
The CIA has no business having the data collection and monitoring tools that it has been proven to have.

The CIA are conducting operations beyond their jurisdiction and are subverting the FBI and NSA with their spying capabilities.

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Stop doing whatever it is you feel guilty about. I find it comforting to think the CIA is protecting me from people like you.

That's the problem. We should be comforted by the FBI, not the CIA.

They bleed red white and blue just like me.

bump of remindering

But they do. What now?

That's nice. They should really just stick to their own jurisdiction though.

raise awareness!

The CIA is spying on everyone? Meh....NCAA tournament is on

Being aware of what? geting spied on by the CIA? Maybe from now on.

Any communication outside borders makes it their jurisdiction. Example:
Hey ahmed.

See? CIA can now monitor all communication ITT. They arent the problem, you are.

No, about the different jurisdiction that our federal agencies are supposed to be overseeing.

Most people really don't know the difference between the FBI, CIA or the NSA. To regular people, they just know that they all essentially do the same thing (spy) which muddies and dialogue people may try to have with regards to the duty and intentions of one agency compared to another.

It's important that people know and understand the difference if we are to start seeing people discussing national security in a more conscious capacity.

communications are happening through servers and service providers. It's the job of the FBI and the CIA to work together when dealing with intelligence over online communications.

It's the same thing as if two people were talking to each other from different states. The jurisdiction of a crime is dependent on the location of the offender. You wouldn't recruit the NYPD to handle a crime of an individual if they lived and made communications in Indiana, for example. It's up to the law enforcement in Indiana to build the case and recruit the assistant of the New York law enforcement to provide them with the details and evidence so that Indiana law enforcement can being the prosecution process.

>making my point for me
Thanks? Now apologize. These hard working spooks protect us every day.

I thought your point was that it doesn't matter who's doing what.

You never mentioned anything about the FBI, I thought you were just talking about the CIA doing everything.

Only with international communication, which you implied is somehow wrong, which it isn't.

I believe it is wrong, because of the wording of 'domestic' and 'foreign'. When CIA 'foreign' intersects with FBI 'domestic', than it's obvious that any further investigation that occurs domestically is the job of the FBI to continue from. That way the CIA can continue to monitor and investigate the 'foreign' aspect of the crime.

It's the very reason why we have the two entities to begin with!

reminder: nobody cares about it, especially the zionist republicans in control right now
reminder: we got this because SJWs and women just wouldn't shut the fuck up
reminder: trump administration is probably going to stage a terrorist attack this year
screenshot this post

The CIA has no limits to jurisdiction.

CIA is everywhere, everything it needs to be in order to secure national business interests.

YES, their job is to kill people that get in america's way.

YES, its ALWAYS been their job to subvert.
do the dirty work that keeps our nation strong

>>> Fuckers don't even know this is what the CIA is for.

>>> thinking western civilization is some motherfucking game.

The FBI and CIA both have assassinated targets.

>The CIA has no limits to jurisdiction.

By wording of definition, they should only be involved in 'foreign' aspects of information collecting and monitoring.

US soil is 'domestic' territory, and therefor under the jurisdiction of the FBI, as wording by definition.

If either party are acting out against their definition, than either the definition needs to be changed, or they are act our of accordance to their ordinance.

It's widely understood that CIA and FBI act covertly in order to do what they feel they need to do in matters of national security, but again they exist to enforce US interest in separate instances of each other.

*acting out

All foreign policy includes domestic policy.
Because all of it leads back to home.
Or why would we care?

But all domestic policy does not include foreign policy. Because some of it never leaves.

They are not boud to our jursdiction and they got a big operating cell in Frankfurt. don't know what I got to be aware about. The CIA is spying on us.
Like we do on them.
FBI is some other level. They got no jurisdiction outside the US. You are completely right. CIA and FBI don't operate on the same level.
But what do I get from that info?
CIA got the backup to do whatever they want to. And don't come to me saying they don't
Their opwn papers say they interfered in the Iraq, Iran, saud arabia etc.
It's not like they can hide it, even if these papaers are decades ol, they show they do interfer in politics all over the world.

The CIA are prohibited by law from domestic spying operations.

