My friend and I actually used to do this in highschool just to see where we would end up. We ended up buying lottery tickets in Wyoming.

Good times.

Thats pretty funny

Black people twitter, simply the best

>not turning the armed robbery into a romantic date and re-enacting Natural Born Killers across the ghetto

I remember when we had pennies

This unironically really made me think.

When I dated a Latina there was very little of this shit. But white roasties I've been with who weren't kind of trashy were genuinely interested in this type of stuff. Maybe because I was a boring teenager at the time, idk. But I fucking hated it. They have horrible ideas that take so much fucking time.

But to him, it's not even about that. It's a literal social impossibility and a matter of safety. Anyone who's been through a rough (non-white) part of town knows the consequences of their antisocial incompetence, except hipsters, who are more of a genetic mistake anyway.

Not only did he call out the pumpkin spice tier suggestion of this (it was likely made by an asexual faggot from fucking California who wears fucking flannel and fucking crocs) but he delivered the ultimate redpill about the social realities they face. It doesn't make me pity black people. In fact, in reinforces everything I've learned. But, it really makes you think.

did you win anything?

I mean he's totally right.

Dudes not taking any bullshit.

If only he took a real red-pill and realised that aint "white people shit" but wimmin shit.

Maybe he did, but knew he couldn't call it "woman people stupid selfie shit" to his "girl"friend.

When I went to the US as a kid (about 20 years ago or more), I remember there being pennies everywhere on the ground, especially in cities.

Is this normal?

It's considered pocket lint.

The US economy is waste, r/ selection, usury and abundance mentality against all reason.

I was 2 numbers off from winning 50 million dollars. I was kinda mad.

It just surprised me that there were so many.
I still have a fist full of them in a cupboard somewhere that I bought back.

Surely the homeless must collect them.

Anyone else singing this guy's country name?

I really feel bad for black women sometimes. It's cruel for them to live in a white society.

This was my first thought as well. A lot of people have a hard time wrapping their head around the situations of other people

it's easier for them to sit in one spot and get $5s and $10s from cucks

Yeah, Sup Forums hasn't applied a flag image to Bonaire yet.

Based Nigger telling her the truth, that's hilarious.

What's happening here


Yeah what the fuck did I just watch?

Fuck you fucking leaf canadian fucking faggots for infiltrating our fucking mint everytime I get my change theres a chance your fucking non-round queen faggot pennies with a leaf on them e ds up in my fucking pocket and everystore thunks its okay to give me your fucking faggot leaf pennies but when I try paying/donating with a few pennies on those rare occasions they say they dont take the very faggot leaf pieces of brown leaf shit coins they gave me in the first place.
Your dollars are cool though

What's a bando?

Non white detected

Non white? You mean that nigger speak is coming from a white man?

That's a long drive from where you are

hello yes i am nigger

Bad hombres.

>he doesn't empty his change into a jar every night so as to make use of those pennies, nickels, and dimes
It's not much, but it adds up.


Imitation aquafresh

Bonaire isn't real. Bonaire is a state of mind.

>going on dates
>having a partner

I don't get the appeal.

Hookup aps give me all the sex I want (protip: sex isn't actually any better than jerking off to quality porn, and it's a hell of a lot less convenient) and my dog gives me a far more pure love than any roastie will ever feel.

>(protip: sex isn't actually any better than jerking off to quality porn, and it's a hell of a lot less convenient)
Then why hookup?

stealth rare

Can't hug a fleshlight

I don't bother very much anymore.

Sometimes its nice to cuddle, but you can just jerk off and then lie on the bed next to your dog for the same experience.

No, a better experience, because you don't have to pretend to be interested in cutesy small talk and can shitpost on Sup Forums on your laptop instead.

It's not worth the time and effort to pick up a penny.

You know you're doing well if it's not worth it to pick up a quarter.

It's an abandoned house. Drug dealers use them as hiding places and shops.

I still can't believe I won 200 million dollars sometimes.

> U suck at or only bang ppl who suck at sex

Someone explain this

I had a long response typed out this this but I'm not going to bother talking to a fucking phoneposter.

Because it's funny to trick girls into taking penis in the bum.

only orthodox jews pick them up
homeless stand on a corner and if a thousand people pass him in an hour, 20 will give him $1