
What does Sup Forums think of us?

Can Palestine into official country status?

>no kikes allowed

You Arabs lost all the wars you started, get fucked sand niggers

You have a flag on Sup Forums, isn't that enough?

Who's that smegma savant?

Your both shity sand people and i want nothing to do with either of you. Go kill each other for your stupid cat shiter box you call a home.

Maybe if you sandniggers learned how to fight wars you would have your own country

Fugggg post moar of this hot jewess

>muh dick

fuck off and jump into the ocean.

Kike here, sorry for contravening your ban, Achmed: I think Palestine should be allowed within reason.

Your pic looks like a jew

I don't like the Israelis, but I don't care enough about about you to stop them.



Palestine should stop trying to kill Israelis.

>Google images gives: "Monkey with big nose"!
Kikes non-human confirmed!


Palestine doesn't exist last t8me I checked.

You're degenerate shitskins with no real country. Even other shitskins only pretend to care about your shit because it serves their political purposes.

You're poor and ugly retards who only know how to beg for money and play victims. Your only skill is getting your asses very publicly kicked by the Jews.

There are some "pal*stinians" here in Canada, we look down on them.

Only if they accept Israel's right to exist, it's lines that it won defending itself, it's right to build homes for it's people.

We still love you Palestine. But if there was a way to remove both Israel and you and replace it with white people this would be best.

kek, specifically a proboscis monkey :3
We still need Israel as a containment zone to put all the jews in on the day of the rope, if you guys don't chimp out maybe you can have your own country and be spared, idk : / I don't really care that much though either way

okay that's enough wolf blitzer

Kek wills it.

As if asking for others to respect Israel's right to exist and build houses is asking a lot.


Yes building houses on land that is another country is asking more than a lot that is obvious.. wow there really needs to be better moderation on these shills

Palestine is kill.
The Egyptians and the Gulf States don't give a fuck about you, the PLO is controlled opposition, and the Muslim Brotherhood is a hot mess.
Only the Persians can save you now, which is why Mossad and the (((West))) are so keen to fuck their shit up, and why they created ISIS.
If you want to save yourself, join Hezbollah.
Because if the Iran-Iraq-Syria-Lebanon-Palestine corridor of death is ever completed, then Israel is kill.

Fucking mudshit faggots who got obliterated in 6 days by a superior army. You and your country is garbage, I hope Israel genocides all you muslims

Oh ya and setting up a capital and military force and calling it defensive they are ASKING no one for there right to exist maybe if they did ask the world the world would say no

What other Country are they building on?
Even the Pali Op is like, will we have a country?
Because they don't have a country.
So what country is Israel building on?

Speak for youself CTR, no one likes sandpeoplestine

Who is this semen demon?

"Defending" killing civilians

fuck off slime

There is no Israel shill there's no two sides to an argument that doesn't exist

You mean when the Arabs got together and told te palis that if they left, they wouldn't die as the Arabs massacred the Jewish people? And they left freely so that the Jews could be murdered.
That war that the Jews defended themselves from.

Yes I know no one likes them but don't you hate them a little less knowing they are causing great pain in the ass to some powerful forces?

No, there is an Israel. You just don't like that there is an Israel.

I can literally hear your Israeli accents through your typing both of you this is a CTR thread

Stop bullying that poor girl, i really feel her.

Imagine you were born that ugly, and you hate yourself everyday, get bullied, spit on and insulted all life, fuck you guys

Nobody chooses how they look when they are born, always remember that

Is this pic real?
She can't be this ugly?
Can she?

Your right about one thing shlomo i definitely don't like Israel

FUck off goat fucker . Israel is the only country in the Middle East that I sent blowing itself up

Kike here, get off my land.

Although I'm not. I'm a white Christian that doesn't like Islam. That knows the Rothschilds and Soros and many other Jewish men have led the world astray and need to be dealt with. But that Israel is a defense against Islam. The real enemy of the West.

No your control. Both Obongo and Clinton tried to get rid of Israel

You're next.

You burges are responsible for those wars

Even though you weren't really ever recognized as a nation I think it is fair to say you had all the characteristics of it. You've really just had the misfortune of going from one foreign rule to the next in consecutively. Hamas is bullshit though and so are half the others which fight for "your" cause and do far more to damage your claim than to help it. What Isreal is doing with their settlements as well is criminal.

