What's it like working in a call center?

What's it like working in a call center?

Carpal tunnel

Ive never hated anything more in my entire life. Everyone you talk to hates you, back to back calls for 8 hours a day

Its soul crushing.

All your coworkers are Indian or Filipino

You know that feeling when you shit your pants?

Is outbound or inbound harder to deal with?

girls that look exactly like that are on their knees all day sucking your dick until their jaws break and your dick takes on the texture of a raisin

the only downside is that you have to cold call random people all day and scream as loud as you can at them
the job has a low retention rate
most quit in the first week

Bosses are cold and will cut you if you don't meet those merits

They generally pay a lot of money for a "low-skill" job. In my city, I was offered 18 p/h to work at a call center for a travel company. I turned it down because I don't wanna sit on my ass for 8 hours, but I think it's worth it if you really need the extra cash.

Easy money for an entry level gig.
t. got my sales start at a call center

What I like to do when a collection agency calls me is let them talk and whip out some porn and start masturbating quietly. I keep them on the line and try to ejaculate without them noticing. sometimes they notice before I blow my load (voice starts quivering, random keys pressed on phone, heavy breathing, some moans). Sometimes if I'm really going at it I'll ask them to talk dirty to me, that I like the sound of their voice. Once they realize I was masturbating they're in shock and hang up without saying a word and they never, ever call back. Other times they start running their mouths but I just egg them on and try to blow another load, they usually hang up once they realize I'm masturbating again.

I do it with both women and men. The men are the best, sometimes they cry, like they've been violated/raped, by being used by another guy for sexual gratification

Top Kek


Only real answer.

what do you sell now?

i like your style

I have worked for a wells fargo home mortgage collections call center and hyatt hotel reservation call center.

I hated every minute of it.

Thanks, our Cuckking wears that leaf headdress and Cucks like a chicken while driving his dad's vintage Benz with his wife Sophie spread eagled on the hood through Jane and Finch to get her serviced by BBC

this leaf gets it

Apple tech here, it's fucking hell

Only plus is that i get to do it from home in my bathrobe, stroking my dick and scratching my ball sack while i browse Sup Forums

> Good entry level job for most people, especially if unskilled.
> lots of hot women in their early 20s
> social get together such as Friday night drinks where you have a decent chance of banging one of these chicks
> no care, no responsibility- when you clock out there's no work take home with you
> keep your head down, create no waves and you'll likely be able to move to a different department in the company

> equal amount of catty fat chicks and homos who all get involved in office politics
> your customer base hates you
> your boss and/or supervisor will likely be a barren woman in her late 30s who is single, angry, overweight and hates men. Especially you.
> calls monitored, you might find yourself having to work on cutting your calls shorter or taking less time off between calls, or having to explain why you spent too long in the toilet Tuesday afternoon.

Still all up if the company isn't too shitty and you get actual benefits without having to meet ridiculously high targets its a decent gig. But show some initiative and expect to move on within couple years.

Its shit. I wish you gringos werent so fucking angry all the time.

P&C broker here. Started in a call center and hated it. Got promoted out of the cubicle farm and into an office. It's essentially the same job except the company trusts me with bigger policies. But it's still dealing with the same shitfucks and dumbcunts on the phone all day. I have a dread feeling this is just what working in a financial service job is. Even the highest echelons of the role probably listen to annoying mother fuckers whine on the phone all day.

This is truly one of the best things I've ever read on Sup Forums, good job leaf.

Kek, you're a funny one Toronto bro

Inbound, clients want to stir shit up and have taken time to make your day shit, outbound they just want to get the call over.