Your taxes are paying for this skank
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you mean niggers and junkies ?
A simple back-of-envelope calculation would tell you these numbers are off by orders of magnitude.
And how much did Moochelle get in tax money?
Fuck off.
The First Lady's security is worth more than ghetto parasites who refuse to better themselves.
Fuck off.
We could just kill all leftists then we wouldn't need to secure Trump tower. OP lend a hand and kys
>I'm on food stamps but using Twitter
Shillin for a villain
Is anyone ever going to post a source on the cost if security?
Also, it is the job of the government to see to the safety of the president and his family.
It is not the job of the government to feed lazy people.
That ghetto lobster cost us a fucking fortune.
The trips alone could have funded a few trips to Mars...
>putting a pricetag on someone's life
I shouldn't be surprised but I sorta am.
>Bryan William Jones
>Paul Joseph Watson
>Christian Weston Chandler
Is using your middle name like this a flag for autism?
Or a serial killer
Pauly "Uncle Joe" Wantson
>people who claim they're part of a """""resistance"""""
>all they do is hide in their echo chambers on reddit and twitter
Where were all these keyboard budget experts when Obama was taking $100M vacations 2-3 times a year for eight years?
implying that security would be needed if people werent savages trying to kill trump and his family
You are the problem April.
You consume welfare and shit children.
do these faggots remember how much obamacare cost and where the money came from?
Why doesn't this Slav whore just live in the White House already. It just gives anti-Trump shills ammo.
>The people for Bernie Sanders
My sides.
Stop being such a wimp you pussy
I love how the left picks and chooses when how we spend money is important.
Glad tax dollars aren't going to a tranny baboon anymore at least.
I seriously fucking doubt is costs the amount being claimed.
if people were trying to kill those random nobodies, they'd be protected too.
Fag thread
better than an ape
>Left attack woman who could be their own women
>Left never attacked Michelle Obama
What is this mental illness called?
She's probably on food stamps because she's a god damned retard
I don't think people on food stamps are the problem, I think the program is the problem, but I do think "April Resists" is a problem
i spent 5 minutes debating if this was said in full irony or not
The funny thing is the Trumps have paid tens of millions of dollars in taxes to pay for these welfare leeches bitching about Melania.
They all should be gassed like the worthless parasites they are.
Donald Trump is on the path to go on vacation 10x more than Obama did if he keeps it up you cuck.
I'm sure as hell not paying for taxes this year. The IRS can bust down my door if they want.
You're paying hard worked taxes for a fucking bimbo, so she lives in luxury and leisure, while the working class gets poorer.
>Tens of millions
Jokes on you; I'm not a dumbass low rent wageslave
15,856 houses/apartments will cost at least $3.2 B in a distant suburb from NYC.
His figure is based on homeless paying $800+/mo for a home and then the state paying for the rest. Additionally, homeless are going to fuck up and utterly destroy any houses/apartment you put them in.
Government funding biomedical research labs is the fallacy that throwing money at science develops new technology. It doesn't unless it's for war. That biomedical research lab hired a bunch of PhD's that know little more than academia and how to get good grades. They have no drive to actually develop anything and likely are too focused on the climate change myth regardless.
>im on food stamps and the gop thinks i'm the problem
is she being ironic? i am autistic. my irony detection level is limited to 1 :^(
taxonomically, humans are apes, you fucking retard.
We literally just spent 8 years keeping zoo animals in the white house. Money is no object, and I cant blame them if they dont like the smell of the chimp exhibit and refuse to sleep in the white house until it is cleaned.
Did you not see the '05 return?
>We used to look up at the sky and wonder at our place in the stars. Now we just look down, and worry about our place in the dirt.
Anything's a step up from the talking animals we had for 8 years
why would you not pay for a national teasure
>American education
We're all apes, you dumb nigger.
Speak for yourself, monkey.
I live in a socialist country, and was doing chem research last year at a college, don't care about poor people, and trump has nothing to do with it, but the government does take your grants away in my country if you managed your money, my department did,'t spend enough, so we could buy expensive stuff, for some studies, the government took away, our savings, because we didn't spend enough XD
Most of us evolved quite a bit past that nigger.
>Trump paying for himself and his family with Tax Dollars
This sounds way to retarded to be even remotly true. He evens stated several times that he "Wont take a Dollar."
If that was Negro Michelle no one would say shit. Aww, you mad because she looks better than the monkey. It's worth every penny they pay to protect his family. If you're that upset, move.
>speaks four languages
>competent buisnesswoman who negotiates her own contracts
One of these things is not like the others, one of these things just doesn't belong.
>You consume welfare and shit children.
probably niglets too... she's like the anti-lottery. she's lose all the time.
>attack something
>criticize it when it defends itself
This is a big problem in the United States Military too. If you don't spend enough you're punished with a smaller budget next year. This causes a lot of frivolous end of the year spending. This also causes a lack of spending in the first 3/4 of the year because of fear of running out of money.
