Daily reminder that Bernie would have won

Daily reminder that Bernie would have won.

You literally cannot name a more based American politician.

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I would be ok if he would've won a free helicopter ride.

Jim Webb

So he would have won if he didn't lose?

>White people don't know what it's like to be poor!
>Largest percentage of those in poverty are white.
Fuck facts n sheeeeit.

Bernie "Bread Line" Sanders would have defeated Donald "Fucking" Trump? are you high?

>Baltimore has a lower standard of living than North Korea

I can't fucking stand people who voted for this spineless commie bastard

>Ron Paul declined
>Rand Paul endorsed Trump

>would have won.

I can name 2.

Dog shit and piss

>Donald "come join me on Reddit" Trump
ftfy :^)


>tfw you will never be able to say President Ron Paul

>this is what Bern victims actually believe

I wish Bernie Sanders was communist. Unfortunately CIA propaganda has brainwashed you so you don't.

Any man that bends over to the competitor that sabotaged them would never make a good leader.

Integrity counts.

Passed three bills out of 370. 2 renaming federal post offices.

this asshole pays way less of a tax rate then i do at barely above 10%.

fuck him.

Bernie would have won, and Elizabeth Warren is more of an anti-feminist than anyone on the right side of politics can be:


He wouldnt have gotten vagina vote

The CIA would love a communist regime in this country. A one-party government with absolute authority over every aspect of society and economics and no checks or balances would make any CIA director cream his pants.

100% with this. Never sell out to the cheater that stole your victory.

He was someone whose opinions I disagreed with, until those blm harpies took over his stage.
Then he became a loser who I disagreed with.

Then he made that crack about white people, and he became an enemy to me.


>Tfw bernie too much of a bitch to call out hillary's private emails
>Tfw America dodged a bullet by not getting such a spineless president

Then why did they work so hard to crush it globally and locally during it's attempt at a global revolution? Right now the CIA is creaming it's pants because any real left movement is crushed, and they just got authority to drone internationally. We've had 3 straight authoritarian presidents, all expanding the deep state.

Really there isn't a difference between Democrat and Republican. Both are Liberal, authoritarian parties. Paraphrasing Chomsky, the best way to discourage any movements is to allow very lively debate on a very narrow spectrum.

You're very easily influenced and react emotionally.

Yes bern man is what america needs.

You should donate and help him WIN the OPPRESIVE SYSTEM.


this man

He didn't engage in smear campaigns like Trump and Hillary, he wanted to discuss policy. Unfortunately our country doesn't care, they wanted someone who will trigger the leftists lol praise kek.



Didn't he scam all those people out of their donations when he said he would go to the DNC, but then later endorsed Hilary?

>Buys three houses, one after he was blackmailed and bribed out of the election by Hillary worth $1.5 million
>Pays nearly 10% less tax than Trump
>Basically a loud asshole

Fuck this loser piece of shit

Kek be praised!

>You literally cannot name a more based American politician
how about the guy that actually won

Its time to stop thinking from a national perspective, and start thinking from a global perspective.

Yeah, I liked Bernie Sanders. Then he said white people don't know what it's like to be poor. Fuck him.
And he's too left, I like nationalized healthcare and that stuff, but he goes too far and is too social justice-y and not nationalistic enough.

I hope the dems run Tulsi Gabbard in 2020. Gabbard/Webb would be a wet dream.

People have been known to literally eat dirt because of famine in North Korea. People regularly get sent to death camps because one of their relatives was suspected of possibly doing something that the regime might not like.

As bad as Baltimore can be, it's not that bad.

>you're very easily influenced and react emotionally.
Actually it is you who is easily influenced and reacts emotionally.

>You literally cannot name a more cucked American politician.


The CIA didn't have the power it does today, and with the collapse of the Soviet Union, any sort of communist movement would have been fruitless without their support. They had to play ball.

Really, if the CIA wanted to stage a coup, they could go left or right. Both fascism and communism demand government control of every aspect of society.

