Why is it okay to be blatantly racist to white people...

Why is it okay to be blatantly racist to white people? Why can overt anti-white rhetoric be hand-waved away with stupid statements like
>minorities have no power so they can't be racist
>it's different when you are punching up instead of down
>racism is power plus prejudice!

Is it just a way to justify getting away with being racist to white people?

I've never done shit to anyone or had the desire to, but I'm starting to feel like I might as well embrace it if I'm going to be called names and lectured about how evil I am multiple times a day.

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do they control the social justice warriors?

Yes, it's just an excuse for them to be racist.

yes and they create them

Yes you might as well embrace it.

If I'm going to get called racist I might as well deserve it. Just be careful about how you express yourself.

I don't think the people who described institutional racism meant for it to displace the existing definition of racism

fucking SJWs

Why is Adria Richards name scrubbed out?


tell me more, you fucking niggers

I dunno. It's just the first relevant image I found when searching.

what's in it for the jews? aren't they white too?

>implying Obama was not in a position of power for 8 years.

The question then is, could Obama be racist? And can you be racist against Obama? If you try that racism = power + prejudice bull shit then you have to concede that Obama, a black man, was in a position of power and therefor positions of power are not set by race but are fluid and changing. The idea that all white people are in positions of power above all black people is absurd and black people can easily be in positions of power over whites. Some ways blacks can be in positions of power are with guns. And we see plenty of black shootings.

Because sine SJWs memed into existence the idea that you can't be racist against whitey because of privilege.

If it makes Sup Forums feel any better shitskins and SJWs really hate Jews too.

They just use this as an excuse to hate white people.
>It is in women's DNA to stir up conflict as a means to determine the strongest mate, so the white women push this.
>The white beta males subconsciously side with the enemy because if the enemy destroys the stronger males in his tribe it increases his chances of breeding.
Say what you will about molymeme, but he can be pretty educational.

>Why is it okay to be blatantly racist to white people?
Because you fucking people let them do it without beating them into the ground.

You're so worried about abiding by the law and appearing civilized that you're letting your civility be your undoing.
You cannot defeat monsters by being chivalrous.

If they are being racist to people who have personally done them no wrong aren't they being the oppressor? So therefore even under their incorrect definition they are being racist?

I just want to live by myself somewhere, but everywhere I move, squawking niggers roll in and fuck everything up with demands and property destruction. They litter, break shit, and get mad at me for being annoyed about it.

These people don't give a fuck about reasoning, and have no self awareness. All they see is an opportunity to blame white people, and they take it. It is then pushed further by white women and white beta-males, who have their own agendas.

Only when it is advantageous for them to identify as such.

No wonder everyone thinks blacks are stupid.

You should see how much the switch. It really is for convenience like says. Hopefully someone could chime in with screen caps. A lot of the jewish talking heads say some absolutely insane crap and really just claim to be whatever group benefits them at that time.

Liberals are not satisfied with equality, and instead demand equity. That is, if anyone one group has an advantage over another group, it is inherently unjust and must be abolished. They do not really care that the intellectual window dressing they come up with to pursue this goal ("black people can't be racist", "whites are the root of all evil", "every man is a rapist") is nonsensical, because in handicapping the advantaged group, it's serving its purpose. This is also why arguing with liberals is largely a waste of time, since they aren't really interested in being logical or formally correct but will instead happily ignore the glaring inconsistencies their ideology is shot through with because it ultimately serves that central, unspoken goal of moving -by force - towards a society where everyone is exactly equal and no one has any advantage over anyone else.

According to critical race theory, the power structure exists as a dynamic system that historically and perpetually will always favor whites over blacks. This means that, regardless of a single black person obtaining a position of power, he/she is still outclassed by the collective of whites who own the institutional power.

The Obama example, the Marxists justify by saying "yes, but white people got him elected, Congress is white, the judicial branch is white, etc."

Critical race theory is the end result of years of Marxist indoctrination in colleges combined with liberal pretentiousness and the plight toward "progressive" values. It is no secret that its early proponents in the 60s, 70s and 80s were staunch anti-white racists. In fact, one of its main proponents that really popularized the idea and led to it being widespread among every college was a Jew from Harvard who outright called for the extermination of white people, pic related.

its not. they're just stupid niggers.

>Why is it okay to be blatantly racist to white people
It's not. You know this. Quit trying to play the victim.

I don't even think this is true anymore. I think they just want to get rid of whites. They aren't even trying to make all groups the same. That's just what they claim they are after. Their real goal is to eliminate whites.


>The Obama example, the Marxists justify by saying "yes, but white people got him elected

Which isn't even correct since both McCain and Romney carried the white vote.

I will bet that cunt still does not have a job.

No they're not white.

In the middle ages the jews had the only religion that allowed usury, so they all pretty much worked white collar banking jobs and got into banking and money loaning, fast forward to today and they own the most of the banks which translate to a huge amount of power in the hands of a few big jewish families such as the rothschilds. They were also spread out throughout many countries throughout history and they are more of an international and tribalist race which means they dont give a fuck about the countries they reside in, they only care about themselves and other jews and want globalism to make it easier for them to control everything.

their first attempt at globalism was communism. in the 1930s the frankfurt school, which was a communist jewish college in germany, fled to the united states and set up shop in columbia university and began teaching critical theory which spread to every other school in the country. You can see more on that here:


anyway western countries as a whole werent having communism so they came up with a different strategy which is liberalism, or cultural marxism. instead of having everyone be equal in an ecomomic sense like in communism, they created a kind of "social communism" that says every race should be equal etc, etc. basically the goal is to breed all the races in to one lower iq race that will be easier for the jews to control and create a global empire. the jews also control the media and colleges which they use to brainwash people into being cultural marxists or liberals and push their agenda. there's way more as well such as how the rothschilds commissioned a lawyer to write the scofield study bible in the early 1900s which gave birth to christian zionism and etc, but i'd be typing for hours to go into all of it. look into dr. pierce for more


Good god, where was this video taken?


