Is he unbeatable?
Is he unbeatable?
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Literally who
Destiny gtfo
Kinda hard to beat facts :^)
Go back to chat faggot
Unbeatable Status:
fuck that is pathetic
>mfw getting someone to say what they think instead of using coded language is a "gotcha"
Alt-right destroyed by simple "but why" questioning as old as the Greeks.
Because screaming shut up to every point till he gives up is the real way to debate.
I mean the big problem is everyone he talks to is shit scared to mention that they think whites are superior, that's where it all fuck ups. I don't know it's because they're lying to themselves or just pussies, but either way it makes them seem irrational as fuck.
Who is it? Looks like my gardener.
What is with your fixation with him? Is it because he made JonTron look bad? That's what happens when you just spout memes and Sup Forums talking points instead of developing solid arguments of your own.
Friendly reminder that there are UNIRONIC Destiny supporters that browse Sup Forums.
Check the people that like his tweets and you'll find kek avatars galore.
I'm getting really tired of seeing this ugly faggot's face.
Man that last one was so bad. Some times he literally just repeated what the guy said and got accused for doing "gotchas".
Who did he debate this time? What did I miss?
why don't you give him proof that whites are inherently superior to blacks? then you won't have to see him anymore.
Do you want to hop on his Skype and talk about it?
White people had superior technology even before da poor black man was oppressed by colonialism.
sage & cage
really makes you think how mods are not cleaning up cancer like this when the guy is a nobody
but why?
he said inherently. You know what that means negro?
That actually disgusts me.
only Jim and shkreli have beat him so far. He slaughtered everyone else
Jontron was a fool for going into a discussion with a guy ready with his points and a laptop who was going to treat is like a debate.
Moral of the story;
Pick your arguments well
Have your resources available
Be aware you need to put your opponent on the backfoot
Don't do 100% defensive
If you haven't got a good argument at hand just admit you didn't come prepared as you weren't expecting this type of format / debate
how much audience can he take from joe rogan and is it too late in the game to take a sizeable chunk?
That's pathetic even by Sup Forums standards. Where did these people come from? Did we always have these eceleb dick suckers?
and if that's true, you need to be able to say why that is
I hope any of you were watching the stream he just had on with the "debate" about immigration. I don't know who Destiny was talking to but the guy literally got flustered and felt accused because Destiny brought up a simple concept of "zero sum game" and the dude had never heard of it. Like, I know all people on the right aren't this dumb, but why do some of them try and break into these discussions without even having a basic understanding of what they're talking about? Like if you're going to argue about the economics of immigration should you not get completely tripped up on a concept as simple as "economics are not a zero-sum game"?
This is my problem with the new flavor of tactic which is to call anyone out who asks questions as using "gotcha moments." You have to be able to defend your positions and if someone asks you a question about your beliefs and you can't answer it, it's not a "gotcha", it's that you've literally never thought about why you believe what you do. The guy Destiny was debating says that "homogenous societies are better off" and when we come up with a bunch of examples of homogenous societies like places in Africa and the Middle East that fucking suck he accuses Destiny of trying to "get him". What the actual fuck?
No matter which side you're on, right or left, if you ever find yourself accusing or wanting to accuse someone of using "gotcha" moments, take a second and think about whether you've actually thought through your argument.
Shkreli beat this guy so badly that he convinced Destiny to take an autism test on stream
Some 'NoBullshit' guy or something from youtube. It was really awkward, the guy couldn't answer most of the questions so he just kept resorting to saying Destiny was tricking him. Didn't make much sense.