As a person who has both worked for government research grants and worked out government military contracts, the whole system needs to be turned upside-down.
Currently I work in private industry, and I think the government's efficiency is a really unfunny joke on Joe Taxpayer.
>>The people for Bernie Sanders
>My sides.
Don't make fun. They're fine, upstanding citizens.
Sad if you think section 8 and food stamps should be a priority lol
Good, saged
>obama did it
>therefore its ok for trump
Sup Forums's standards keep dropping everyday
Judicial Watch Obtains Records Revealing Obamas’ 2013 Ireland Trip, Including First Lady’s Dublin Sightseeing Jaunt, Cost Taxpayers $7,921,638.66
My biggest pet peeve, liberals complaining about rich people. My sister and her idiot boyfriend living in my mothers house are always complaining about "rich douchebags" and pulling ludicrous figures of cash out of their ass saying X person make Y amount of money and could support Z amount of people! Fucking get a job you worthless piles of scum.
Were giving israel 11 million dollars a day
It sickens me that thing has reproduced.
agree, we simply bought some end of the lines reagents and stuff for classes, still educational grade btw, but we saved a little, not to play, but because some ideias are expensive, the government besides cutting your budget, takes your saving, I think we're all pretty pissed about it
>libshits forgetting that trump isn't even getting a fucking presidential salary
Oh that's right, it wasn't broadcasted on Chicken Noodle News so it must not be important.
On the other hand, it's perfectly ok for King Nigger to spend $60,000 on hot dogs. Orwell was fucking right.
How can one country produce so many retards? Humans are, taxonomically speaking, apes. The most evolved form to be sure, but apes nonetheless.
If leftists would stop rioting outside of Trump towers I'm sure they would ease up on security.
Lmao hahahahahaha this is the best post I've seen in a long fucking time
>food stamp
Commie detected. Kill her.
If the government has seized your means of survival, then you are a commie cuck. Die die die.
>money spent on the trumps iz evil
>the money spent on obama was fine
>the money spent on bernie would have also been fine
Humans are a new animal, so not apes. How can only little Island produce so many retards?
why does NYC even have a homeless problem?
i thought electing democrats would turn NYC into a utopia
They had to order extra security because you nutcases and your threats. SS takes that very seriously.
A word of advice. Suck a Lemon
he's not taking a salary (or like the minimum of $1) but they're talking about the cost of security to guard the trump tower
These people are just throwing out numbers. What's their point? Of course the FLOTUS is afforded a better lifestyle than some food stamps girl.
I would really like that her spending came out of EBT, fuck useless niggers, at least Melania is something pretty to look at.
it seems to be working pretty fine
stupid thing, is, we've got plenty of international shit at my college FCT (faculdade de ciencias e tecnologia nova de Lisboa), and we got our budget cut, while we're winning international prizes XD
Yeah, but she's OUR bimbo you fuckin' Leaf faggot. I am glad our Emperor king badass President has a MILF.
As for the working class, fuck them. No one told them to sleep through high school, go into debt for college, and count on McDonald's as a career choice.
By the way, fuck you too.
>Humans are a new animal, so not apes.
Ape is a biological classification, you mong. It's a superfamily, comprised of four genera: Pongo, Gorilla, Pan, and Homo. Humans fall into that last category. Please stop posting. I'm starting to feel embarrassed for you.
>Sage this slide thread!
The OP baits and leaves anons to make this post rise, and others (like No Trump Russia evidence HAPPENING ) sink.
Maybe if people were nicer and didn't want to literally murder and rape and innocent women.
They may've been created from the homo series of the superfamily, but there is still no denying that a percentage of our DNA doesn't come from this planet. I think you're whole heartedly mistaken in calling everyone an Ape.
twitter costs money now?
And also classifying them as such.
Yeah she may be, but what about /your/ poor working class people?
I...I can't even...I don't even...
Do people honestly believe this costs anything? Do they not know what a salary is?
>this nigger thinks the presidents salary covers his family's security detail.
how dumb are you?
I addressed that in my initial response to you, or did you sleep through what passes for high school in your worthless country?
these people blow money on yeezys and makeup and you don't hear anyone complaining
Why would that be different for anyone else spending their own money?
Melania isn't spending any tax money - she's blowing the donalds load - a signficant portion of which gets paid in income tax to these whining neets.
to exist?
i meant that these people would already be paid regardless of whether they were working or sitting on their ass.
dumb nigger, the president's family security detail is paid for by the taxpayers.
Don't worry goys! Bernie will win any day now!
pretty sure they wouldnt all be getting the massive overtime they're getting if she would just live with her family.
america has free internet?
Why doesn't billion dollar Donnie pay for security at their private residence, Trump Tower of Power, to protect the first family if they choose to live there?
Or they can move to a federal housing project known as the White House and get all the security from Uncle Sam's comfy welfare blanket.