Further, the root of this perspective is ultimately a lack of self-confidence: too afraid of facing the humbling truth that they doubt their ability to compete and achieve their goals, they work around the issue by declaring that ALL hierarchy is inherently bad, because then they don't have to admit to themselves that they want to be on top of it and are simply unable to get there. Radical egalitarianism is a defense mechanism against admitting to yourself that you want to be better / have more than others, because if you believe that, then there's an associated shame with not being as good as you can be / having as much as you can.

Conservatives deal with the same feeling by humbling themselves and obsessing over hard work and dedication. This is why you have the seeming paradox of poor rural people voting against the government programs which would help them; they see it as a personal failing that they're in need, and desire to fix that through personal effort. Liberals, unable to bear this humiliating feeling, blame "society" (or "patriarchy", or "structural racism", etc.) instead.

Note that this also applies to the sort of rich, coastal liberals who are actually very capable people and who hold good jobs and high socioeconomic positions. If anything, they hold to this belief even MORE strongly because the connection between hard work and success is staring them even harder in the face in their position of success, threatening that much more to pierce the bubble of the ideology which allows them avoid the humiliation of recognizing that they have selfish impulses which are frustrated by their own inadequacy (nevermind that they're successful, they want to be more successful and have a hotter BF/GF and a nicer car and so on; they feel the selfish pangs of social competition as strongly as anyone else). It is, on some level, harder to face the fact that your BMW isn't a Ferrari than it is to face that your Honda isn't a BMW; so they become fanatics.

Americans are not capable of being racist because they were oppressed by the British, but after the revolutionary war we kicked out all the oppressors & anything that happen after was because of past oppression.

Except it is.

Critical race theory is being taught to this generation's lawyers and legal consultants as a required course in over 30 law schools, including Yale.

Shaniqua learned that you can't be racist towards whites from her social justice warrior friend on Twitter. That's not the problem, that's literally monkey see monkey do. Critical race theory was not designed as a social idea, it was designed as a legal framework.

This shit bleeds into the judicial system, which was its original purpose. It is essentially a perspective that disregards facts, logic and reason as "white privilege" and instead opts to analyze legal cases from the perspectives of power and privilege.

It's primary target is hate speech. CRT looks to override traditional, constitutional protections for free speech and use it as a type of legal leverage to prevent whites from speaking out against racism against their kind.

For example, when the University of Michigan introduced anti-hate speech laws on campus grounds, whites used the new law to report hate speech against whites - some 20 blacks were charged, and not a single one was punished.

You think this is harmless and just vocal minorities being really loud but this shit is in its inception, brewing at the top level of academia and trickling its way down.

because if whites are racist back they will either start putting people on rail cars or they will be equated to putting people on rail cars

no, it's much more sinister than that.

Do you remember the story of Puss-in-boots? to make a long story short, the cat needs to make his owner look like a prince so he goes to a castle owned by a huge ogre. The ogre can shapeshift and over the course of a conversation, the cat goads him into changing shapes into smaller and smaller forms. eventually the ogre turns into a mouse and the cat eats him.

The reason I bring this up is because black people who cry that they are unable to be racist because of the difference in power are just like the cat. If racism is tied to power than the only way for whites to stop being racist is to give up their power. They'll ask that you give it up little by little in the name of equality. This will go on until whites get as small and as weak as the mouse-ogre. At that point whites will no longer be racist, but they'll be easy pickings for the vengeful blacks.


Because white people suck.


The greatest part of it all is it's other whites pushing this mentality but in a couple generations when they're the minority there won't be anyone to come to their rescue because everyone will have been brainwashed into thinking whites deserve extinction.

Idiot. Our laws are supposed to cover us but the entire system has bee subverted by leftist cucks.

Then I want explanation for South Africa's situation

You'll hear crickets


This. Jews r calling this.. anti semitic..

Let that sink in..

But DEATH to white men

It's just mental gymnastics on their part. They see themselves as the sole recipient of a very specific type of racism, a type so inhuman that the sheer notion of it being a practice and used against them shatters their sense of being. That feeling manifests itself primarily thru self hate that you see rampant thru minority communities.

Then the cultural climate changes and they feel emboldened enough to have all that pent up hatred make its way out of the mirror and out into the real world. Then you end up with pics like OP where they need to handwave their own racism away because it was so debasing and inhuman when used against them, that it would make them far worse monsters to know this and then continue it.

So you end up with massive racists that justify it by claiming it is some lesser form of hate, not quite Racismâ„¢ but exhibiting all the symptoms of it. How can a person partake in such violence against their fellow man after coming to a full realization of its crippling erosion? Simple, they either redefine racism or redefine their target of racism. They chose to do both. No need to redefine the self, as they have already eroded away all that they defined themselves as. Everything but the color of their skin that is. That is what they have reduced their entire being down to. They aren't people anymore to me, they willingly threw that away in an attempt to restructure and redefine natural truths. A fruitless endeavor that only the mentally stunted have ever wasted time on doing.

As repayment to any user who read all that, here are some tits.

>Our laws are supposed to cover us but the entire system has bee subverted by leftist cucks.
What did you expect?
You thought you could create a system that could easily be taken advantage of without consequences?

This is why most people have no business voting or holding positions of authority. You're too fucking short-sighted and oblivious to consequences.

In the end, East Asians will inherit the earth, and when they do they will systematically begin to exterminate lower races to do what the West neglected to do.
Mongoloids lack the ego, vanity, and empathy that Caucasoids have.