Well duh, the CIA needed to be dismantled 40 years ago and year after year, scandle after scandle, gets swept under the rug. Funny how both parties seem unable to reform the CIA and anyone who complains gets suicided.

>Because all of it leads back to home

This is not true.
If the CIA is monitoring terrorist chatter in a 'foreign' country, they have no need to act on or inform any other agency until reasonable threats can be materialized to a 'domestic' territory. If that target is a US base in a 'foreign' country, than the most immediate jurisdiction would be the acting military that the threat would immediately effect.
If those threats were to involve actions directly on our continent's soil, than the FBI would be the immediate jurisdiction to which to handle that threat, as long as the threat actively exists within the US border's as well.

CIA monitors chatter, hears then talking to agents in the USA, they inform the FBI and the FBI investigates the 'domestic' parties actively on US territory while CIA continues to gather the intelligence as they come from the 'foreign' aspect of the crime.

The words 'foreign' and 'domestic' are not ambiguous.

That's why it's so suspicious when we found out about the redundancy of their tools and programs to that of the NSA.

mimimi, CIa is grea FBI is just a domestic surveillance group... what are you on about?

CIA is a big governmental criminal bunch. Like I said. The whole government admires the CIa even they go more power than the state itself. Is that what you're talking about?
Your video didn't prove me otherwise

FBI user said nsa is domestic. Cia

CIA should only be in charge of foreign information gathering and consolidation. The FBI is in charge of the domestic portion, as well as law enforcement.

A lot of people don't understand the difference between the FBI, CIA and NSA. I believe that ignorance only further restricts our society in being able to discuss national security and the duty of our government.

I'm just hoping to spread awareness of this distinction so we can further shame and discredit the CIA from consolidating information and power through their misinformation and dependency on public ignorance.

NSA is domestic information gathering. Which further makes it all the more unsettling as to why the CIA has their own 'NSA' tools and infrastructure.

I really don't know about the NSA though. I don't know where to put them? A link between fbi and cia ?

They're supposed to just do information gathering like the CIA. Basically if the NSA or CIA gathers information that could threaten national security, if those threats are in the continental USA, then they are supposed to notify the FBI with their findings.

What has been happening though is the CIA has been using NSA software to dupe and mislead the NSA, while subsequently misleading the FBI. The FBI has been aware of this for a few decades, however they don't have the resources to do investigative work on the CIA, so they're heavily dependent on the NSA. Which again, the CIA can feed false information to the NSA to continue to subvert the FBI.

the NSA and CIA are supposed to be equal parts of the information gathering process. the CIA for foreign, NSA for domestic. The FBI is supposed to act as the top law enforcement agency in our country who depends on the NSA and CIA to provide them with intel so that they can act to enforce the law.

what we're seeing in the public understanding though is a hierarchy where the CIA is at the top, the FBI is in the middle and the NSA is at the bottom. What is also being seen by public perception is the role of the FBI supposing to act as the NSA.

eitherway way, the role of the NSA is viewed as being redundant compared to the CIA. the FBI is trying it's best gather information despite the failures within the NSA.

I agree with you there burgerbro.

Ya go protest in the street goy we'll wait

How much of a fuckup do you have to be that they put you on Sup Forums duty?

They get GCHQ to spy on US citizens then get the data from them

I just brought it upon myself to need to spread information and awareness because I do love my country.

I could make a joke about Canada not having any nationalism.

The reality though is that the power that the CIA holds has been negatively impacting the world for decades, and it has only been getting stronger and more oppressive. Geopolitics is a very scary game, and the CIA has been able to manipulate that for personal and private gain at the expense of innocent populations and hundreds of millions of people internationally for several decades.

What the CIA does and are capable of is real, and it's killing our world.

I believe it's up to us as citizens to do whatever we can to fight real oppression, even if the most majority of us can do is simply raise awareness.

Well, ya they obviously not on our side at all. Its full of liberal cucks and jews, and they were full on for fucking hillary.

Canada may not, but I don't care about Canada, I care about the white race.

and wouldn't it be nice to live in a world where racial/cultural differences are celebrated, rather than demonized?

