"

Me no me

At least one thread is lonely suicidal white people chimping out over others chimping out

Look, irrelevant or not, your racism is not tolerable to me

O Ye?

Hispanics would literally crusade but only they get pissed off enough.
Since muzzies are such a rarity here we don't care that much, but if we had as much as you euros had we would already have gassed those fuckers


You have to go back

Multiculturalism is not the same as race you dumb nigger.

Si me no me

You have to go back

O Ye?

>do you believe multiculturalism can work

Of course but it depends on the cultures, British culture and Australian culture are similar enough to be compatible. British culture and Saudi culture are far too different to be compatible, it's common sense m8.

Nice bait tea drinker

O Ye?No u

Fuck my autism is showing

you just don't understand how masturbating to hentai makes me superior to black guys who get laid all the time


You right. Maybe I should take lessons

Jesus is a cuck
Thor and Kek are the answer

Ye. Maybe. I C me ew no me

Für was wir zu kämpfen haben, ist die Sicherung des Bestehens und der Vermehrung unserer Rasse und unseres Volkes, die Ernährung seiner Kinder und Reinhaltung des Blutes, die Freiheit und Unabhängigkeit des Vaterlandes, auf daß unser Volk zur Erfüllung der auch ihm vom Schöpfer des Universums zugewiesenen Mission heranzureifen vermag.

Jeder Gedanke und jede Idee, jede Lehre und alles Wissen haben diesem Zweck zu dienen. Von diesem Gesichtspunkte aus ist auch alles zu prüfen und nach seiner Zweckmäßigkeit zu verwenden oder abzulehnen. So kann keine Theorie zur tödlichen Doktrin erstarren, da alles ja nur dem Leben zu dienen hat.

I hate niggers. And Muslims can never fit in to society.

Why are you so hateful?

genuine racist anti-multiculturalism.

We are a multicultural board

>white males
did you see the HWNDU threads? Half of Sup Forums is brown

>cucked by water snake
Replace snake with muslims and you have sweden today

race war now


Mi bepis is small and sweet

step 1: obsess over huge black cocks all day, create a political ideology that stems from cuckoldry porn
step 2: call other people degenerates

No u

I don't know man.

If someone is an asshole it doesn't matter what their skin color is.

multiculturalism can work, just not on my block

Trust whatever the rightwing media tells you (pic related).

what's it to you?

Totally not racist at all.

I hate Everbody equally.


Ahmed, you seriously need to leave. I hate people like you who think Sup Forums is satire and not racist.
I know many people who go on Sup Forums, both internet "friends" and real life friends, all of which are extremely day of the rope racists, including myself.
It's actually pretty funny that you are surrounded by racists and you don't even realize it. You fucked up. You don't belong here.