What are some good arguments AGAINST the death penalty that are not meme-tier ?

What are some good arguments AGAINST the death penalty that are not meme-tier ?

I guess false convictions are too commonplace.

It's expensive. At least if you're gonna minimize type-I mistakes and convict innocents

1 bullet, 1 man, 1 shovel or just dump em to wild animals for food

thats a lie

killing is a mortal sin

In America's death row...It's like having your own hotel room for 30 years worth of appeals.

Putting a degenerate like a rapist or child molester in general population is a quicker and cheaper death sentence.

The leaf has a point

It's not the killing in itself that's so expensive.

They have caused damage to society. Removing a productive member in most cases, but I suppose you could include property damage and loss of earnings for bank heists and the like. Also, the sort of person who goes to the chair usually has a long career as a criminal before it gets to that...I mean, who suddenly decides one day "I know, I'll just pop into Bank Santander and make a massive withdrawal"?
So they should be kept alive and worked hard to repair the damage they have done. Otherwise some other slob has to do it.
Criminals currently only get punished for the one crime they got caught doing. But if, when the courts get fed up with slapping their wrists and they are sent to pokey, all their previous misdemeanors should be stacked up (insurance companies can do this) and they then work to pay it off.
This means the ones who have pissed everybody off for the longest get locked away for the longest.

>what if we kill an innocent?
marginal at best

let the victims family do the killing, theyll do it for free I bet

Life imprisonment is actually cheaper. The preparations for the death and all judicial thing is very expensive.

The second sentence is important sometimes.

rope and tree. Both are reusable.

Condemning an innocent man to death is one of the worst things a society can do morally. If not every measure to prevent it is undertaken it will lose its effective function as an instrument of justice in people's eyes.

Just lock em up.

>marginal at best

that's why GB abolished it.. too many false positives even if you throw a lot of money at it and that you must...so it becomes uneconomical.

we should keep shipping them to australia i propose

Do people really want the government to decide who has the right to live?

This, death penalty should be used only when there's 0% doubt.

This, pmuch.
Personally I think the death penalty should only be for those who plead guilty.

why are you arguing against?

why are you arguing against?

The government fucks things up all the time. They can't even tell me basic information without lying. They can't even have a mail service that isn't losing money or build a road in less than a fucking decade.

But they totally would never fuck up and execute the wrong person.

no it's not. evidence?

>Penalizing the innocent with death
Wow really makes you think

Reminder that the police can lie to you to get you to plead guilty. They can tell you they are giving you a special deal (reduced sentence / immunity) and not ever deliver.

this pic really trigger me each fukken time.
Daily reminder Louis XVI & Marie-Antoinette public execution by guillotine was a satanic ritual orchestrated by the freemasons.
A (satanic) priest took a white pocket-handkerchief and put it in the bucket where the head of the king was, and once it was filled with blood he did a reversed cross sign with the bloody pocket-handkerchief, eclaboussing the mob in fury with the blood of the king.
And after they did pagans rituals featuring a giant statue of Isis with two giants titties with a fountain mechanism inside to push wine and milk from the titties. Pure school of babylonian mysteries tier.
Pure Heresy if you ask me.

Enabling and justifying the taking of human life by the state.


isn't that a bank for indian people? we have some here too

Would you trust the government to wipe your grandmothers ass if she needed it?

the only good argument against the death penalty is if you live in a civil law country then it's unacceptable because it's a state execution
arrested by (state) police, processed by (state) jail, tried by the state and found (not)guilty by a (state) judge and killed by (state) executioner.

in a common law country you're still arrested by there is still judge, jury and executioner it's just the people are the jury not the state.

>utterly missing the message

Once you introduce it the discussion shifts from CAN we kill to WHO do we kill. We're all generally safer when the discussion is stuck at CAN.

I get it, either kill them or get labor out of them if you can, snore

I live that my tax dollars here in Texas pay for executions. The military expense argument is bullshit, it's such a negligible amount of the budget. Besides, justice is one of the primary functions of the government


It's what the thread is about, dumbass. Not "who do I want to kill?"
Read a damn book or two and maybe you won't need to use the pictures to figure out what's going on.

*murder* is a mortal sin

Bringing back the Oubliette.

Up to 4% of people who are executed in the US are innocent.

If legalizing the death penalty allows even for the possibility of innocent people being executed, then I am against it.