You and I agree with the rampant corruption occurring in Washington. However we strongly disagree on how to solve it. I will not allow this country to succumb to the false promises of communism. We've seen too many times that communism has been used by the powerful to seize absolute authority and enslave the people. The US government has proven to be the most corrupt in the world. I refuse to give them the ability to redistribute our wealth. I refuse to allow them to outlaw political differences in their entirety. I refuse to allow them to rob a man of the sweat on his brow.

Typical communist
>"you guys keep funneling me money, and I'll enact communist policies to redistribute the wealth, don't you worry I'll do it"


No. He wasn't speaking globally. He was talking in terms of Americans.

Tbf he lost because of super delegates mainly. And corruption in the party pushing Hillary.

>Resorting to childish "No, you are!!!"

That's the point I'm making. Sanders claimed that Baltimore is worse than North Korea.


>Extremely liberal social policies
>Not a well planned economic policy
>Confirmed cuck
>Most of his voters are worse than Hillary's boomer voters
I'm only glad that Trump used his better talking points for rust belt white votes.

>Gives bullshit claim with no counter argument
>Expects to get a non-bullshit response
Sup Forums is an 18+ board, kiddo

He was thinking globally.

Why the fuck do you think you know what he was talking about? Because he was talking to you. You are his audience. And we are too.

>Wifes son

What policy that idiot u dumb bernout.

>Daily reminder that Bernie would have won.
Then maybe the Democrats shouldn't of stolen the nomination from him.
pick one

>He didn't engage in smear campaigns
What is doing to Trump wight now?

I think if either side picked any reasonably qualified candidate besides the one they picked, they would have had an easy win.

>Our opponent's candidate is a millionaire's son who made a fortune building luxury hotels and condominiums for other wealthy people. He frequently makes gaffes and doesn't even prepare for debates. Who should we run against him?
>How about a barely-alive woman with brain damage, a naggy voice and a resting bitch face, who has committed treason, been hacked multiple times, and already lost an election to a less-experienced candidate?
>Yeah that would be choice. Just make sure she wins the primary in a way that pisses off half her voter base.

>Bernie says Trump will pay his fair share of taxes
>while Bernie owns 3 homes and pays far tax percentage wise
>Bernie says whites cannot be in poverty
>Bernie is a subversive kike
Fuck you if you support this disgusting jew

>Bitching about white people to a crowd of black Americans
>b-but he was speaking globally, I swear.
To be honest, Schlomo, I re-watched it and I think he was just speaking to your mum. I think it was a sexual thing.

ehehehe i see what you did there.

bernie would have been worse than hillary

You're underestimating Trump, let me remind you that this "clown" is in the white house.

The brand of communism that was the most successful was naturally going to be authoritarian in nature, because those are the most successful forms of government in unstable areas. Look at the middle east, theocracies and military dictatorships all around. There was unsuccesful communist and anarchist states that fell solely because of military intervention. I have a feeling The Kurdish Communist state in Rojava will be crushed after it's used to defeat ISIS.

There's absolutely no reason why communism/socialism can't exist in a democracy. It's simply democracy in the workplace.

name ONE thing he's ever accomplished

Steve King




>You literally cannot name a more cucked American politician.

What the fuck are you talking about? I don't understand how you are going to fucking intervene in my political process and lecture me about what my candidates are saying.

Moreover... even if, let us suppose, he WAS talking about Americans...

White poverty aint like black poverty. Ill just leave it at that.

Having a Bernie sticker on your car is an admission that you don't know how to take care of yourself. Takes a lot of balls to tell that to the public.

What happened in the 70's? Oh ya, feminism

>communism that was the most successful
All of them collapsed or are shit holes. That's success to you?

Universal healthcare, worker's rights, non-interventionism.

Probably watching Fox News



all shit

I read Bernie's campaign website. He mentioned economic violence. What is that? Can someone fill me in?

>How dare you lecture me about the words my candidates are saying?
>How do you know he wasn't talking globally?
>You don't have a direct telepathic link to his brain like I do.

