Saw a German tourist

Met a German tourist today he seemed lost and I helped him out he spoke no German which I thought was weird but he seemed friendly
I work at dollartree so meet Europeans and south Americans all the time what are my fellow burgers reaction to em
pic related its him

This fat American tourist made all the water on the coast disappear today.
We finally realized it's the moon.

Not German.

It's funny because the Americans landed on the moon and Germany can only complain.

It's funny because Japan is still radioactive.

Its funny because It's your fault.

Cold man, cold

Ah yes, fabled German humor.

I will miss it when you guys become a caliphate.

Are you sure he wasn't a Nazi user? He's got that whole skinhead thing going. Wouldn't want you to help racists now would you?

It's funny because they still squint their eyes from the blast.

Ah yes, American humor.

I'll miss it when Amy Schumer becomes Minister of Inclusive Comedy.

Sure he is he's muslim couldn't speak anything but moonspeak and had the German football jersey on
Is this a cousin of yours hans

Are you sure he wasn't a false prophet?

He seems in touch with the Allah.

It's funny because you deemed them equal to Nords.

no, only Americans and Colonialists race mix.

It's funny because you cut your dick like a Jew.

It's funny because you're more likely to get a fucking STD.

It's funny because your country has the highest STD rate outside of Africa besides Brazil.

The radiation is still better than your massive influx of migrants.

Well, he IS German after all.

It's funny because the migrants will be gone soon, but your people love radiation so much they have another reactor oozing just that for another couple of years.

It's funny because your country is so beta the only ones getting action are refugees.

It's funny because there's more Muslims in USA than all of Europe.

Turning migrants into "germans" does not make them disappear. What are you, blind? Your eyes are more squinty than mine.

Good point he was asking for directions to a mosque I just told him north. No clue to be honest hopefully that nazi gets lost again
Right you just invite them in

USA is bigger than all of Europe.
You're about to be outnumbered by them.


It's funny because Germans don't race mix but American white women despise their own men.

It's funny because religious war will clean out Islam from Europe, while you still look for ways to fend off china.

It's funny because they're all going back soon and you're stuck with yours.
Remember Kosovo? All gone back.
Remember Iraq war 1? All gone back.
Remember Slaves? All stayed.

Right. And you only breed with yours.

Also nobody makes naturalizes them you idiot.

Learn facts.

you saw a fake german... you kinda wish it was made in china...

Keep dreaming, Klaus. Austria isn't here to save your ass anymore, Islam has already planted it's seeds in Europe.

>It's funny because religious war will clean out Islam from Europe,

Proof. I want to believe.

>but American white women despise their own men

Maybe the fucked up ones with daddy issues because they were molested or something. Coal-burners are viewed as nuts.

its funny that mohammud fucks your wives

>Religious war
While the rest of Europe tries to eject Islam, Germany will be offering sanctuary.

Nah he was real he spoke moonspeak was black and muslim he's one of those new Germans

There are two times as many Muslims in the United States than in Europe.

Also Austria?
Do you even history at all?

Austria was the fucking pillow that kept the Ottomans from reaching Europe for the past 500 years.

Yup, that's a typical German alright.

It's funny because Japanese people love suicide bombers.
Pic related.
Same here. Nobody likes refugees. Not girls. Not women. Not normal people.

Only gays and green/liberal activists and politicians.
Don't believe the shilling media.

It's funny because you're doing the same, but videotaping it for your website.

>didn't speak german
So which language did he speak?

And who freed Austria and Hungary from Ottoman grasp you fucking idiot?
Do you even know what the Holy Roman Empire is?

If Germany would fight for their country as zealously as Japanese kamikaze, Germany wouldn't be the fucking laughing stock of Sup Forums.

Nice job Japan. Golden bantz

>taking the bait this hard
>not just ignoring them

Seems I forgot that Jan saved the Austrians, thanks Not to mention the HRE was an outdated system by the 1700's and was just a shitty reason for Austria to make sure Prussia didn't expand.

Forgot pic.

Sushi sushi bang boom.

I do not care.

That's rite WE WUZ.
Shame we didn't annihilate Austria and Prussia back then.

>17 posts by this ID
this is gonna be a fun thread

Jap is right Hans. Why didn't you go full banzai in WWII? You're being genocided now anyway...

Arabic its a direct of the new Germans

Such a great thread, It's WW2 all over again ... japs, yankees and hans fighting over nothing


>Met a German tourist.......he spoke no German

>It's funny because
>It's funny because
>Its funny because
>It's funny because
>It's funny because
>It's funny because
>It's funny because
>It's funny because
>It's funny because
>It's funny because
>It's funny because
>It's funny because
>It's funny because
>its funny that
>It's funny because

It's just retarded

It's funny because we are making observations about how shitty another persons' country is while trying to make it seem like a joke.

can i just let you know that you have autism?

We figured it was the most likely way to prevent that. Weird but true.

its funny because he actually DOES have autism

Went over your head there paddy


I need someone to talk to please.

I was recently released from prison after a 2 year + stint inside and I'm feeling hopeless and unironically considering suicide.

Is this what passes for humor in Germanistan?

>you have autism?
>its funny because he actually DOES have autism

I'm going to have to take extra medicine now just because of you.

>i'm literally shaking
