Am black and is interested into white girls, but want to save the white race, what do?
Srs Qu3sti0n
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Reverse cuckoldry.
fuck them in the butt, it doesn't count
Fuck Mexicans who are half white.
date whoever you want man. and it's not really your responsibility, but I guess you could try your hand at being a wingman for your white friends?
Find a girl you like, just make sure your kids marry a have sex with a white person. And that there kids do the same.
Over time they will become more white. And if your mulato the generational change will happen faster.
One case of racemixing won't make a damn difference in the end. Find a white wife, have kids and lead a happy life for you and your family. You shouldn't sacrifice your own happiness for something that isn't really your problem.
don't muh dik
Adopt some white kids
Premarital sex is degenerate, as is divorce.
Who gives a shit
Just be open about your support and try to keep things funny. Make us out to be a lesser of two evils. Convince others that whites can be 'used' to your benefit much more than other races.
>has spoken
apply yourself Trey
Kill yourself and hope there are white girls willing to fuck you in heaven.
Redditor spotted
dont downvote pl0x
Cuck spotted. Fuck off , Muhammad .
Honest question, why don't you like niggers?
How has nobody answered this correctly? Only bang jewish girls.
Marry a Jew. They look white enough and the less Jews there are, the better
Fuck off nigger, you are not welcome here.
Jews and Lauren Southern are all yours
Why you gotta hate?
I'm a J.A.P. and I'm not trying to destroy you go.. guys.
be a good dad like terry crews
These two are right. Jews have the looks of whites but are like the fucking plague. Do your part to breed it out of existence
1 post in this thread. Obvious slide thread.
Find a virgin nigger girl for yourself, so you'll probably need to aim for 11 year olds.
Raise her into the kind of wife you want while chasing other niggers away from her.
Whenever you see a white girl and feel the urge to fuck her: go after her aggressively, scare the shit out of her. Make her deathly afraid of black men.
But DO NOT rape her. Do not put your genetic material into her at all.
Are you saying you're against a Jewish woman choosing to marry a black man? How dare you, you racist! Take your internalized anti-semitism and fuck off!
Kek.. is that you?
I don't want the aids/herpes/brokenjewnose to go with a black guy.
>its a Terry Crews thread
trips speeks the truth
as long as white breed more and your offspring breed back into the white race you will be helping the whites
but if they dont it wont be helping
if you are more individualistic just live your life but it may hurt others goals... idk man but you're black. i'm white and native but mostly white probably around 12% native. but have mostly green eyes and brown wavy hair. this race shit is weird dude. honestly i just wish everyone could get along and all races could have their own land and cultures, and also be chill together, intermix some but not on the scale we are now. ultimately i just cannot reconsile the individual person's interests authoritarianism of any kind but understand the individuals interest may not be good for the species. dude this shit is confusing.
To hell with whitey. Get dat ass while you can.
You can save it by not race mixing, encourage nationalism, and stop it with your stupid fetishes.
Fuck white girls but don't have babies with them, problem solved!
I like the way you think buddy.
Give your coalbirners midshark goggles.
Take videos of them getting fucked and post them online and link to their parents and all their facebook friends. Make sure everyone knows she is tainted. Breed her because now no one else will take her and you get to whiten your childrens genes in the process.
That's not how it works buddy
White sperm donor? Maybe have 3 whites to your 1.
Who is this semon demon.
how can ANYONE hate Terry?
Ashley? Werent you already blacked?
Trick question, everyone knows you kikettes covet brown phallus above everything else in life (because you're such gigantic whores on top of being the kikes of the genders)
Go fuck Jaden Smith. He has the dumb arrogance and entitlement of a white girl with a lil feminine body too.
unexpected kek
then you gotta deal with uppity niggerjews. niggers with the verbal iq of jews.
Only the whitest looking mulatto girls and "white" jews.
BLACK some white girls senpai. white genetics get passed on no matter who they breed with. dont let these pathetic white bois convince you that only they are allowed to fuck white girls.
Have her give birth to daughters and have your daughters be perverts and be interested in white boys.
Doooo it OP, just don't let the jigger babies become SJWs
Get them interested in science and math early
You're a fucking hero. Don't kys, and you're not a nigger.
Best comment. Nigger.
This though