I would love to go to different countries to be immersed in their culture rather than inundated with the same SJW snake oil that's being peddled everywhere.

We need to spread awareness about what the CIA is supposed to be, compared to what they are actually doing.

We need... jewier tactics. The fucking organizations do not represent us, they hate us. They see us as resources in their own global conquest. Fuck them. Fuck draining the swamp. Nuke it.

There was a windows update last night with all updates to windows malicious software removal they are covering it up

So, in that the NSA is the middleman linking the CIA to the FBI? And inbetween they got no real power at all officially?
But in reality they got cucked by the CIA and the FBI and being the useful scapegoa if anything goes wrong? Is this correct?

>the CIA

Nigga what? Agencies for espionage, plausible deniability, blah blah

also help me out on this one

Is the EU really tha cucked that they wouldn't sand a chance to fight another country until they give up?
From my side it looks pretty powerful. I know this is like a parade but it looks like the EU got some powerful military complex

You care

America has no nationalism

Obvious bait

for you.

well any information gathered overseas, the CIA SHOULD be going directly to the FBI.
The NSA, thanks to the Patriot Act, should be reporting any at-home information to the FBI.

They're not a middleman between the CIA and FBI, they just do their own intelligence gathering. The CIA does the same thing, but overseas. The main difference between NSA and CIA aside from the CIA collecting foreign intelligence and NSA collecting domestic intelligence, is that the CIA is allowed to conduct their own missions within a limited scope for the purpose of gathering intel. The NSA is limited strictly with monitoring phones, internet, communications towers, etc things of that nature.

Your second part is more or less correct. CIA made everyone their bitch, and if anything should fail due to a failure of intel, the CIA can pin it on the FBI for failing to do their job. (The CIA has been proven to withhold information from the FBI, such as the 9/11 attack in where the speculation is the CIA gathered the information of the attack, but did not report all the necessary information for the FBI to act and intervene)

I don't know anything about the EU or how they operate. That's beyond my scope of understanding. That will be something I will read up on though.

The CIA, the NSA, the FBI, these groups do not work together. They do not represent the people. They are rogue organizations

I'm just discussing their intent. It's obvious that our intelligence agencies are ripping apart from each other like they're being quartered by horses.

It's about awareness of their intention vs the reality.

the FBI is probably the best ally we have in the federal government at this point however.
Perhaps even the military. There was huge dissatisfaction among them of Obama's administration.

Fuck naming and hair splitting these obviously divisive orgs. ZOG is the one you want to destroy.

He's angling for supreme commander of meme counterintelligence.

It's about presenting information in a manner that is easily digestible to regular people.
They're not going to respond to aggressive accusations against our establishment. They need to draw their own lines and make their own connections to realize the disconnect of what they hear to what they see. This cements a foundation of healthy skepticism that can be used to used to further the critical thinking of regular people when presented with false narratives that they're exposed to by the media.

a lot of people are still in their safe space, and they need to make their own realizations, otherwise they'll be defensive when presented with uncomfortable truths.

Dude, these people DO NOT RESPOND to logic. It doesn't fucking work. New tactics. Fuck it, name the jew. remove the jew. establish representatives for our own people. Enough fucking around and cucking to normies.

By starting with the facts of what our intelligence agencies do by their descriptions, in the future when they see CIA or FBI or NSA in the news, they can think to what they know they SHOULD be doing, and compare that to what we see them actually saying and doing.

you can't waste your life waiting for normies to come around. They need a leader. A trump. Someone to tell them what to fucking do. Forget them, they will come around. For now focus on
>mocking the shit out of anything the jew holds sacred

if you think of a way to do that, by all means work your own method. I'll do mine.

Digits say that your a pathetic slob that flaps to other men's athleticism while your flag and your rights are being trampled upon by those that are paid to protect. Pathetic.

CIA still pissed at Terry Davis for running over a CIA nigger in 1999 & getting away with it. score one for the good guys

You are a bad troll

no there not .
they send my men on false missions to kill friendly units.
they are traitors and deserve death.
they smuggle drugs to empower cartels while making it illegal so they can arrest our children with our permission then mkultra them.