So Sup Forums, why aren't you an ancom?
I'm not mentally impaired.
Communism's end goal is already a stateless society you dingdong, but even without the anarcho- it is a massive contradiction and easily the most useless and meme tier political philosophy ever. I mean, I guess the only difference is that ancomms don't even follow their own retarded rule-book and just want to try and skip socialism and hit rock bottom even faster.
Thats why.
It's an irrational and antiquated ideology.
It's also terribly materialistic.
Anarcho Communism does not address the inherent problems of power in relationships--essentially you would have a bunch of fucking white males talking over everyone at the council meetings and stacies and chads living off of gifts. You abolish the market economy--fine--but what do you do about the libidinal economy?
I'm not a communist, but if I were, the only viable way achieve communism would be via a Marxist Leninist vanguard.
Well statistically it has never worked, and given that the 0% success rate of anarcho-communism is the only thing we have to work with so far, I'm gonna say that it's a failed ideology.
Because private property is not theft
Because your meme ideology can barely function with 20 people
Nazism is a failed ideology too just sayin
>using based Moly to advocate for communism
This is not universally preferable behaviour
If I work harder than someone one else I deserve more luxuries than they do.
Meritocracy is the only way.
I still have a slight sense of logic.
>that face
What a shitty art style.
I'm not insane.
Why are construction workers paid less than social media specialists ? Or why do people who work hard have less money than Amy Schumer ?
Why is everyone posting anime nazis?
anyway anarchy is dumb in every way but the slogans are pretty neat
"The last capitalist we hang will be the one who sold us the rope"
I hate every ideology with the word "Anarcho-" in the name.
Your kind isn't welcome in this covenant.
Because I want to fly the helicopter
If by social media specialist you mean someone who compiles data for market research it's because that job requires and education and contributes to the company's profit. Construction workers are generally uneducated workers.
Who the hell is Amy Schumer?
Just because you post a meme picture of a meme youtuber with no text besides a meme arrow doesn't mean that the posts you quoted didn't contain arguments. They may not be the best arguments in the world, but when your opposition is literal retardation you don't have to be a master persuader. Also what kind of responses did you expect to get on an Estonian beaded curtain forum? I usually like Australian posts, but you gotta step up your game mate.
Because I believe that it can not work
>Why are construction workers paid less than social media specialists?
You could choose to tax rich social media celebs to oblivion. What would happen is that rich social media celebs and probably hollywood as a whole would stop existing, because no one would put the effort or capital into it anymore. Not necessarily a bad thing in a way, but ironically now-a-days that would hurt the left more than it would the right lol
Let's not kid ourselves Australian posts are terrible and have been for at the very least a year now
The only reason anyone pretends their posts are worth a shit is the old "STRAYAN BANTZ" meme and Canadians seem to have stepped forward to take the abhorrent post mantle
Fucking idiot retard commie scum
Because it sucks and cannot work
O gawd. U faggot commies. How many millions more?? Fukin die alredeeeee reeeeee.
What do anarchists plan to do with nuclear weapons?
The free market will regulate nuclear weapons.
Use them to smash ATM machines.
"Franco had the edge on resupply as the Nationalists now controlled the efficiently run industrial might in the Basque Country. The Republican Government, however, had to leave the armament industry in Catalonia in the hands of the Anarchists. One Anarchist observer reported that "Notwithstanding lavish expenditures of money on this need, our industrial organization was not able to finish a single kind of rifle or machine gun or cannon...."[39] Franco's act of retaking Teruel was a bitter blow to the Republic after the high hopes engendered by its capture. The recapture of Teruel also removed the last obstacle to Franco's breakthrough to the Mediterranean Sea.[40]"
> our industrial organization was not able to finish a single kind of rifle or machine gun or cannon.
All these left movements really make me think.