>my land
take a hike, you hook-nosed kike

actually agree with you Deutschbro , I hope she doesn't know her pictures are online that would be fucking shit, she is probably really nice and has a unlike most stacies. Now I feel bad :(
Yeah I think it's real, actually kinda sad after I thought about it, I'd be her friend tho

lol do you expect them not to set up a military force after literally every mudslime attacked them the day after they were formed? (And swiftly BFTO all you niggers)

>disgusting jew
>america wants to be its friend

nothing surprising here

I give zero fucks. Go ahead, fuck 'em up.

Yeah do feel for people that are ugly with very little redeeming features. Hopefully she'll find a rancid bloke that will do right by her. I'm sure she'll treasure him.

You're fucked. Your county and people have about 10 years left of existence, sad but true

>no kikes allowed
How about NO. Get the fuck off our clay you dirty mudslime.

You will win eventually.

The kikes have no idea what they got themselves into.

> every mudslime attacked them the day after they were formed

Nah, more like
>Armistice agreements end up giving Jews more land than initially thought
>Population demographics are completely fucked
>Israel ends up collaborating with Britain to attack Egypt


They have already fought the Middle East single handed a couple of times outnumbered.
So far they are doing pretty well.

>our clay

Is that a metaphor for your grandfathers who were shoved into ovens like fresh pottery?

It could honestly be some sort of defect, Idk if she's even Jewish lol

we are maybe 10 years away from making an artificial virus to wipe all mudslimes out of existence, and this time it will be much more effective then when we engineered HIV

We all know that the Middle East would do that to them again if they could.
It's not going to happen. Never again.

Considering how boldly the Jews have Palestine in check, How many tunnels are you currently working on?

Speaking only for myself, have at it Hoss..

Fuck you and your nonexistent "country"

Unironically the world would be better off if the Jews killed all of you. Look at what you've donw with your land. Jack fucking shit. Say what you will about the Jews, they respect women's rights, they respect democracy, they built an economy and turned the desert into farmlands

Who the fuck is we

You should move to Jordan desu. The holy land belongs to Gods chosen people

>pic related

lol ok

Israel has literally never been in a better position in it's history, before in the 70s every single country in the Middle East wanted Israel crushed, and the Soviet Union would very much want to see that happen

Now all the Gulf states are allies, Egypt is now an ally, Iron Dome is working just fine, Jewish diaspora have ingratiated themselves in politics in all Western countries (for example both Hillary and Trump's top donors were Israel shills). Israel have never been more secure geopolitically.

What do the Palestinians have? A few college campuses trying to do some boycotts. And Intel just made a multi-billion dollar deal with Mobileye a couple days ago, so that's not working out too well

u are beyond saving ye jew


You are literally less worthy of being called humans than the worst of the niggers is.


What the fuck is that?

>they respect women's rights
this is unacceptable

>Is that a metaphor for your grandfathers who were shoved into ovens like fresh pottery?

You won me over with this.

how are such noses even possible

Big noses instead of big genitals.


Here's a (You), faggot.


Looks like an inbred jew from Arkansas

>not knowing who this girl is
>being this new

You're not a country

I agree that obongo tried to hold his own I agree trump is Israeli garbage but hillary Clinton among everything else that makes her the worst person in the world I would never bring myself to vote for a woman

Oh sorry we are friends now than I agree Israel uses and treats there Jews like goyim

But wait this could be a Serbian Jew double bluff because the only reason that Islam is a problem for the west is because of Israel in the first place so FRIG OFF shill

Kikes don't deserve a homeland. That land belongs to the descendents of the people who have farmed and tilled that land for the past 2000 years. It belongs to the palestinians from the river to the sea.

Nu/pol/ won't get in line with this belief, they'd rather work with the jews than understand that there is a difference in supporting Islamic interests. And supporting justified land reclamation on behalf of the native palestinian people.

She could post her picture on facebook and still have an army of white knights. Sorry but in 2017 I don't feel bad for women, ugly or otherwise.

When you danced around in celebration of 911, you lost any goodwill or sympathy for a generation or more.

>Jordanian flag
>JOD in ID


Fuck Palestine

fuck muslims

I hope Israel finishes you human parasites off.

Your "inheritance" is a book, not land dumbass.


As long as you aren't muslim.

I dont think about you at all but fuck israel i root for you

You are on Christian land heathen.

no he's not. it's not christian, muslim or jewish you larping faggot.