>White poverty aint like black poverty.
Right, I'm talking to a nigger. This makes more sense now. Ponder this, my melanin-enriched friendo, how the fuck would you know what "white poverty" is like?

>Universal healthcare,
Stupid ass idea
>worker's rights
Don't be a cuck by letting your employer take advantage of you. Problem solved
This one is just too easy

>13% in taxes

you would think a based socialist such as he would pay his fair share

Bernie was such an honest guy.

Look. Are you seriously going to argue that abos aren't more impoverished than the lowliest Anglo-Australian?

Most likely some buzzword meme bullshit. Probably something along the lines of "capitalist countries got where they are by taking advantage of shithole countries" or some other crap

Shit nigga. Not gettin free college n chicken is like when dem white bois took us in chains nigga.

Ronald Raegan


Communism did incredible things for Russia. They went from a feudal state with serfdom to an industrial powerhouse in 50 years. Once capitalism came banker's greed caused a economic depression. China is incredibly successfull with a powerful military. They don't have to worry about greedy contractors because they have a planned economy, so they spend way less while still being powerful. Cuba is one of the best Latin American countries. Meanwhile greedy corporations have fucked every single other country there.

Jokes on you, stormfags. You re-elected the establishment.

>Daily reminder that Bernie would have won.

If he would have won... then why didn't he? Checkmate.

I just want Bernie to make the world a better place for my wife's son. I should have matched more donations on reddit.

lol, nope. Bernie Sanders is an awful candidate. He wins white college kids exclusively--minorities BTFO'd him throughout the primaries.

True facts: Trump WON the Male Latino vote in North Carolina over Hillary. Think about that. If Bernie couldn't win the minority vote against Hillary, he would have had ZERO chance against Trump, because the minority vote is all Demoshits have left.

The only reason abbos are impoverished is because they are mentally retarded.
But even so this does not change the fact that a white Australian could be just as poor as a abbo. Just because white people don't shoot each other over fried chicken doesn't mean they aren't poor.

>China is communist

u wot? They're unironically the closest thing to fascism in the last 50 years. There's never been a communist state because the foundation of communist - the labor theory if capital - is flawed.

It's not just democracy in the workplace. Communism is a philosophy of complete societal destruction and rebuilding. Under communism, the government must by force redistribute wealth equally, so that no one has more or less than the other. Private ownership is outlawed. Political parties are outlawed. The bourgeoisie and enemies of the party must be violently purged and exterminated in order to install communism.

Why? Because they don't shoot each other by the thousands while they starve? I grew up black and poor in the inner city, and you're a fucking retard if you think poverty is any easier in the middle of nowhere in the midwest than it is in Oak park or compton. I grew up in the conditions you white faggot leftists preach to me about everyday. It wasn't the evil white man that kept us in self destructive agony, it was each other.

Socialism is for people that are uncompetitive in the free market (i.e. cucks)

Or maybe because they had their entire country invaded by fucking niggers of the sea. Im pretty sure theyve lost hunting grounds to urban encroachment or some shit.

shut up nigger

hold up nigga, I thot we wuz ogs of America.

>anyone who ever worked at the largest investment firm in the world is corrupt

It's worked for literally every other country. Insurance Jews have a powerful lobby and media presence, so you've been brainwashed.

Let's say you have a small business, you pay your employers 12 dollars an hour and sell item A for 5 dollars. Wal Mart comes into town and pays their employers 8 dollars an hour and sells item A for 3 dollars. You go out of business. Your workers have to take shittier paying jobs. Everyone loses except for the big corporation.

He probably would have been killed like JFK. (((They))) wouldn't let him touch the Federal Reserve.

>They went from a feudal state with serfdom to an industrial powerhouse in 50 years.
HAHAHAHAHAHA, I'm going to fucking pass out laughing. You retard, South Korea was a shithole after the war, embraced capitalism and became a high income country in 50 years time. Russia went communism, and ends up as a shithole after 50 years. Explain how communism was better than capitalism again you faggot